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M600 PRO OUT!!!???
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11760 198 2016-11-9
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Progress is great!! Us that just purchased a M600, I see it's possible to upgrade to the Pro. Will the parts be available soon? Will we be able to purchase these parts for the differance of the two units? That would be fare.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

I'm Interested in that to, but this should have been the M600 in the first place!! feels like the M600 was just a Beta Product, as they haven't even solved the problems my M600 has!
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Dominican Republic
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It doesn't seem that different from the m600 or am I missing something.

I wonder if it even works with all the bugs it's going to have which still haven't been resolved.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

iantansey@gmail Posted at 2016-11-9 21:00
It doesn't seem that different from the m600 or am I missing something.

I wonder if it even works  ...

Will probably have all the same bugs
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Jesper J
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Once again DJI's does a great job at failing fixing the issues for their exsisting customers, now us who purchased the M600 are left with a broken craft and paied for the development of the M600 Pro.

Standart DJI customer service, i should have know better before i purchased the M600.
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Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

iantansey@gmail Posted at 2016-11-10 04:00
It doesn't seem that different from the m600 or am I missing something.

I wonder if it even works  ...

It has improved propellers and has additional vibration dampeners in order to improve stability. You can find out a little more in the FAQ section:
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Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Jesper J Posted at 2016-11-10 06:00
Once again DJI's does a great job at failing fixing the issues for their exsisting customers, now us ...

What issues are you currently experiencing? The standard M600 would still be supported.
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Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

patrick15 Posted at 2016-11-9 19:46
I'm Interested in that to, but this should have been the M600 in the first place!! feels like the M6 ...

The standard M600 isn't a BETA product. I would equate the changes to the differences between the S1000 and S1000+. There are some improvements, but it does not completely overshadow the initial version.
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Jesper J
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DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-10 07:49
It has improved propellers and has additional vibration dampeners in order to improve stability. Y ...

Sorry but it still pisses me off, you should at least give some of the upgrades for free too us who just purchased the M600 with A3 Pro upgrade with the last 3 months, its was more expensive in total, then this Pro version!
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Flight distance : 23047543 ft
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DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-10 14:51
What issues are you currently experiencing? The standard M600 would still be supported.

I am a big Fan of DJI - but your answer here is so rude that I really do not know what to say.

" The standard M600 would still be supported "

Think about what you are answering your customers - and do not tell you dont understand what I mean. A lot of M600 customers feels pissed off and you are answering like this.
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United Kingdom

Jesper J Posted at 2016-11-10 08:13
Sorry but it still pisses me off, you should at least give some of the upgrades for free too us who ...

Guys, I'm as hacked off as anyone over the way DJI have handled the whole A3 and M600 issue. (and the A2 for that matter) However I think it's wrong to have a pop at Jamie who has to take the flack from us all and he does a really good job in circumstances that are effectively out of his control.
DJI obviously do not communicate to their representatives any more than their customers and this puts them in an untenable position. I don't believe they are briefed any more than we are when an update or launch is imminent and consequently they are probably as much in the dark as we are. Under these circumstances I would be extremely frustrated to be put in this position of having to advise on technicalities that come as a complete surprise to me through this forum. I believe Jamie does a good job in impossible circumstances and is certainly not to blame for DJI's  appalling attitude towards it's growing number of dissatisfied customers. It's not surprising that occasionally this frustration is apparent in some replies to posts which don't describe a specific issue.
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Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Nilsblix Posted at 2016-11-11 00:28
I am a big Fan of DJI - but your answer here is so rude that I really do not know what to say.

"  ...

It is pretty much to the point, it's not rude. The standard M600 is still a great product and as I already mentioned, the changes that were added do not completely overshadow the original if you've already installed the A3 Pro upgrades. If you are worried that the original M600 is no longer going to receive support, I'm just saying that you don't need to be. Unfortunately I do not know if the new propellers and extra dampeners are going to be made available for upgrading the original.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23047543 ft
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DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-11 01:45
It is pretty much to the point, it's not rude. The standard M600 is still a great product and as I ...

Do you not understand that "" The standard M600 would still be supported " goes without saying.
That DJI have to underline that is very scary and make me wonder how DJI think of its customers that have bought a high end system just months ago.

