Flight distance : 3963865 ft
United States
I have worked with you on issues before and I think you are a fair person. However, since my earlier thread seems to have been overlooked by DJI I will post my current stance on the "Pro" version.
Here is the problem. DJI ALREADY RELEASED THE MATRICE600PRO and I bought it, and we all "Beta tested" it, never received support or compensation, yet supported them and told them how to fix their issues (deadband/Firmware/A3). Till this day I have not heard back about the Mac firmware issue, yet I did offer advice to several DJI clients when DJI would not.
So if I waited 3 months I would have gotten what I thought I had already ordered and payed for at almost the exact same price point!!!? Everything they have included in the "Pro" version should be included in the regular M600 for these reasons.
1. We thought we were getting what was said and highlighted in the launch video which included most of the so called "upgrades"
2. There is no way to easily attach a Red or Mini to the M600. The video falsely advertised without mentioning extension rods. We should have been notified about the extra products needed. Seems to me like false advertising since I'm supposed to pay for extra equipment. This was NOT mentioned when I bought my the M600 and the video you have put out never really addresses this matter.
3. The M600 should natively have triple modular redundancy to avoid flight issues people are seeing and reporting. I have no doubt this is one reason the pro version is being sold at the same relative price point with this included. When I first set up my M600 I thought I had it wrong. Not so, I still get a swirling and all of my readings and specs are just fine. As well, I cannot for the life of me get a steady video when using my X5. The vibration is terrible.
4. Again, for the "Beta Testers", nothing pre-installed, very vague directions, and the install video is a joke. If all of these came with my M600 I would be ok with installing them myself, however just another subtle slap in the face that I did all the work to install it and for 2 hundred dollars extra I could have a pre-install and a case plus triple modular redundancy?!.
5. Besides Jamie (thank you Jamie), there is absolutely 0 support which caused several people extended delays in flying (especially as it pertains to the deadband issue). I imagine the m600 Pro doesn't have these built in problems. I lost an entire production day (fully paid out crew) due to the lack of support for the m600. Someone could have easily told me the Mac Firmware did not work and it could have saved my company thousands.
So I feel incredibly cheated. DJI passes this off as the pro version but it's not. It's clearly just the version without as many glitches. If I wanted to fly my X5 around I would have used my Inspire1Pro and not buy a $4800 dollar professional system.
I'm asking DJI to offer their M600 "Beta Testers" who received absolutely no tech support, to be allowed to exchange their M600's for the Pro version. This is what's right plain and simple. If this was a regular upgrade that would be fine, however this is not a regular upgrade, this is fixing problems that should have been addressed in the original launch.
Sorry for the long post but I've stuck with DJI for so long and between this and the Mavic launch I'm incredibly frustrated. Jamie I respectfully disagree with you, this is not like a 1000+ upgrade. This is a product correction, and DJI knows full well that the M600 will never be bought due to the tiny price difference (and value) plus extras you are throwing at it. Can you understand how those people feel that bought the M600 and 3 months later see the Pro version being released? If it was announced that a Pro version would be released as well, I would have been happy to look at this objectively. However I'm sorry, this is not right. In fact, something similar happened with an Apple product years back. People felt cheated and they did the right thing and offered their loyal clients money back.
I love DJI products and I will definitely give DJI the opportunity to correct this wrong. I think they deserve a chance to respond to those who feel like they helped point out issues with the M600 in an effort to improve DJI products. PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING AND SEE OUR POINT OF VIEW
I just called them and they told me that they don't even have phone support yet for the Matrice600 product. I was on hold the first time for 48 minutes and was then hung up by the system without talking to anyone. I called back, and got the absolutely rudest person I've ever spoken to at DJI . He literally scoffed at me and told me I was out of luck and to email sales as my only option. His tone was so unprofessional. |