Flight distance : 440312 ft
Hi there,
i'm having big issues with the Mavic Pro regarding the video quality. Looking at my footage I see a lot of washed out/oil painting effects on different areas on the video, especially on trees. See the screenshot examples below, I marked the very bad areas with red arrows. You see sharp image on the branches against the sky, but everything else is very undetailed or acceptable. Also put two video examples (out of camera) here: 4k - Out of cam footage
I have examples of midday and a few of afternoon right before sunset. I know that these small camera cant handle light that well, especially when it gets a bit darker but this is very bad.
My settings for the camera:
All Manual, ISO 100, Shutter between 60-120
Custom -2 -2 -2 (Sometimes -1 -2 -2)
Latest firmware
Also tried setting the sharpness to 0 or even +1. I does not help, it gets even worse regarding artifacts. Addtionally a camera reset didn't help.
I can't believe that this is somehow normal comparing it to other videos that I see on YouTube.
Any ideas what could help? I think that this is a software issue. Not happy with the footage i get. 