I see that it is possible that we are using different language ( and english is not my native ) - and that can be the part of the story here, but still I am scared when a DJI representative have to say" The standard M600 would still be supported " for a system I just bought.
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DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-10 18:45
It is pretty much to the point, it's not rude. The standard M600 is still a great product and as I ...

Issues with my M600:

If i turn it on every time showing me "battery error" for few seconds.

I have to turn it on-off the controllers so many times otherwise no picure on second rc, or no gimbal controll buttons on second rc...

The motors are turning too fast after landing and this makes the landing so scarry if the landing place is not horizontal.

My Ipad air is unusable, sometimes the screen is gray sometimes i can see slowly refreshing. (Only the hdmi outputs are usable)

The "vibration absorver" is unusable. The gimbal sway all the time.

Nice to see your "if you've already installed the A3 Pro upgrades" but my system is only 2weeks old and i don't have the A3 pro upgrade yet. If I buy them (without folding GPS mount exsmple) the cost is 2x higher than the completly installed package. Without better charger, box, folding landing, anti vibration things etc.

So i think i have a completly unusable system and dji made "M600 PRO" instead of fix this problems for many of us. This is why i am feel very frustrated.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23047543 ft
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Felix_ Posted at 2016-11-11 04:47
Issues with my M600:

If i turn it on every time showing me "battery error" for few seconds.

Have you updated your DJi Go app and LB 2 ground unit.

I have done that and it solves most of this problems
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Flight distance : 26468445 ft
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Nilsblix Posted at 2016-11-10 23:02
Have you updated your DJi Go app and LB 2 ground unit.

I have done that and it solves most of this ...

All fw and app was the latest.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23047543 ft
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Felix_ Posted at 2016-11-11 06:45
All fw and app was the latest.

Then it should look like this
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

In addition to what Nilblix provided, could you please provide a list of your set up with your M600?
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-10 12:45
It is pretty much to the point, it's not rude. The standard M600 is still a great product and as I ...

I have worked with you on issues before and I think you are a fair person.  However,  since my earlier thread seems to have been overlooked by DJI I will post my current stance on the "Pro" version.  

Here is the problem. DJI ALREADY RELEASED THE MATRICE600PRO and I bought it, and we all "Beta tested" it, never received support or compensation, yet supported them and told them how to fix their issues (deadband/Firmware/A3).  Till this day I have not heard back about the Mac firmware issue, yet I did offer advice to several DJI clients when DJI would not.
So if I waited 3 months I would have gotten what I thought I had already ordered and payed for at almost the exact same price point!!!?  Everything they have included in the "Pro" version should be included in the regular M600 for these reasons.
1. We thought we were getting what was said and highlighted in the launch video which included most of the so called "upgrades"
2.  There is no way to easily attach a Red or Mini to the M600.  The video falsely advertised without mentioning extension rods.  We should have been notified about the extra products needed.  Seems to me like false advertising since I'm supposed to pay for extra equipment.  This was NOT mentioned when I bought my the M600 and the video you have put out never really addresses this matter.
3.  The M600 should natively have triple modular redundancy to avoid flight issues people are seeing and reporting.  I have no doubt this is one reason the pro version is being sold at the same relative price point with this included.  When I first set up my M600 I thought I had it wrong.  Not so,  I still get a swirling and all of my readings and specs are just fine. As well, I cannot for the life of me get a steady video when using my X5.  The vibration is terrible.
4. Again, for the "Beta Testers", nothing pre-installed, very vague directions, and the install video is a joke.  If all of these came with my M600 I would be ok with installing them myself, however just another subtle slap in the face that I did all the work to install it and for 2 hundred dollars extra I could have a pre-install and a case plus triple modular redundancy?!.
5. Besides Jamie (thank you Jamie), there is absolutely 0 support which caused several people extended delays in flying (especially as it pertains to the deadband issue).  I imagine the m600 Pro doesn't have these built in problems. I lost an entire production day (fully paid out crew) due to the lack of support for the m600. Someone could have easily told me the Mac Firmware did not work and it could have saved my company thousands.

So I feel incredibly cheated.  DJI passes this off as the pro version but it's not.  It's clearly just the version without as many glitches.  If I wanted to fly my X5 around I would have used my Inspire1Pro and not buy a $4800 dollar professional system.  

