Henry M.Y.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
Hong Kong
According to the product description from DJI, the Mavic car charger has car battery low voltage protection and connector high temperature protection functions. I presume the circuit board inside the connector contains the protection circuit including sensing elements (zener diode, thermistor), control logic IC, and ultimately a power MOSFET to control power through the negative (black) wiring of the DC power supply to the charger. Apparently it was the power MOSFET that burnt out in your case, either because of a defective MOSFET, or a defective MOSFET driving circuit that had not given a clean switching signal to the MOSFET from "1" to "0", rendering it working beyond the rated power limit, and burnt.
DJI should honour its warranty in your case, regardless of whether or not an open-up inspection was conducted by you AFTER the happening of the incident, provided that the subject connector had never been opened prior to the incident. You may declare if indeed that was the case, and pursue on your claim of warranty. Otherwise, it will appear to all of us here that DJI is unfair to its customer!
On a side note, I could never have my Mavic car charger functioning properly as advertised by DJI since Day 1. I had made a request to DJI support & QA/QC depts via DJI-Mindy for DJI's looking into the problem we faced in early Feb 2017, but nothing was heard ever since. You were lucky that you were once able to had the car charger worked for you with low car battery voltage, but were unlucky in the sense that it ended up burnt.
Henry |