N3 - calibrating ESCs
10166 13 2017-2-5
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United Kingdom

Using the N3 with LB2 and t-motor Air 40 ESCs

I need to calibrate the ESCs so have used the built in feature on the N3 assistant which seemingly alloys you to calibrate the ESCs

My question (directed to someone at DJI really) is;

The calibration proceedure/instructions in the N3 assistant are different to the ESCs own calibration instructions. Does that matter?

This is the T-motor instrucitons

Air 40A cali

Air 40A cali

They are different to the proceedure given in the N3 assistant ESC cali. For example when doing the cali in assistant, you dont get the same beep tones as you would if using say a Futaba TX.

So in short just want to know if thats ok and ok to reply on the N3 assistant calibration method?

Thanks in advance.

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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

It would be best to use this method based on what you have. Essentially, you're using both:

Before Calibration

1. Dismount propellers before Throttle Range Calibration;
2. Power on the ESCs and N3 separately;
You can calibrate all ESCs at once, or calibrate each ESC one by one;

Afterwards, do these steps below:

a.Click the”basic setting”button in the DJI assistant 2,and slide to ESC settings interface,then click”All”button at ESC Calibration term position.
b.Click “confirm”
c.Power off the ESCs(unplug the power wire connecting ESCs),click”Next”;
d.And then plug the power wire connecting ESCs back;

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I am having the same problem.

Are you having problems with flight performance?
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United Kingdom

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-2-7 15:17
It would be best to use this method based on what you have. Essentially, you're using both:

Before Calibration

Im not doing both, only the method in the N3 assistant.

My concerned was that this method is completely different to what the ESC manufacturers say is required in order to calibrate.

But if the method in N3 assistant is ok and correct to use then I will do that. I just wanted to make sure first.
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United Kingdom

Panamedia Posted at 2017-2-7 23:58

I am having the same problem.

Ive not attempted to fly as yet.
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United States

I am not having any luck calibrating the ESC's with the new Assistant 2 ( V 1.0.9-2) The procedure worked fine in the previous version, but now, after completing the ESC calibration, the motors start up in SEQUENCE, 1 after another until all 8 motors are going. I don't dare try and fly this.

I really wish the instructions were better. Now the ESCs are going into program mode rather than accept the calibration.

Pretty maddening.
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United Kingdom

fans3a39ffba Posted at 2017-2-11 11:03
I am not having any luck calibrating the ESC's with the new Assistant 2 ( V 1.0.9-2) The procedure worked fine in the previous version, but now, after completing the ESC calibration, the motors start up in SEQUENCE, 1 after another until all 8 motors are going. I don't dare try and fly this.

I really wish the instructions were better. Now the ESCs are going into program mode rather than accept the calibration.

Im pretty sure that is correct - motors start in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then 6.
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fans3a39ffba Posted at 2017-2-11 11:03
I am not having any luck calibrating the ESC's with the new Assistant 2 ( V 1.0.9-2) The procedure worked fine in the previous version, but now, after completing the ESC calibration, the motors start up in SEQUENCE, 1 after another until all 8 motors are going. I don't dare try and fly this.

I really wish the instructions were better. Now the ESCs are going into program mode rather than accept the calibration.

I was stuck in the same problems as described above:

The motors started 1st, 2nd, .. one after an other. This was confusing and was not what you expect from an idle system is started up. I measured the output of the N3 OUTPUT PIN "M1" with an oscilloscope. DJI uses a 400 Hz signal, the pulswidth is 950 usec. OK, this was the solution for me, and explained why the motors started spinning already during startup: My ESCs had been already calibrated (without using N3) before. The lower threshold was a pulswidth of 920 usec. Heureka! The solution was to calibrate the motors in a way that the lower threshold was above 950 usec.

First I planned to perform this calibration without the functions provided by DJI Assistant 2 and the N3.
But it worked with N3 in this way:


Calibrate the ESCs using N3.

1) connect the ESCs to the N3 flight controller. Connect both with a (separate or common) power supply. (Remark: In my case, the motors start spinning, 1st, 2nd, ... one after another.)

2) in DJI Assistant 2 (V1.0.9-2) go to "Basic Settings" and then select Panel "ESC Settings"

3) click "Reset" button. (just to be sure to have a unique starting point for the procedure)

4) click on "All" button in the section "ESC Calibration". (Remark: My motors were still spinning)

5) Confirm that the propellers are dismounted

6) In window "Pull the ESC plug ...": Here I pulled the 3-wire ESC plugs (sig,+,GND), not(!) the ESC power supply! In my case, I pulled all 6 plugs at once (Hexacopter).

7) Klick next and follow all steps in the subsequent windows.

After these steps unplug the power suppy and plug it in again afterwards.

The motors are no longer spinning.

Remark: For the motor test in "Basic Settings" Panel "ESC Calibration" I had to select the value "10%" to perform the test. 5% didn't work.


Hope this helps.

(I am currently setting up the system with Futaba T14SG / Futaba R7008SB connected to N3 using SBUS)
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United Kingdom

Not sure I follow as the motors are supposed to start 1,2,3,4,5,6 - this is normal and was following a firmware update by DJI

DJI care to comment/confirm?
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Arthur Mak

rigo59 Posted at 2017-2-26 04:22
I was stuck in the same problems as described above:

The motors started 1st, 2nd, .. one after an other. This was confusing and was not what you expect from an idle system is started up. I measured the output of the N3 OUTPUT PIN "M1" with an oscilloscope. DJI uses a 400 Hz signal, the pulswidth is 950 usec. OK, this was the solution for me, and explained why the motors started spinning already during startup: My ESCs had been already calibrated (without using N3) before. The lower threshold was a pulswidth of 920 usec. Heureka! The solution was to calibrate the motors in a way that the lower threshold was above 950 usec.

Did you encounter compass interference?    The IMU light flash blue at startup then turn blink red.
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Flight distance : 72015158 ft
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Puerto Rico

How are your AIR 40A working with the N3??
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Arthur Mak Posted at 2017-8-2 19:23
Did you encounter compass interference?    The IMU light flash blue at startup then turn blink red.

Dude compass errror is like mandatory to N3 i upgraded my FC to A3 compass only ....try this this will surely help u ............thanks
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i am facing a strange problem with N3 FC
1. Esc Tmoters......calibrated to the end points
2. Transmitter taranis  frsky with tbs module
3. Reciever TBS CRSF
...................calibration according to assistant app is correct but the when i arm my motors the motors start to increase only after 50% of throttle movement stick and specifically it is increasing like exponentially .
i thought it might be ESC issue but i calibrated ESC foe atleat 7 times nothing happend . i tried changing the transmitter still the same issue . Calibrated again for 4 times with DJI assistant app still same problem. tried various combinations of propulsion gains, pitch , throttle, roll, yaw gains nothing changes.  I am in the risk situation to fly the hexa or not.
Someone please help.
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United Kingdom

Pune123\@ Posted at 2019-1-11 05:20
Dude compass errror is like mandatory to N3 i upgraded my FC to A3 compass only ....try this this will surely help u ............thanks

N3 Controller NG - I have had 3 new N3 flight controllers, all three had identical problems....I will never have another!

[1] Compass calibration NG - Absolute pain in the neck to sort out.
[2] Motor direction test - never works, once again a PITA.  
[3] NG throttle response - motors only spool up when over 50% throttle.

The V2 controller has non of this BS. Why can't  DJI sort this out??  These problems are common to lots of users.

DJI - what are you doing, can I get a refund for this equipment?  
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