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Cancelled order on Mavic from B&H Photo and Video
2664 3 2016-11-13
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Rodger Marjama
United States

Too many inconsistencies in the DJI business model for me to continue dealing with through B&H Photo & Video. My Osmo+ has had it's share of problems from the start, the worse was it jumping to an unrecoverable out of focus condition if bumped enough while mounted on my bike. This issue was posted here just when it happened but was left undealt with after one post from a moderator. Because of this and other problems with this Osmo+, I decided to return the unit to B&H Photo and Video. Unfortunately, they claim their agreement with DJI will not allow them to do returns?!?! I am told I must deal with a 3rd party on all after sales matters. Because of this, and after careful consideration, I have decided to cancel my pending order of the Mavic from B&H. I am trying to get a refund on the Osmo+ and all the additional hardware purchased for it from this 3rd party B&H said I have to deal with, but I am not holding my breath waiting.

DJI, you should understand people in the United States do not appreciate being shuffled around. At least I do not. If your products are such that too many people are requesting refunds, you need to address the real issues that cause this, prior to selling you products here, instead of forcing people into bad situations having to deal with a 3rd party that has no vested interest in the customer at all. Forcing vendors to lose money doing refunds because you will not reimburse them for the refund is simply unacceptable. Forcing purchasers to use a 3rd party in all matters after sale is also unacceptable. I am a business person and own a few business's. If I had taken this approach to selling my products and service, I would have been out of business 30 years ago. Bad idea.

I would not be surprised to see this post removed. I would not be surprised to see my forum registration revoked. I say this only because of what I have already seen of DJI and their business model.

Sad but true.

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Flight distance : 475850 ft
United States

How long did you have your Osmo+ before deciding to return it?  Other than the problem with the bike what issues are you seeing?  I have a Osmo Mobile and I've seen some firmware updates since I bought it to fix some issues with it but I can't imagine ever getting to the point where I'd want to return it for a full refund - especially if I'm past the warranty time of the product.  I too preordered a Mavic and I'm very excited to start shooting with that as well.  
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Rodger Marjama
United States

POTUS Posted at 2016-11-13 14:26
How long did you have your Osmo+ before deciding to return it?  Other than the problem with the bike ...

Long time customer at B&H and have never had problems with them in the past.  Everything I have ever bought had a 30 return window, so did the Osmo+ as far as I knew because it did not say anything about what transpired being the case for this sale.  I had it about 2-1/2 weeks or so.  Today was the 30 day mark.  As to problems there are a number of them.  No 4K playback to my Moto G3, so I cannot use 4K without another way to do playback unless I don't care if I get the shot I want or not.  The camera wanders quite a bit, especially on the bike.  Focus is very slow, sometimes not at all unless I tap the screen again to get it to focus.  This is with auto focus on.  DJI Go also locks up periodically for no apparent reason I have found.  Normal 1080p-60 almost does not playback either.  I suppose there are a few more I am forgetting, but the real problem is this camera isn't designed to be used on a bike, even though dji makes a bike handlebar mount.  Since this is the specific purpose for my purchase, it is a loss to me if I cannot get a refund to spend on a better camera for my purpose.  The reason for canceling the Mavic is because I simply do not want to go though a 3rd parting if I need a refund. The purpose of the Mavic was to aid in my biking adventures in multiple different ways.  But until it is in my hands how am I suppose to believe it does a "Follow me" well enough to trust it.  How about holding an altitude and tracking me with the camera?  Will it do this, or just sometimes do it, or maybe not too well. Too many other ways to get good video capture if this Mavic does not do what I am told it is suppose to do.  And if it really does not to what it is suppose to and I want a refund, then what?  Besides I just do not like the idea of being pressed into "do it my way or else" scenario.  It's my money, if anyone is going to get it, it will be under normal conditions of sale, not some made up stuff to keep returns at a minimum because people are not getting what they were sold and what they paid for.

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United States

Thank you for your orders and this feedback. We regret your dissatisfaction. The pending order has been canceled, per your request. Your credit card was never charged so no refund is due.

You are correct -- DJI requires reported product difficulties like yours must be verified by a third-party company before resolution. We regret you find this unsatisfactory but it will be handled as quickly and efficiently as possibly.
Henry Posner
B&H Photo-Video
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