Cannot connect to Galaxy tab s2, 8"
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13383 85 2017-1-5
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

Euc Posted at 2017-1-9 04:58
On the GPS in the tab S2: Unfortunately, despite GPS + GLONASS, the S2 is set to ignore static signals, so it is tragically inaccurate on static locations. Its reliable in that regard. if the error is (at best) 8m, it IS 8m. I can spot it on the display. The copter (on the ground) and radio location are always different (by about 8m)
My Galaxy is SM-T715Y running Android 5.0.2 (Samsung don't appear to update android). I have used my xperia z3 with 6.0.1 with no problems. The Galaxy has a sim, so I have taken calls mid flight.
Developer options are on with USB debugging and allow mock locations.

I finally gave up on the Galaxy s2 sm-T713 It's a fantastic tablet the display was fantastic, but no good for connecting to the RC. Went back to bestbuy and they let me exchange it for the IPad Air2, got it set up downloaded from the start the DJI 4 set that all up then went for connecting it and first time and every time I get connected. So the best fix here is if DJI isn't going to expand their device list then they should create a list of devises not to use And I'll say the galaxy s2 tab ms-T713 is definitely not a tablet to use. Big Draw back of the Ipad Air 2 is no expandable memory and no GPS without WiFi.
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Flight distance : 69 ft

Normn8or Posted at 2017-1-9 20:20
I finally gave up on the Galaxy s2 sm-T713 It's a fantastic tablet the display was fantastic, but no good for connecting to the RC. Went back to bestbuy and they let me exchange it for the IPad Air2, got it set up downloaded from the start the DJI 4 set that all up then went for connecting it and first time and every time I get connected. So the best fix here is if DJI isn't going to expand their device list then they should create a list of devises not to use And I'll say the galaxy s2 tab ms-T713 is definitely not a tablet to use. Big Draw back of the Ipad Air 2 is no expandable memory and no GPS without WiFi.

Interesting. My S2 works fine (other than having to reinsert the usb). Differences seem to be mine has 4g/LTE (715Y) and an earlier android version. Android 6.0.1 works off my xperia though. I just downgraded the RC firmware from 1.8 to 1.6. I had problems with a failure notice but rebooted everything and the Go app indicated I had a firmware update so was able to specify 1.6. I now have a good video feed on the S2.
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

Euc Posted at 2017-1-10 06:06
Interesting. My S2 works fine (other than having to reinsert the usb). Differences seem to be mine has 4g/LTE (715Y) and an earlier android version. Android 6.0.1 works off my xperia though. I just downgraded the RC firmware from 1.8 to 1.6. I had problems with a failure notice but rebooted everything and the Go app indicated I had a firmware update so was able to specify 1.6. I now have a good video feed on the S2.

There might be a difference between the LTE and WIFI Only Versions, I couldn't tell ya though my T713 Transferred files vie USB from computer and back so it should have connected. I'm in the states and maybe the tablets are configured differently from anywhere else. Nobody is going to know why until DJI Starts testing compatibility issues on other devices. None of us write their coding  . On the Ipad Air 2 it seems that my maps view is back to being crystal clear (Also using the DJI 4 APP now though). Bad thing is it's still to cold outside to fly, I'm not going to try and take the chance during any of the flights the Bird or the battery decides it's to cold and crap out and fall out of the sky. Just to much money to waste on might's and could be's just to end up with a Have Not (any more drone to fly)  Lately it's either been 10degrees Fahrenheit or like today 30 to 40 MPH wind gusts.  As Much as i hate Apple i got my first apple product and it connects like a dream, smooth as silk. As far as having to roll back updates and what not, that shouldn't be happening either. Having an up to date bird and having to roll back RC  firmware just in it's self screams possible unforseen in flight problems just right out of the blue. I think people seem to forget they are putting a pound and a half drone 400 feet into the air (In some cases significantly higher)  it will fall out of the sky at 120 MPH which will cause plenty of damage to person or property. To me simple work arounds are just to potentially dangerous to even be attempted in my book. Back on a closing note the Galaxy s2 sm-T713 is a no go for use with DJI Products.. (consider it tested).
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Hunua Guy

