TIPS For Phantom Advanced and Pro as well as Inspire 1
READ THE WHOLE PAGE , TRUST ME , 2 MINUTES HERE COULD SAVE YOU WEEKS OF GRIEF Updates that are current will look something like this on the Inspire 1 ( July 2017 anyway ) Overview:
1. All-in-One firmware version updated to v01.11.01.50.
2. DJI GO app iOS version updated to v3.1.13.
3. DJI GO app Android version updated to v V3.1.8.
What’s New:
1. Updated No Fly Zone Management.
2. For increased safety, the flight is restricted to a height of 30 m and distance of 50 m when not connected or logged into the app during flight, including DJI GO and all apps compatible with DJI aircraft
1. Make sure you restart both the aircraft and remote controller after updating them to the latest firmware. Otherwise, video downlink may be unstable. Re-link the aircraft with the remote controller if they are disconnected.
2. Please note that firmware update may reset various Main Controller Settings, such as the RTH Altitude and Maximum Flight Distance, to factory defaults. Before the update, take note of your preferred DJI GO settings, and readjust them after the update to suit your preference.
3. Aircraft version v01.11.01.50 and camera version v01.10.01.40 should be displayed in DJI GO. The version will only display correctly in DJI GO after connecting to the Internet when upgrade is complete.
4. Remote controller version v1.7.80 or above should be used together. Make sure you update the remote controller to version v1.7.80 or above. - Keep in mind you do not have to update, ( UNLESS you are on the latest GO APP , as of July 2017 IOS 3.1.13 and Droid 3.1.8 . The system will Not work properly if you dont , so If you have the latest Go app installed you will need to be current as of July 2017 . This is one reason I DO NOT HAVE AUTO UPDATES on my go app device , to prevent situations like this .
I for one have found the latest update of 1.8 for the AC and 1.7 for the RC have caused some glitches in the system. I am currently on the latest go app 3.1.5 & 1.6 for the RC and 1.8 on the AC. So if you are happy with the performance of your sytem you can just stay put, you will have a warning in the go app that you are not up to date but no big deal. Please keep in mind you can only rollback to the previous firmware in order, so just keep this in mind before updating, I go into more detail in the description below. Keep in mind if the go app gets advanced it may not be able to work with older firmware on the System., Just have to use your judgement. ( I AM CURRENTLY UP TO DATE ON THE FW AS OF APRIL 2017 )
-Before updating anything (IF you have a NEW System) , be sure to register with DJI on the Go App First. If you fail to do so , it can cause the motors not to start. So register first, this will also make sure you have proper internet connection with DJI Servers.
-If you own a brand new system be sure to register first then do the updates. If you are on your second or third DJI device do NOT skip this registration , If you update the system before registering , you could get in the trick bag.
- After 1.3 AFirmware update FOR the Transmitter is NOT through the SD Card it is through The DJI go app and WI-FI connection. MUST HAVE WI- FI CONNECTION WITH INTERNET ACCESS. ( It can be done but you must use special files that are for the RC only also it will only work till version 1.6 after that DJI got on to my little trick . Just update via the go app, I have a seperate tutorial for those who get in the shi& on the RC later on in this Novel I seem to be writing)
-Always update the aircraft first. This is Mandoatory in some cases during updates. For example on the Inspire 1 update 1.8 it must be done in this order to prevent problems with the aircraft getting stuck in Travel mode .
-DO NOT UPDATE THE RC AND THE AIRCRAFT AT THE SAME TIME. I realize you want to do this quickly but the transmitter will still be putting out signal and the aircraft will be looking for one. This is a sure way to damage the equipment . DO ONLY ONE AT A TIME
-When updating the Transmitter , use a dedicated reliable WI-FI system. Avoid using Cellular systems if possible (Phone calls , etc) You want to make sure to close all apps besides the GO App as well. Do NOT interupt the upload. Make sure the cable from the Transmitter to the Go App is Pristine and Perfect.
-Make sure you download the proper firmware. If you have the Pro make sure not downloading for the Raw, Advanced or Standard. Double check!
ON THE DOWNLAODS PAGE FOR THE AIRCRAFT YOU WILL SEE A BOX WITH THE WORDS"PRODUCT SELECT "IF YOU do not have the X3 you MUST pick your camera first , then you will see the proper version to download . You must use the FW for both cameras for the Cameras to work properly if say you have the X3 and X5 . So what I do is load my X3 to the Aircraft , I then select the FW with the X3 as my camera, then I load it to the camera and after it finishes ( I of course look for the "success" on the sd card ) Then I load the X5 camera and pick the X5 from the drop down. " Product Select " in the rectangular box and load that FW. It wont take long because the AC is already loaded and will just skip the AC. ( I personally own the X3 and the X5 so I must load BOTH )**** -Make sure you only download the Bin File to the FRESH FORMATTED SD CARD Root Directory. Root directory is just a fancy name for " Make sure it is not in a file or folder " Make sure the BIN file is the only thing on the SD card.
