I am a P3P owner, I just bought the Mavic, so I have some experience with the DJI drones.
At my first flight (outside) I waited for the GPS lock (it reported more than 10 sats in view), right after i took off it started to warn me about the weak GPS signal.. I didn't care too much coz I was in full control (ATTI).
I flight for 8 minutes (in a confined 2mx2m area) then I moved apart 10 meters... the Mavic suddendly jumped up in the air (it activated the RTH function), then it started to fly at speed near the launch point, but it was off by a couple of meters... for a matter of lucky it landed (tried to) in the mid-high grass.. the props cut the grass but luckily it didn't crashed... the whole time I had no control of the drone neither i couldn't do anything (there was no RTH to cancel)... then suddendly it accepted my left stick up and it gained some height, I finally was able to move out from that point and land in a safety place.
I can understand that I wouldn't had to flight with a full GPS lock... but I never experienced a similar issue with my P3P. Not having the possibility to control the drone while doing it's own things is scary as hell.. it could have landed anywhere.. on the house roof, on my car.. or whatever it had down to it.
Please do something with the software... having a no controllable drone is not acceptable. I rewieved the log on my phone and the path from when it went crazy and the launch point is like a "jump" (probably due to the reported weak GPS signal), while it actually flight there, then I see the message: "Aircraft is close to home point. Return to home mode is now auto landing mode".
I will upload the flight logs asap...