New Zealand

Normn8or Posted at 2017-1-10 11:44
There might be a difference between the LTE and WIFI Only Versions, I couldn't tell ya though my T713 Transferred files vie USB from computer and back so it should have connected. I'm in the states and maybe the tablets are configured differently from anywhere else. Nobody is going to know why until DJI Starts testing compatibility issues on other devices. None of us write their coding  . On the Ipad Air 2 it seems that my maps view is back to being crystal clear (Also using the DJI 4 APP now though). Bad thing is it's still to cold outside to fly, I'm not going to try and take the chance during any of the flights the Bird or the battery decides it's to cold and crap out and fall out of the sky. Just to much money to waste on might's and could be's just to end up with a Have Not (any more drone to fly)  Lately it's either been 10degrees Fahrenheit or like today 30 to 40 MPH wind gusts.  As Much as i hate Apple i got my first apple product and it connects like a dream, smooth as silk. As far as having to roll back updates and what not, that shouldn't be happening either. Having an up to date bird and having to roll back RC  firmware just in it's self screams possible unforseen in flight problems just right out of the blue. I think people seem to forget they are putting a pound and a half drone 400 feet into the air (In some cases significantly higher)  it will fall out of the sky at 120 MPH which will cause plenty of damage to person or property. To me simple work arounds are just to potentially dangerous to even be attempted in my book. Back on a closing note the Galaxy s2 sm-T713 is a no go for use with DJI Products.. (consider it tested).

Had the very same issue with my P4 and Galaxy tab S-2.
Finally solved by;
Turn off the tablet, ie power it down.
Start p4
Start RC
Plug in Tablet
Restart tablet.

All a bit of pain but it works every time.

Cheers from New Zealand
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

Hunua Guy Posted at 2017-1-10 18:38
Had the very same issue with my P4 and Galaxy tab S-2.
Finally solved by;
Turn off the tablet, ie power it down.

Yeah did that only to be able to connect once out of 7 or 8 tries. And you don't know if that connection is stable or not only to find out while the bird is in flight 400 feet up. The forum is littered with folks with problems, I bet if you took the time to look at what folks are using the ones with reported problems 9 out of ten are using android. So i just exchanged my Galaxy tab s2 for an Ipad Air2 (Thank you Bestbuy for doing that) And not only does it connect smoothly everytime it seems to have cured my Live video feed glitching  that i was getting on my Recommended Galaxy s5 Phone and after the 1.8 RC firmware update the live feed downlink became utterly unusable. The Ipad Air 2 Fixed my problem and now just got to get me some good flying weather.
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Glad you got a fix
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Even their forum has issues...sorry my last post truncated for some unknow reason...I am typing on my s2!!!!!! I won't be replacing my s2 anytime soon $500 (canada) I'll use my phone for now until DJI gets off their huge bank account and does some reseach!!!!! High end loaded tablets should be working fine,dont care what brand....
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United States

Glad you were able to return the Tablet. I tried using the Tab S2 9.7 with 6.01 for awhile but never got it to work consistently. I didn't want to return it because I got an awesome deal at Verizon and its an great Tablet. I thought about down grading to Lollipop but was afraifd of voiding the warrenty.  Maybe Android 7 will work better.

I ended up buying a Galaxay Tab S2 with Lollipop (5) just for the Drone and it works great with no issues. I'm pretty sure its the Marshmallow (6) and Samsung Tablets because I tried a Tab E and couldn't get it to work either. My Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge works great so go figure. There should be a sticky in the forum about this. There is tons of stuff everywhere else on the net about the problem.  

Its not the Cable

enjoy the Ipad .

Thanks Dale
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

Simple answer to problems is to not use Android for GO, and especially on a Samsung device!