I'm asking DJI to offer their M600 "Beta Testers" who received absolutely no tech support, to be allowed to exchange their M600's for the Pro version.  This is what's right plain and simple.  If this was a regular upgrade that would be fine, however this is not a regular upgrade, this is fixing problems that should have been addressed in the original launch.  

Sorry for the long post but I've stuck with DJI for so long and between this and the Mavic launch I'm incredibly frustrated.  Jamie I respectfully disagree with you, this is not like a 1000+ upgrade.  This is a product correction,  and DJI knows full well that the M600 will never be bought due to the tiny price difference (and value) plus extras you are throwing at it.  Can you understand how those people feel that bought the M600 and 3 months later see the Pro version being released?  If it was announced that a Pro version would be released as well, I would have been happy to look at this objectively.  However I'm sorry, this is not right.  In fact, something similar happened with an Apple product years back.  People felt cheated and they did the right thing and offered their loyal clients money back.  

I love DJI products and I will definitely give DJI the opportunity to correct this wrong. I think they deserve a chance to respond to those who feel like they helped point out issues with the M600 in an effort to improve DJI products.  PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING AND SEE OUR POINT OF VIEW

I just called them and they told me that they don't even have phone support yet for the Matrice600 product.  I was on hold the first time for 48 minutes and was then hung up by the system without talking to anyone.  I called back, and got the absolutely rudest person I've ever spoken to at DJI .  He literally scoffed at me and told me I was out of luck and to email sales as my only option.  His tone was so unprofessional.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

And in case anyone was wondering, per usual, even though I bought my unit less then 3 months, DJI takes 0 responsibility.  

The following is the message they gave me after explaining the issues described above:

Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.

1. In the video, we say that MX supports RED and Alexa, but we don't say it needs no accessories. And we write it in its user manual.
When customers are ready to buy it, he can contacts us to check whether MX supports his camera.

2. Sorry for that we don't have sales phone support now in North America, and you can email to

3. Sorry but according to your purchase date, it is out of refund period. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Thanks for choosing DJI. Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-10 01:53
The standard M600 isn't a BETA product. I would equate the changes to the differences between the  ...

Could we get a valid explanation for this please?  This is completely ridiculous.  After 3 months there is an "Pro" upgrade.  @Jamie, could you please help us out with this, since most of us here trust you, could you find out if we can trade in our M600's for the fixed M600.. I bought mine on 7-28-16,  and mine was back ordered.  I was never made aware of a Pro version.  I talked to Amos from support and supplied his reply below.  Many of his comments were factually incorrect as he stated that I could have checked the manual.  NOT TRUE considering when I got the M600, there wasn't even a valid Mac firmware that we could read.  Also, there is a Director of Photography featured in your Launch Video who clearly states overblown statements.  I'm not saying I feel this way, however in a court of law I would think this could be considered false advertising.  I actually don't even think the DJI engineers realized that RED's and Mini's did not natively fit on what was included in the M600 kit.  Again, if we watch the launch video -
iIt is misleading at best at the very beginning.  It clearly shows a Red on the M600 and makes ABSOLUTELY NO mention of this at any point.   
Props to DJI notifying the consumer upon checkout about the receiver not being legal in the USA, however they DID NOT notify us about the inability of the M600/RoninMX to natively hold cameras with higher payloads, like the RED featured in the video.  
JAMIE, as the rational voice of DJI, can you please explain at least a few of the concerns on this thread.  My simple request is to send in my M600 and be allowed the exact same upgrades afforded to the "PRO" version.  This is an extremely upsetting issue for a number of us.  Many of us bought the entire M600/Ronin MX combo when we could have easily picked the Alta FreeFlysytems which in the end would come out a little more expensively but with only a fraction of the hassle.  I have had nothing but good experiences with my Tero, they even called me on their off hours to help me out on a crucial setup for HBO.  However, I can't even get anyone on the phone from DJI since they don't have phone support!!!
DJI-Jamie could you please advise us in this matter?
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Krankie Posted at 2016-11-12 04:42
Could we get a valid explanation for this please?  This is completely ridiculous.  After 3 months  ...

