Flight distance : 431417 ft
If you launch from the bottom of the hill, you will still be limited to whatever max height you set... i.e. If you set the height to 120M, then the Mavic will not fly above 120M... However, I think the rules regarding flying next to a physical feature like a mountain/building is that you are allowed to exceed the max height restriction if you are within 120M of the object... i.e. you are allowed to follow a mountain up above 120M from your take off point as long as you are within 120M of the mountain at all times.
If you take off from the top of the hill/mountain, you will be able to fly all the way down to the bottom of the hill/mountain and fly back up to your take off location, + up to the max height of 120M above your location. Again, if I remember the rules correctly, you will need to keep within 120M of the hill/mountain at all times when you are descending...
You'll need to confirm if the UAS rules are correct... I'm going by what I remember reading... |