I gave up on my Samsung tablet for GO due to video lag and then it began to get behind me pressing a button and waiting for GO to respond.  Since I stopped using it for drone work, the system has gotten so bloated with crappy apps that run for free and load ads that even when I press a button now the tablet will not respond at all.  I have to do a hard shutdown (Hold power button down for 6-7 seconds to shut it off since button will not kill it.) and then restart.

My Samsung S6 Edge will break up and lag video as well with GO.  Not as bad as the tablet and the buttons do not freeze like on the tablet, but it is totally worthless if I want 100% non-laggy video.

The Tech Guy radio show had a portion where the guy mentioned the issues with Samsung like their calendar running along with Googles calendar both.  Then the matter of whatever carrier sold it to you with their apps loaded in it too.  It's just a sloppy system where too many people can create and load apps that launch and run background ad-supported items and take up system resources.  He thought Google was going to introduce a new Android device this year which might clean up the Samsung OS mess.

I had to go kicking and screaming to an iPad Air 2 after wasting money on the Samy's devices.  That was a God send device over the Samsungs.  No issues at all with GO on it or the autonomous flying apps, other than I used an alpha password initially which wasn't advised, locked me out, and I had to reload the OS from scratch as it uses numbers for the opening passcode.

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United States

A friend just gave me a Galaxy tab s2 9.7".  It is a SM-810 model running Android 5.1.1.  I have connected it twice to the P4 RC with no problems.  Then powered up the P4 after the app and rc were on and had
no problem. Even did a little Sat. flying.
I have not been in the field to actually fly the P4.  Too much wind and bad weather.  Just saying.  
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United States

Lots of good info.  I was considering a Samsung S2 and will now reconsider. Thanks!  Grrr hello to fruit.
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Flight distance : 5413 ft

This worked for me.  Turn on the Mavic, then the remote, connect the cable to the S2 while the S2 is powered off.  Then start the S2.

It appears for some the cable must be connected to the remote before the S2 boots up otherwise a usb issue occurs.  A restart works as well if you disconect the cable and then restart the s2 using the restart option and connect the cable before the S2 restarts.
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Flight distance : 248087 ft
United States

Hi, I've lost all connections with my Samsung s6 edge plus and my Samsung tablet 8. Funny thing however, I downloaded go4 on my friends iPhone 7 and my p4 works perfect. There is something wrong with the new go4 android app. They need to fix it
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Flight distance : 6337615 ft
  • >>>

I fly my Phantom 4 using a galaxy tab s2. There have been some glitches, but after doing the following procedure, it works fine in all respects.
These are all tips I've picked up around the forums
Batteries on everything charged to 100%
I use the tablet exclusively in FLIGHT mode (ie WiFi OFF)
Go into Settings, Apps, select DJI GO 4 App and scroll down to SET AS DEFAULT.  Swtich this off.
Now connect the tablet to the RC.
I get a message saying - Do you want to set this device as default (always).
Tick that and click OK.
The GO FLY bar magically turns blue, and when I switch the Drone on - it finds the correct model automatically.
Until I hear that DJI have reliably solved the many problems with the DJI GO 4 App, I'm going to leave Wifi OFF.
That way no updates can be sent to my gear and risk it being crippled as so many people report here.
I'm lucky enough to have TWO tablets and so can use the other one for internet, leaving this one just for flying the drone.
An expensive solution, but one which works for me until such time as there is more confidence in DJI's management of the software/firmware situation.
It's a real shame that such fantastic hardware is let down by weak programming.
Not that I'm an expert - far from it.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a brighter future
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

I have two Samsungs that were on the list, but now neither connect where they did a year ago.  GO seems to have grown and outrun their processors.  It does seem to be some USB issue and I even tried a powered USB hub thinking the RC was locked into charging the phone/tablet but zero success with that idea.  I got the "Make this the default device" message once, but now that no longer connects.  It's very hit or miss  if they will work.

I broke down and bought an iPad Air 2+Cell and it always connects, but I am beginning to see the video lag that I saw a year ago with the Samsungs.  No doubt it will soon be under powered as GO 4 grows.  I'll probably need an iPad Pro 10.5" with the new A10 processor later this year, but it will not fit into the current RC holder by 5-6mm or so.  GO seems to suck up a lot of processor power along with open call-out ports, and Android seems to allow too much sundry stuff running in the background to compete with GO and bog it down to a crawl and leading to crashes.