I do understand where you're coming from, especially since the price point between the two are quite minimal when compared to the upgrades needed to put it in the same field. The standard M600 have worked under the single A3 IMU and GPS set up. I can agree that the stipulation for extra components to make the MX compatible with the larger RED series cameras could be more apparent in the Online Store in order to better avoid buying them on the back end. I really don't know if a trade in or upgrade would be possible, but I can look into it. Going from the standard A3 to the A3 Pro configuration would be a stretch, but the other stabilization components like the extra vibration dampeners and new propellers might not be.

In regards to the promotional video, it's made to be a basic overview and don't go into that much detail as to what went into that particular rig. I couldn't tell you if this was made before or after it was realized that the SRW-60 was not allowed for aerial use in North America, but it's something that DJI has been working to get lifted so that it can be used the same way as everywhere else.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-11 17:43
I do understand where you're coming from, especially since the price point between the two are qui ...

Hey Jamie,
Thanks man, I appreciate yah.
If you don't mind looking in to this for us as I really feel strongly about this situation, that would be greatly appreciated.  I really do think if you are going to offer the triple redundancy A3pro package for so close of a price point,  you really are upsetting a ton of people.  Many who have not even heard about this yet.  If I was DJI, they may want to re-think this, as I would definitely say there is a little bit of false advertising on this one whether it was intended or not.  I think its safe to say every single person that bought the M600 would GLADLY buy the PRO if they new about it.  Like I said before, it feels like we were tricked.  As you know, I was one of the first few people to start posting about the M600 3 months ago.  You helped me out a lot, and I thank you for that.  However you also saw how many issues the drone was having.  Even today I think the M600 is experiencing a swirling issue, and yes it is set up perfectly!!!  I already listed all of the issues below so I won't go on.

Anyways,  thanks as always Jamie.  You have always been fair on this forum and I appreciate that and I bet all of your other clients do to.   Lets try and work this out so everyone feels like they are getting the best possible product in the fairest possible way.  I am more then happy to hear you out.

Thanks man
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

A trade In would be a great solution, I would be ok If I could trade in my M600 +A3 Pro, although I paid more for both then the M600Pro costs.
Today I sent a E-Mail to DJI explaining my problems and asked for a Trade in, Refund, and otherwise asked how they plan to fix several issues. I will let you know what they have to say.

I hope DJI can come up with a good solution for everyone, so we can happily buy more stuff from DJI and not look elsewhere.

Thank you Jamie for looking into it.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

P.R Posted at 2016-11-12 12:14
A trade In would be a great solution, I would be ok If I could trade in my M600 +A3 Pro, although I  ...

Just to clarify, how long have you had this rig?
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United Kingdom

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-12 04:25
Just to clarify, how long have you had this rig?

Jamie... My M600 is one month old... Can I trade it back for a pro version?  
DJI are going to loose all faith with pro users, unless you show some degree of customer support.

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Flight distance : 26468445 ft
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DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-11 01:31
In addition to what Nilblix provided, could you please provide a list of your set up with your M600?

My setup is: M600, Ronin MX, Dual controller, SRW-60G, Ipad Air and Ipad Air2
Latest fw...
And the battery error for a second after every powering up.

I know the half charged battery but it's only couse i've charged them for storage couse like this the system is unusable. But all the same with fully charged battery.

I bought mine at oct 12 and really hope DJI will trade in!

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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-12 05:25
Just to clarify, how long have you had this rig?

I bought it on September 20th and I had problems with it since October 10th when i bought the A3 Pro.And I start to have that whining Motor noise.

Thank you
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Cymon66 Posted at 2016-11-12 16:16
Jamie... My M600 is one month old... Can I trade it back for a pro version?  
DJI are going to loos ...

A trade in is not likely. What I can look into is seeing if the other stabilizing components can be provided to the standard M600 users. I'm unsure if you bought yours from a dealer or how much into the extra accessories you put in, but you could try to look into a return with your dealer an get the M600 Pro if that's what you're aiming for. I cannot guarantee that this option is possible, since you would be held to your dealer's return policy, but it never hurts to try.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1544416 ft
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United States

I think that would be a except-able solution to this. I also ordered thru Multicopter Warehouse on 9/20/2016. Received it in October. Put it together and flew it twice without MX. Still trying to get the GH4 and MX working right. 500.00 difference would have been a no brainer. This would be a fare solution to be able to get the upgrades to make our M600 more stable, and perform as advertised. Please keep us advised.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Felix_ Posted at 2016-11-12 20:27
My setup is: M600, Ronin MX, Dual controller, SRW-60G, Ipad Air and Ipad Air2

Latest fw...

