Flight distance : 165105 ft
UnlimiteDrone@g Posted at 2016-12-7 00:10
Would love to see you trying to hook up your case to your Spyder
I´m not averse to buy this kit but the Mavic is on top of my list.
Drone World produce really cool kit and I will check their offers next year.
Yes, many pilots here already have the marvelous Mavic, or are waiting for their new collapsible drone to arrive.
I can strap the Nanuk 945 to my passenger seat and still rYde my SpYder RS-S in relative comfort. The SpYder I rYde isn't geared for towing, like the RT (Road Touring) models are, and they have a trailer hitch for the Can Am trailers that Bombardier build, they are awesome. My Roadster is more of a sport model, and more peppy than the bigger much larger models are. Very fast off the line... Crotch Rockets are surprised when I leave them at the lights. HaHa
I had actually considered buying a Nanuk 950 case, but it was just too big to be fun, and substantially heavier as well. Heck, the Nanuk 945 is 12lbs empty, so it's already a chore to carry, when full with my complete flight kit. But one of the reasons I love it, over my DJI branded hardshell backpack is the intelligent flight battery carrying capacity. It will hold one battery in the drone and has compartments for storing six more. And that is awesome, so now I'm in the market for three more flight packs. The bundled package above seems like it has everything that one would desire and then some.
But it is lacking one important key component that I have already added to my kit. And if you are familiar with my posts over the last three months you probably already know what I'm going to say. Two words, Lume Cubes. Haha
Anyway, several forum members are keen to these already and know how much value they can add to your drone.
They improve orientation visibility much, but are actually great in the photography arena too...
Ok, enough about me. What are some of the additions that you have added to your flight kit that you couldn't fly without?
List them, in their importance to your hobby drone. ;-)
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