If you want GO 4 to run well, get the iPad Pro plus cellular if you can and be done with it.  Expensive, but least it might last a couple of years instead of buying a new device every few months or a year with GO versions.  Toss that Samsung aside and give up running GO on it.

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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-6-9 08:04
I have two Samsungs that were on the list, but now neither connect where they did a year ago.  GO seems to have grown and outrun their processors.  It does seem to be some USB issue and I even tried a powered USB hub thinking the RC was locked into charging the phone/tablet but zero success with that idea.  I got the "Make this the default device" message once, but now that no longer connects.  It's very hit or miss  if they will work.

I broke down and bought an iPad Air 2+Cell and it always connects, but I am beginning to see the video lag that I saw a year ago with the Samsungs.  No doubt it will soon be under powered as GO 4 grows.  I'll probably need an iPad Pro 10.5" with the new A10 processor later this year, but it will not fit into the current RC holder by 5-6mm or so.  GO seems to suck up a lot of processor power along with open call-out ports, and Android seems to allow too much sundry stuff running in the background to compete with GO and bog it down to a crawl and leading to crashes.

The Nvidia K1 is also having problems i hear. It's the operating versions of the devices is what is causing the problems across the board *(Theres plenty of computing power on all these devices Phones being excluded)*. The Go app is less compatible with the new versions of the operating systems of all the devices, and if DJI doesn't keep up on these compatibility issues of devicies updating then they need to close their doors on drone production knowing full well their birds are unstable in the air.  I have had next to nill problems on my Air-Pad 2 WiFi only tablet. I find it funny that you have to use 4 and 5 year old versions of  software/Hardware/Devices to have a flawless flight without worry of Loss of the bird or the uncontrolled powered flight causing Damage of property and or Persons. Instead of making sure their App works with devices they are more worried about getting the next disaster I mean Drone into production.... Boggles my mind.
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United Kingdom

The issue is entirely down to Samsung devices running Android 6 and 7,this is a  great shame because these are otherwise very capable. DJI need to communicate with Samsung to find out how  to allow DJI  Go to take control of the usb connection these tablets and phones make up quite a large proportion of market share so DJI android apps should work with them without having to go through major rituals.   
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1540131 ft
  • >>>
United States

Normn8or Posted at 2017-1-9 20:20
I finally gave up on the Galaxy s2 sm-T713 It's a fantastic tablet the display was fantastic, but no good for connecting to the RC. Went back to bestbuy and they let me exchange it for the IPad Air2, got it set up downloaded from the start the DJI 4 set that all up then went for connecting it and first time and every time I get connected. So the best fix here is if DJI isn't going to expand their device list then they should create a list of devises not to use And I'll say the galaxy s2 tab ms-T713 is definitely not a tablet to use. Big Draw back of the Ipad Air 2 is no expandable memory and no GPS without WiFi.

I have the same Tab s2 (8in) and my P4P connects just fine using the DJI GO 4 app. It will not connect to the DJI GO app!
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Flight distance : 294029 ft

I'm not shure but it works.
My way: weeks ago I had a working mode- switching on the RC and the Tab S2 goes to ...RC-Connected. But later it was gone. No idea why.
But this happend without switching ON my Mavic.

OK. It this not a problem of the MAVIC software version. Maybe the version of DJI App... (you'll see later-NO)

1. Reset my Tab s2 now Android 7.0 is running again
2. Load DJI App Go (before) to Tab S2
3. Load DJI App Go4

(restart Tab S2)
4. Connect RC and Tab S2
5. Got the Question which of both App versions I would like to start
6.  --> DJI Go4 (only NO more like setting hooks)
7. Message : RC-connected  ---- YEAH
8. Shutdown RC
9. Shutdown Tab S2

YEAH. it works.

