promotion video of Philip Bloom
1946 9 2015-2-13
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After all the bad experiences with the quality of the Inspire1 and with the service, I need a serious conversation with Mr. Philip Bloom who I always treated as an integer person. No further comments.
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Give this product to a western quality controller, perhaps it will help to make this nice "toy" (as actually not really for professional use) to become adult. Proof is all the forum comments crying for better product and service. DJI counts on you, not on their own engineers, what a shame. No further comments.
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Time to legal procedures as Sublime19 suggests in this comment: By now i am almost ready to call the consumers legal rights in Europe because i really think this is not the way thinks should work, specially for a 3K product. I own various Sony cameras and other professional gear and they all have been quick to resolve any issues. I was thinking about buying a Dji Ronin for my FS700 but now i will save my money for the freefly stuff, i really don't have time to spend with this kind of issues. I am feeling really annoyed with all the experience so far
Living in China I really think about it too ! Too much loosing expensive time with this product and service. The (professional) features and quality published about this toy does not match reality.
Who joins action ?
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United Kingdom


What exactly are the issues you are having with your Inspire? I think we all knew there were going to be teething problems with the first release of such a complex product. I'm hoping that DJI (which I think they are) are replacing/repairing where faults have caused genuine loss.
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Flight distance : 599049 ft
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Renaat Posted at 2015-2-13 21:03
Give this product to a western quality controller, perhaps it will help to make this nice "toy" (as  ...

I do not know what you expect from ispire
not even say what the problem is, I do not think you're talking about stability or quality of filming
I think at least 100 users, can confirm that (although not perfect) works very well.
I myself believe that the value quality vs price is great (and I deal with of mechanical aeronautical
if you want to bring to light something, give us some examples, otherwise your useless cries, represent nothing
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The Fly Guy


I had so much trouble with more then one professional gear and after a while FW updates fixed the issues.

the inspire is not deferent and i'm sure Dji will fix the issues sooner or later.
at the end lets not forget how complex machine this drone is.

My guess would be that we will have a new FW update for the inspire in 3-4 weeks that will fix the issues, and by the time will add more options.
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United States

Renaat Posted at 2015-2-13 21:14
Time to legal procedures as Sublime19 suggests in this comment: By now i am almost ready to call the ...

I am in.  I am disgusted with DJI.  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2710115 ft
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lucaoms Posted at 2015-2-13 22:45
I do not know what you expect from ispire
not even say what the problem is, I do not think you're t ...

Yes you say this now till you end up in a position that your Inspire took off and smashed in pieces.
The overall release of this product was not executed properly, I am not saying it's a bad product, I love my inspire, however every time I fly it's always plaguing my mind when is it going to happen to me, hope not but you never no.
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Offline Posted at 2015-2-14 01:43
Yes you say this now till you end up in a position that your Inspire took off and smashed in piece ...

Exactly that is what I call a toy. Having respect for the complexity of the product, DJI has not to present a half finished product on the market. Do you want to buy and drive a car not being sure the breaks work ?
I will not repeat all the problems with the DJI, you find plenty on the forum. If you bring a product to the public at least +/- all issues should be solved. Now the DJI flyers are the testers with their 3k toy, you find it normal ? What I really find the worst is the lack of response of the DJI after sales ! Each time my wife calls DJI in Chinese, the answers are very disappointing, not professional, not solving the problem and promises to answer you during the day, forget it.
I also feel so sorry with the clients who needed to wait for more as a month to get their toy, knowing that I got it in 3 days, using the legal use of Tmall in China. All what I said here in the forums can be proved as I stocked all conversations and mails, but too tired of it to repeat all the time.  
As experienced with chinese products, (often called by western as chinese rubbish), I can say, the chinese products are not bad (copied or not from the west), but they always miss the final touch !! This on the contrary with the Japanese products. I was driving the first Toyota at my 18 yo, I see what the Japanese did  during 40 years, a perfect product. I just bought a Sony FS7, a very high tech product with some issues too, but a positive communication with the after sales service soften all this small issues and you have a good feeling. With DJI I have a bad feeling not getting the right answers or fulfill their promises to reply. A feeling to get an answer that is not telling you the truth. It makes me aggressive ! I do not have this feeling with western after sales. How many customers got an answer on the chat "I have no time for you now" or just stop the chat when your question becomes a bit difficult ?  Please DJI, change your behavior, we will do too !
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United States

Check this out pretty kool ideas in etsy for DJI INSPIRE 1
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