-Make sure transmitter is NOT ON when downloading Firmware to aircraft via SD card (VERY IMPORTANT) and Aircraft is not on when updating the Transmitter !
Keep in mind the update firmware for the Aircraft and the RC transmitter are NOT the same , in the early days of the Inspire and Phanotms the FIRMWARE ( FW ) were the same but after version 1.3 they are seperate. So you dont update the RC transmitter with files fOR the Aircraft. True there are files ( VIA THUMB DRIVE ETC.) to update the RC out there but they are special files and usually have a C1 designation in the link , these files only work before version 1.6 and work espscailly well when the RC transmitter has a blue light stuck "on" from usually an aborted FW update . So bottom line 95% of the time update via the go app using a wi fi connection to the go app device and going through the System Status page to do an update . BE SURE TO UPDATE THE AIRCRAFT FIRST .
-When installing SD with firmware to the Aircraft, make sure AIRCRAFT is OFF . Then turn on aircraft, the firmware will then begin load. For example : 1- Load sd card with firmware to the aircraft 2- turn on aircraft 3-download should begin within 60-90 seconds
-You can jump FROM 1.3 TO 1.11 dont forget if you go from 1.3 to 1.10 there are battery updates . You must load the batteries one by one to the aircraft, it will only take a few minutes once the Aircraft has been updated.( you cant update from say 1.2 to 1.10 must be on MINIMUM of 1.3 )
-All the firmware numbers for the RC - aircraft- Go App - Camera WONT ALWAYS BE THE SAME MATCHING NUMBERS . For example 1.7 for the Transmitter and 1.11 for the Aircraft. Just understand these numbers may or may not be the same ( match ) a better term is COMPATIBLE .
-Sometimes only the aircraft gets an update and not RC Transmitter Read the pdf on the downloads page so you know what’s going on for example is only for the aircraft and batteries. ( The PDF ( release notes ) is just a file with simple word processor information , this is located on the same page as the downloads for each aircraft or camera system , just lookaround the downloads page for it, usually on the right side of the page . )
-Make sure to read what each update is effecting. For example will require each battery to be updated as well. Keep Informed. If you own a new system you must update each of the batteries as well. Just load them to the Aircraft when the last FW has updated and then just keep reloading the batteries, they will only take a few minutes to load up because it is only the battery getting updated at this point .
-Macs’ sometimes do not format SD cards well. When Formatting success is in doubt FORMAT ON THE AIRCRAFT, go to camera settings on dji go app main screen open the tool icon , on near bottom is Format SD card option. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE FAT 32 ON MACS IF SO INCLINED to Format . USE A PC TO UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE AT ALL ( AND YOU ARE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECT FIRMWARE ON THE SD CARD ) , I HAVE SEEN THIS COUNTLESS TIMES WHEN MEMBERS ARE HAVING ISSUES , I DONT KNOW WHY , I JUST KNOW TO USE A PC IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES AND 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 IT WILL THEN WORK.
-When Updating has begun on the aircraft you will hear a "Four beat tone" dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd and flashing green and red lights . LISTEN CAREFULLY
-Updates sometimes take a while, wait for the tone to change to a " One beat pause two beat tone" d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd or the solid green light even better. ( Phantom Camera Gimbal Assembly ) when you hear this the update is done. IF YOU CANT STAND THE BEEPING PUT IT IN THE GARAGE FOR A WHILE , BUT DONT INTERUPT IT , THE LONGEST I HAVE EVER HEARD WAS 1.5 HOURS. It should be done in less than 20 minutes but give it time . UNLESS you hear the finish tone or the solid fail tone which is no beat DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, then it has failed and no amount of time will help .
-If you hear a long " No pause beat " dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd update has failed. Try again. Remove SD card and Place in computer and look at the File "Result" or the Hidden file to get to the Nitty Gritty. Tutorial. (Link below )
-Updating is not an option for just the aircraft, IF there is also an update at that time for the Transmitter you MUST do it.
-To find out your current Firmware: Make sure The Aircraft, Transmitter, and GO-APP are all on. Now go to the “Main Video Flight Screen” , Tap the right hand corner for “ Settings” on the Very Left Bottom of tab icons you will see - - - this is the “ General Settings Go to “About “ Here you will find current Firmware on each device. If you only see the “App Version it is because you did not turn everything on .
-If you load the firware with success but it does not update in the “About” section on the Go App “General Settings” be sure to Re- Boot your Device with the Go App, also restart the aircraft and Transmitter .