-> Connect RC and Tab S2
-> wait
-> DJI starts and RC is connected.
-> switch ON the MAVIC and it is CONNECTED.
-> Go Fly

Next step is to upgrade my MAVIC but this should not change something of the above.


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Been driving me crazy too. This worked finally. This worked with my Mavic ... tency-to-the-DJI-P4

How to connect the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8" (SM-T713) with consistency to the DJI P4 (Worked with my MAVIC)
Seems there are several people that have and want to use the S2 but struggle with connection problems, to include myself.
The following is a sequence of what I have done & once connected it has performed flawlessly using the DJI Go 3 or 4 apps & Litchi.

This does not require a rooted phone, but should work with either.
Developer Options should be enabled.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8" (SM-T713) Android Marshmallow, (6.01)
Security patch level = December 1, 2016

xxx) = reference pictures

001 & 002)S2 device info

In Developer options:
003)USB debugging OFF

Scroll down to: USB configuration
004)Touch to select:
005)Select Charging

Go to Applications
Select Default applications
006)Touch Default app selection & select your choice:
Set default apps automatically
or Ask before setting default apps
EXPLAINATION - ref: 009)
If you always want or only have DJI Go 4 use the automatic choice.Using this or the always selection, it will boot directly into the selected app using the following method.
If you have Litchi & Go 4 use the Ask before setting default.

Lock screen & security, NOTE: Doing the following your S2 will have NO security & can be accessed by anyone!
007)Touch Screen lock type
008)Touch None

Now turn off or Power off the S2.
Connect with USB cable to RC
DO Not power S2 yet!
Turn on RC & it will be charging your S2, (large battery icon).
The S2 will then indicate it is charging and then display a battery icon with a percentage value.
Turn on the P4 & it and the RC will indicate connected.
Turn on the S2 with the power button & hold till the battery icon goes away or dims, then release.

When the S2 finishes booting up it will display:
009)Choose an app for the USB device if you have selected, (006)) Ask before setting default apps
or it will boot directly in the default app once initially selected.

010)Shows Go 4 connected & ready.
011)Initial screen of Go 4.
012)Go 4 flying screen.
013)Play store info for Android version of Go 4.0.4

I welcome questions, comments and/or suggestions.
Let us know if it worked for you. THANKS
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United States

sob2141 Posted at 2017-7-16 18:56
Been driving me crazy too. This worked finally. This worked with my Mavic

just received my galaxy tab s2 713. Here are my observations:

1) I could not get the s2/713 to work using the full size USB to micro usb connection. I tried several different cables. In all cases the controller was unable to see the s2/713. As a side note, I have an HTC one M9. It will connect using a full size USB to micro USB BUT has often disconnections. Something is funny with the full size USB connector on the controller.

2) I connected the S2/713 to the controller using the micro usb side cable (that connects to the side of the controller) It is to short, but I did get the 'blinking' use this device dialog box that many have experienced.

3) Using the side connector on the controller, I turned off my S2/713 and turned it back on (as per some comments on the forum. I got a solid 'use this device' dialog box, answered the question and DJI Go 4 started up and found the controller. I did a test flight (awkwardly holding the s2/713) and ran perfectly.

4) I just ordered a micro usb extension cable from Amazon. Will let you know how that works (could not find a longer mavic controller to micro usb cable that would work on the tablet)

Hope this helps someone.
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United States

iSeven Posted at 2017-7-31 18:52
just received my galaxy tab s2 713. Here are my observations:

1) I could not get the s2/713 to work using the full size USB to micro usb connection. I tried several different cables. In all cases the controller was unable to see the s2/713. As a side note, I have an HTC one M9. It will connect using a full size USB to micro USB BUT has often disconnections. Something is funny with the full size USB connector on the controller.

Additional info for last post:
5) new info,  found thread that referred to the big usb connector indicating that the side connector 'must be removed' even if there is nothing hooked up to it.  Once 'removed' the big usb connector worke as per 2,3.  I did receive an additional warning about 'slow charging' on the s2/713.  

