Flight distance : 868740 ft
United States
Holy Phantom Drone Gods, I found it!
It was right in the middle of the fairway of a snow covered golf course, not even stuck in a tree. It was hard to spot a white Phantom in the middle of white snow, but there it was. Watching the video, it looks like it landed perfectly like a feather, fully under control at a slow speed. After landing at some point, It does appear to have been blown about 50 ft along the ground based on where it landed in the video vs. where it ended up 3 days later (heavy winds the last few days).
SO NOW MY NEXT QUESTION FOR EVERYONE: How best to test it to see if anything is broken? Do I just fly it and see what happens or are there internal tests I can run somehow?
- It has been about 20F to 30F during the day the past 2.5 days that it has been sitting outside.
- It has gotten down to about 16F at night.
- It has been very windy and light snow, but the Phantom wasn't covered in snow or anything. So mostly blowing snow against it for 2 days.
- Externally it looks fine... nothing appears to be broken. Camera lens not scratched, fins aren't broken (thankfully had fin guards on).
- The battery turns on just enough to flash the 1 green light at me to tell me it is out of juice.
Currently I have it thawing out in the garage, my arbitrary theory being it is better to warm up gradually rather than bring it in the house right away. I haven't yet tried recharging the battery.
Do I just charge the battery once it is warm, pop it in the Phantom and try to hover a few feet of the ground to see what happens? Or should I do something else first?
(And thanks again everyone for your well wishes) |