-If you get a + sign after you install the firmware, (ie: or any recent update with the old firmware with a + sign after it. It is OK, re-boot and make sure your device ( GO APP) has wi-fi and internet access. It should update to the correct FW once it is up to date with DJI servers. ( This may take a couple days though because of all the updates) Keep in mind the + means it IS UPDATED , just needs to confirm with the DJI servers . Sometimes if you just sync the files it will work update also . ( like I said dont worry , just aslong as you have the + sign go fly , it will update soon )
-Make sure when you are powering up to fly you always do it in theis order : 1 RC Transmitter 2 Aircraft 3 Go app You can have your device ( I-pad or whatever ) "on" when you place it on the RC cradle but do NOT have that Go App opened up( till all else is on ) Make sure you have no other apps opened in the backround. Be sure to "Enable Hardware Decode" on the go App. (This is for apple devices only apparently ) This takes some of the strain off the processor for better performance. I pad Minis can give video trouble -Not all but several version Mostly 1 & 2. If youhave video problems try a I pad air or Pro , I have rarely seen any problems with these .
-Be sure to calibrate the IMU , Gimbal and RC , Anytime there is a FW update, this is recomended. Thanks to MJLstudios for the "Tip"
- You cant Rollback the Battery Firmware once installed. Once Installed that’s it. ( Battery Only)
-When doing a Rollback, confirm the Current firmware on the Aircraft and then Rollback Firmware in Order. If at 1.6 you can only Rollback to 1.5. If at 1.7 can only rollback to 1.6 etc. YOU CAN ONLY ROLLBACK ONE VERSION (of firmware) ON THE AIRCRAFT THAT IS IT .
- Updates are all in one , so when you update to the latest it has all the data from all the previous versions as well " All in One " so you can jump from say 1.3 to 1.11 just remeber to update ALL your batteries as well.
***Remember you can only rollback one version of the FW, so if at 1.9 on the AC can only go back to 1.8. It does not matter if you jumped from 1.3 to 1.10 You still can only go back to 1.8 if you updated to 1.9. ( I AM BEING REDUNDENT HERE BUT THIS IS ASKED A THOUSAND TIMES )
*** The go app will auto update on you if you have it selected to auto update on your go app device , I have an I pad and i simply go to the settings and trun off the auto update for the go app. Older versions can be stored on I tunes, but once again , make sure you have that not set to auto update as well for the go app . Some members dont like the new updates to the go app and find there is no way to go back if they did not have it stored on the I tunes page or however the android system stores it , that I dont know. I just play it safe and update the go app AFTER I see it is working well and there are no glitches that I have to wait for the next go app to resolve........IT HAPPENS , TRUST ME .
*****REMEMBER TO FORMAT THE SD CARD THAT HAS THE UPDATE ON IT WHEN YOU FINISH "OR"ONLY USE A CERTAIN SD CARD FOR UPDATING THE AIRCRAFT . SOME MEMBERS HAVE REPORTED VIDEO ISSUES IF THE UPDATE FILE IS LEFT ON THE SD CARD. THE FILE IS USUALLY STORED ON THE COMPUTER DOWNLOADS PAGE , ONCE YOU DOWNLOAD IT TO THE AIRCRAFT THERE IS NO REASON TO KEEP IT STORED ON THE SD CARD. Inspire 1 = HOW TO RE LINK ***After you do an update ( or reset the RC of presets ) to the AC and Or RC you may loose connection between the RC transmitter and the aircraft . Once you confirm that you have the proper updates on the AC and RC go to the Remote contol Settings tab on the go app. go to the bottom and in blue highlight it will say "Linking Remote Controler". Before you press that , make sure you can find the Red link button on ther aircraft , it is inside the Main fuselage behind the right top silver nose cone screw , ( You do NOT have to take anything apart to find it ) may need a flashlight to see it. Once you find it have the AC and RC on and press link button on Go app , you will then have 60 seconds to press the red button on the aircraft, press and hold that button in firmly for about 5 seconds, let go . You should then have a success box on the go app.
*****If you get any message that says something like "Confirm Frequency " then more than likely you are not on compatible Firmware on the RC and it will need to be updated first . Once you update to a matching ( better term is compatible ) then you can try to relink once again.
Below is a list of Updates and the proper RC firmware to make things compatible . ( may not be up to date , I will do my best to edit but it may get slighlty outdated )
3 (Inspire 1) - Jan '15 - Feb '15 - Mar '15 - Apr '15 - May '15 - May '15 - Aug '15 - Sept '15 - Dec '15 - Dec '15 - R/C 1.5.70 - Mar '16 - R/C 1.5.80 - Apr '16 - R/C 1.6.0 - June '16 - R/C 1.6.0 - July '16 - R/C 1.7.40 - Dec '16. R/C 1.7.60 July '17 R/C 1.7.80
X5 (Inspire Pro) - Nov '15 - Dec '15 - Dec '15 - Mar '16 - Apr '16 - R/C 1.6.0 - June '16 - R/C 1.6.0 - July '16 - R/C 1.7.40 - Dec '16 R/C 1.7.60 July -'17 R/C 1.7.80
I hope this helps anyone with and update challenge , Please add your tips and I will add them to the list.
Sorry if I repeat myself , I do that sometimes. If you have any comments or would like to add something to the list , plese let me know .
All the best to you and yours - donnie