Order splitting - Anyone else do this?
1815 12 2017-2-9
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Hi all,

I'm completely new to the forums here, excited to be part of the DJI family.  I ordered my Mavic slightly over a week ago.  Checked in with customer service and they told me that when ordering items together, it could take longer because they try to ship EVERYTHING together (which I can appreciate!) , however; if a certain item is backordered it can take longer to get the Mavic.  The agent offered to have the order split so the Mavic ships sooner, has anyone else done this?  Part of me is slightly nervous because I'd hate to throw the wrench into things, but he claimed my Mavic would get here faster, instead of the intended ship date of March 1st (due to the batteries).  

Thanks again for your responses,

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I ordered a MAVIC with a bunch of other stuff at New Year.  The Mavic arrived just under two weeks later, still waiting for the other stuff.
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United States

Hard to say what the regional shipping policies are. The person you spoke with might have given you a good tip, or might be an employee whose not well clued in. That happens a lot in big call centers especially when things are hectic.

I ordered everything at once and DJI split my order automatically.  I received the MP combo about 10 days ago. It was shipped from a depot in Georgia. I got a tracking number for the ND filters and another set of props yesterday.  The ND filters and spare props are coming direct from China.
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Flight distance : 630577 ft
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Jdwyier Posted at 2017-2-9 06:42
Hard to say what the regional shipping policies are. The person you spoke with might have given you a good tip, or might be an employee whose not well clued in. That happens a lot in big call centers especially when things are hectic.

I ordered everything at once and DJI split my order automatically.  I received the MP combo about 10 days ago. It was shipped from a depot in Georgia. I got a tracking number for the ND filters and another set of props yesterday.  The ND filters and spare props are coming direct from China.

Thanks for the responses!  I read some places that they wait for all items and then perhaps they don't.  Maybe I'll just sit tight and anxiously await, ha.
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When ordering a newly released item that has accessories I have a personal opinion to always order the accessories seperately from the item for just this reason.  I've been in the retail industry for 20+ years and have seen many times where orders get held up or jumped over because all of the items are not available and they chose to only ship once to save costs, unfortunately at the irritation of the customer.
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Hummingbird.UAV Posted at 2017-2-9 06:22
I ordered a MAVIC with a bunch of other stuff at New Year.  The Mavic arrived just under two weeks later, still waiting for the other stuff.

Same here, ordered Mavic plus other stuff  on 1-14 and got just the Mavic 1-26-17. I cancelled other stuff and bought them on Amazon and Ebay.
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For now I have only ordered the Mavic. Did so through Apple. I do plan to get 1 or 2 extra batteries. Last time I checked those were in stock at Apple, so I could have 2 batteries in a few days while having to wait for the drone for a few months. That's why I'm waiting with the batteries until I know roughly when I'll get the drone.
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If you spoke to an agent and they said they would split the order then that's what they'll do.
For future reference, order the aircraft and then accessories on another order if the website says the accessories have a longer shipping time.
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Flight distance : 630577 ft
United States

Thanks for all the responses, and Ken - you were absolutely correct.  I just received a notification from DJI that they had successfully split the order.   Thank you to everyone whom has responded to this thread!
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Daytona 9
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-9 09:05
If you spoke to an agent and they said they would split the order then that's what they'll do.
For future reference, order the aircraft and then accessories on another order if the website says the accessories have a longer shipping time.

Guess your being smashed with direct messages. Any insights to when apple will get there orders for uk cusomters. Ordered mine this week and apple have since told me I order the last mavic pro before there website has now said sold out.

No one fork DJI know infor on sending apple customers mavics and no one from apple know when DJI will be sending them to the uk warehouse facilty.

Am I being kept in the dark for a reason. Surely there is someone that will know.

Delivery is said to be 2-20 march. But surely it won't be this long????

Uk wales
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Daytona 9 Posted at 2017-2-10 04:49
Guess your being smashed with direct messages. Any insights to when apple will get there orders for uk cusomters. Ordered mine this week and apple have since told me I order the last mavic pro before there website has now said sold out.

No one fork DJI know infor on sending apple customers mavics and no one from apple know when DJI will be sending them to the uk warehouse facilty.

I don't know when you would get your Apple order.
All I can tell you is if you order from the DJI online store,  UK shipping is 1-3 days for the Mavic kit, and 7-10 days for the combo
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United States

Just curious, if The Mavic Pro Bundle is back ordered. I put my order in yesterday morning, just anxious to know when to expect it to be shipped, as I have not seen or heard anything on my order yet.
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Flight distance : 630577 ft
United States

fansfc26da50 Posted at 2017-2-10 08:53
Just curious, if The Mavic Pro Bundle is back ordered. I put my order in yesterday morning, just anxious to know when to expect it to be shipped, as I have not seen or heard anything on my order yet.

Give it time after you put in the order, they'll send a notification that your payment was confirmed.  Once that occurs, you can begin the count down of when it'll ship.
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