6) ran two 20 minute sessions with the s2/713 and big usb connector.  no disconnects.  Fabulous screen on the S2.
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Vaithy manickam

I have DJI inspire 2 with dual RC! Unfortunately I bought two SAMSUNG GALAXY S2 TAB.I am facing the same problem, when I connect the tab to RC a pop screen flashes on and off to set it as default program.
The worst situation I am facing, I have invested huge in buying two galaxy S2 tab for dual remote. Some one get me the solution..
I have tried everything, I have uninstalled and installed the app again, I have changed 3-4 cables..
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Flight distance : 6337615 ft
  • >>>

Vaithy manickam Posted at 2017-10-23 06:57
I have DJI inspire 2 with dual RC! Unfortunately I bought two SAMSUNG GALAXY S2 TAB.I am facing the same problem, when I connect the tab to RC a pop screen flashes on and off to set it as default program.
The worst situation I am facing, I have invested huge in buying two galaxy S2 tab for dual remote. Some one get me the solution..
I have tried everything, I have uninstalled and installed the app again, I have changed 3-4 cables..

To circumvent the flashing screen requiring you to select the default device, you need to go into Settings and CLEAR DEFAULTS for the DJI Go4 App. Then reboot the Tab S2, remove and reconnect the USB cable, and you should be good to go. Works for me, but make sure both the tablet and the RC are fully charged.
Good luck!
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Flight distance : 3620226 ft

I have the Glaxy Tab S2 8" non LTE version and It's a disaster. Constant crashes, aircraft disconnects, camera settings not working. Tried it today and it was almost unusable. I'm just very glad I was not on a job or it would have been a disaster. I have an allergy to apple so my only option is to buy the Crystalsky.
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Flight distance : 33179 ft

I have the same problem with Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8 (LTE) and DJI Spark.
Before to update the firmware of RC and Spark, it worked.
Now the connection is not stable (appear/disappear every second).

I tried to reset the tablet and now when the RC is powered, the message on Tablet is "Charger low"...

I don't understand why DJI doesn't fix it.
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Flight distance : 33179 ft

IntrepidDrone Posted at 2017-11-9 03:11
I have the Glaxy Tab S2 8" non LTE version and It's a disaster. Constant crashes, aircraft disconnects, camera settings not working. Tried it today and it was almost unusable. I'm just very glad I was not on a job or it would have been a disaster. I have an allergy to apple so my only option is to buy the Crystalsky.

... tried also to follow the "Developper" procedure and no result...
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Flight distance : 11004 ft
New Zealand

hi all..haven't posted on this forum before..but frustration has got the better of me..I have a phantom 3 adv that works well with my ph which
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Flight distance : 11004 ft
New Zealand

sorry..thought enter would word wrap!! ph works a elephone p9000..connects running android 6...but screen is hard to see in bright sunlight at the this time i only use my drone for fishing..have a line drop thingy that drops the line when I am far enough the screen isn't really a problem as i send the drone out..drop the line..then push the return to home button and all is well..hopefully!! comes it is just straight out and back... so have just brought myself a samsung s2 8" tablet as after lots of reading thought that would be a better not a ios person...but it won't connect to the dji app..can work the camera control on the rc..start the motors..but no camera view..won't connect..tried everything that has been suggested on this and other forums..cables..different ways to start up..only once did it connect..then never again..tablet is the 713 model running android 7 does anyone have any very clever ideas?...or as some of you have suggested...a very hard wack with the back of a axe may help?..I will wait for the experts to answer? it a dji app problem?..or the tablet?...or the drone or rc?..can still use my ph but wanted to be able to see which way the drone is when it is maybe 300 or so mt's out to sea that would be sea where I live isn't conducive to jumping in and swimming out to retrieve..any answers would be really appreciated..regards to all..  
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