So was this happening right out of the box or was this after a firmware update or a hard landing?
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

Cymon66 Posted at 2016-11-12 03:16
Jamie... My M600 is one month old... Can I trade it back for a pro version?  
DJI are going to loos ...

I asked them and this is the response with all names redacted out of respect.

"Dear X,

Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.

About our after-sales policy, you can check it here:

The return period of our products is 7 calendar days since receiving it.

The warrant period of 6 to 12 months is for repair, but not for return or exchange.

For the issues you mentioned, you just can contact us to tell your specific questions, so we can try to help you. If it cannot be solved remotely, you can send it in for diagnosis and repair. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Thanks for choosing DJI. Have a nice day!
Best Regards, "

So basically they completely ignored my question once I pressed them on the issue.  Also, I'm not sure what's going on with my account,  however since I've started asking this question on the forum,  my forum notification have stopped.  I'm sure it's a coincidence, but kind of weird.

If this problem is going to be solved we need to reach management or file a group complaint.  The administrators don't seem to even want to ask their managers about the issues as I have found out.  

SO far I have been cut down by phonel support, chat support and now email support.  I would also like to note that Apple, one of DJI's partners,  had a very similar issue.  Apple did the correct thing and offered concessions to their customers.  The time between my purchase and the PRO version was 2 months.   

Those of you effected by this issue please make your opinion known.  I have found out that it is only then that you can reach DJI management.  As much as I like Jamie, I'm not sure what he can do except for relaying the message.
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Flight distance : 535226 ft
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Hi !

Point 10 of the FAQ

10. Does the M600 Pro support GEO?

this means that M600 can fly without restrictions or it can't fly on restricted zones ?

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Flight distance : 26468445 ft
  • >>>

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-13 01:01
So was this happening right out of the box or was this after a firmware update or a hard landing?

Before the first flight i did a fw update. All of my problems have since i bought. As i've seen many users have the same problems so i thought i should wait for the new fw. Not for the M600 Pro...
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-12 19:01
So was this happening right out of the box or was this after a firmware update or a hard landing?

Jamie my friend,

Do you think you could talk to management for us to see if we have the option of upgrading to the M600Pro.
I think we should at least have the opportunity to pay the extra $500 to get what is included with the Pro version.  This way you get your cost back, and it avoids having a lot of pissed of customers.  I'm sure as people see that you launched a Pro version, people are going to pile on, and I know from the few folks I've talked to about this, that they are not going down without a fight.  
I just believe it is fair for us to have the opportunity to upgrade since this was such a quick release.  It seems weird to even call it a "Pro" version since it's already a Pro Systems unit.   Please help !!
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Flight distance : 193294 ft
South Korea

WTF  ?
I bought M600 2 month ago !!!
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United Kingdom

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-11-12 23:48
A trade in is not likely. What I can look into is seeing if the other stabilizing components can b ...


With the greatest of respects, DJI owe ALL M600 (existing customers) some sort of upgade option.

To leave loyal customers who have spent a lot of money and patience putting up with a very "buggy" M600 and then putting on the market a fully loaded "pro" version with all the bugs ironed out (because of our feedback) just aint fair or right buddy !   I'm off to HK today and i fully expect to have some serious words with people in your "flagship Store" about this...

Do the right thing....... An upgrade kit is no skin off DJI's back?   I'm not asking for it free, but at least a 3 month upgrade period at a sensible price !
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Krankie Posted at 2016-11-13 20:46
Jamie my friend,

Do you think you could talk to management for us to see if we have the option o ...

The question has been proposed and it's up do management to see if any kind of concession can be offered.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Cymon66 Posted at 2016-11-14 18:52

With the greatest of respects, DJI owe ALL M600 (existing customers) some sort of upgade opt ...

See above post.
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