I get a blinking red light on the charging hub. controler, batteries, and phone no longer taking a charge. unpluged everything and plugged straight to battery and it will not take a charge. Flymore combo flys no more.
I'm sorry you are having difficulties, can you please take a quick video and I can see if I see anything wrong.
So if you don't use the hub and connect the battery directly to the AC adapter it still will not charge?
There's also firmware for the hub, try that to see if it works. https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/ ... ry+Charging+Hub.pdf
I assume I use the DJI assistant 2 to find the firmware? nothing is happening.. also, wouldn't that just be for the hub? the battery does not accept a charge using just the adaptor without the hub.. but it does take a charge from the car charger.. leading me to believe the AC adaptor is no good...