CASTRONZL Posted at 2017-12-22 16:37
sorry..thought enter would word wrap!! ph works a elephone p9000..connects running android 6...but screen is hard to see in bright sunlight at the this time i only use my drone for fishing..have a line drop thingy that drops the line when I am far enough the screen isn't really a problem as i send the drone out..drop the line..then push the return to home button and all is well..hopefully!! comes it is just straight out and back... so have just brought myself a samsung s2 8" tablet as after lots of reading thought that would be a better not a ios person...but it won't connect to the dji app..can work the camera control on the rc..start the motors..but no camera view..won't connect..tried everything that has been suggested on this and other forums..cables..different ways to start up..only once did it connect..then never again..tablet is the 713 model running android 7 does anyone have any very clever ideas?...or as some of you have suggested...a very hard wack with the back of a axe may help?..I will wait for the experts to answer? it a dji app problem?..or the tablet?...or the drone or rc?..can still use my ph but wanted to be able to see which way the drone is when it is maybe 300 or so mt's out to sea that would be sea where I live isn't conducive to jumping in and swimming out to retrieve..any answers would be really appreciated..regards to all..

Had same problem I bought my tablet from Best Buy couldn’t get it to connect correctly, I tried and tried so I went back to the store in that same week and traded it in on an mini air2 and that works great with no connecting troubles. Well while still at the store though I stopped by the Samsung section of the store just to look at some other products and phones and a salesmen asked if he could help me and I told him the story of trading off the Samsung tablet for an mini air2 so it would connect with my phantom 4 drone and he said that I should have stopped by and seen them first that there is something that could be done with the tablet to enable it to connect to the drone. It’s been awhile but I think they can download something in the tablet that enables the use and connection of the tablet to the RC unit. If you have a Best Buy near you take it with you to the store and go to the Samsung section of the store and tell them the problems you are having and see what they say. I had already traded mine in so I didn’t see the fix but they did say they could get it to work with the drone. So check that out if you can. I recommend getting an air pad if worse comes to worse.
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Flight distance : 3416575 ft

I needed a bigger screen than my phone for the Mavic Pro so I went through reviews and the list of compatible devices and decided to get the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Wifi for christmas as it should be powerful enough and compatible.  Too bad I did not find this thread.  I got the same problem as most here have.  It works if the S2 boots up with the RC active and plugged in.  The USB settings (developer, charging mode etc.), airplane mode, WiFi off and other stuff does not seem to matter (unlike described in the post by sob2151 above).  If the RC is unplugged and replugged the connection is again lost (or flickering on and off very quickly).  The drone does not have to be turned on, it can be turned on later when the connection to the RC has been established.  This is good as it drains the battery very quickly even when not airborne, losing fly-time while booting the tablet.  The DJI GO 4 app can be shut down and restarted without loosing connection so I hope that connection will be restored also if the app crashes.  So if the USB cable stays connected and the RC stays turned on the connection might survive a flight.  Let's see if I one day dare to fly my drone again.  But my trust is such that my next drone will probably not be DJI.
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

TomFI Posted at 2018-1-23 11:27
I needed a bigger screen than my phone for the Mavic Pro so I went through reviews and the list of compatible devices and decided to get the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Wifi for christmas as it should be powerful enough and compatible.  Too bad I did not find this thread.  I got the same problem as most here have.  It works if the S2 boots up with the RC active and plugged in.  The USB settings (developer, charging mode etc.), airplane mode, WiFi off and other stuff does not seem to matter (unlike described in the post by sob2151 above).  If the RC is unplugged and replugged the connection is again lost (or flickering on and off very quickly).  The drone does not have to be turned on, it can be turned on later when the connection to the RC has been established.  This is good as it drains the battery very quickly even when not airborne, losing fly-time while booting the tablet.  The DJI GO 4 app can be shut down and restarted without loosing connection so I hope that connection will be restored also if the app crashes.  So if the USB cable stays connected and the RC stays turned on the connection might survive a flight.  Let's see if I one day dare to fly my drone again.  But my trust is such that my next drone will probably not be DJI.

I feel your pain my confidence in DJI is next to nill. With all the repetitive are you on this firmware or that firmware try a new cord turn it on this way and that way Blah Blah Blah when the bird flew fine for flight after flight and an update pops up and you go inside and do the update and 2 hours later you put it back up in the air and it’s likened to flying junk. And then there is the forum mouthpieces that tote the line saying it’s just a few people with problems and it’s not faulty buggy firmware. Drones with disconnections 40 feet away and green screens and blacked screens video signal dropouts at 40 feet away extreme interference in all places let alone in the places that your A custom to flying at, wobbly flight, constant high wind warnings, and the whole time the mouth pieces of the forum tote the line of nothing wrong with the firmware update DJI spits out Beta firmware for us to test and do their job for them when we are the ones that doled out 18 hundred bucks for their product. Not to mention the congested app that is flying the P4, P4A, P4Pro, Mavic Pro, the spark, the Inspire1, and now just today they stuck the new Mavic Air into the Go4 APP. like the app wasn’t congested enough. Then the mouth pieces of the forum like to blame your devices that you use to fly the drones not having enough computing power when it’s supposed to be smartphones being used to fly the drones they say maaybe you need a better tablet or phone when your tablet and or phone is on the recommended device list and DJI goes ahead and sticks another drone into the mix on the APP. YEAH My confidence in DJI is next to nill.
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Hello, I boght a samsung tab s2 (T813) yesterday i did not work also (DJI GO4 and Litchi). After several tries I found a solution for both apps.
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I bought yesterday one Samsung tab s2 (T813) and try to connected with DJI GO 4 and LITCHI and did not connected. The USB connection requested are flashing and you cannot choose the selection. I found a solution: Connected everything and then restart the tablet, I will work. You need to do the restart every time you want to use the DJI GO 4 or LITCHI
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Flight distance : 378478 ft

Is it a case that updating your android software renders DJI Go next to useless?

I really hope DJI get to grips with this.

As has been said by others - DJI cannot expect us not to update our android devices just to run one app.

These tablets are more than just our monitor for flying.

I also have Samsung Tab S2, that I was bought for Xmas.  It's next to useless with my P4P.  I'd hate to tell me loved one that the present she bought is no good, and I'm back to my cheapo Huawei MediaTab.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Guys, go in to settings, Apps, 3 dots top right and choose Default apps, under Default app selection, choose ASK BEFORE SETTING DEFAULT APPS, then click Seat as default and then click DJI and then choose and clear defaults.

That done, connect device to the controller, make sure device is  awake and turn on controller, when DJI pops up just double click the icon, nothing else, then turn on AC.

If the above does not result in showing the DJI popup icon, unplug the cable from the S2 and plug i back in,. making sure the device is on and awake... if the popup is still not showing, make sure the steps above are deffo ok and try another cable. I have 4 cables and one is brand new (2 the same) and both the new ones do NOT work with DJI or Data transfer so....

I have the Tab S2 and the above is what i do, BUT, i have also rooted the device and and put on a clean rom (no installed rubbish) I installed Android 7 and a slim version of Gapps (google stuff) and only installed FB, FB Messenger, and my drone stuff, thats all and my Tab S2 9.7" works flawlessly
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Flight distance : 378478 ft

Bashy Posted at 2018-2-15 22:05
Guys, go in to settings, Apps, 3 dots top right and choose Default apps, under Default app selection, choose ASK BEFORE SETTING DEFAULT APPS, then click Seat as default and then click DJI and then choose and clear defaults.

That done, connect device to the controller, make sure device is  awake and turn on controller, when DJI pops up just double click the icon, nothing else, then turn on AC.

Bashy - cheers,

I'll try these settings, and let you know how I got on in this thread and others.

Away at the moment - but back in a few days hopefully.
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Flight distance : 287884 ft

I used galaxy s  tab2  9.7  .trouble in beginning. Made sub unbugging off. All fine then
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Phantom 4 Carla
Flight distance : 2057 ft
United States

I am using tab e and have to reboot my tablet every time I want to use it...hate the new dji go 4 app
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Flight distance : 5151 ft
United States

Will have to try these hints. Hope something works!
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