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Downgrade Shield K1 back to 1.5 (Marshmallow) ?
11819 32 2017-2-27
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom


I have upgraded my Nvidia Shield K1 to 5.0 (Nougat) and am now experiencing problems with Go 4 stopping or just closing. From what I have read this appears to be a problem due to the 5.0 update and therefore looking at rolling back to 1.5. I am looking for the best/safest method of doing this as I have read various different methods and there associated problems/warnings. Can anyone who has gone through the process successfully please advise as to the method they used.


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Flight distance : 175495 ft
United States

nougat is 7.0, marshmallow is 6..,  and 5.. is lollipop. 1.5 would be one of the first Android and go will never run on it needs lik 5 or above to run
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom

I was referring to the nvidia software update version no's rather than android.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 32057 ft
United States

My Nvidia Shield K1 is running very well with DJI GO APP 3.1.3 Android.  In my tablet setting I have Android version 6.0.1 (with security patch 01 June 2016)  kernel version 3.10.67+  And Shield Tablet software version 1.3 (

The Android GO APP requires Android 4.1 or higher.  Hope this helps you.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

I am running 5.x on my K1 and having no problems.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

KM5RG-Robert Posted at 2017-2-27 16:13
I am running 5.x on my K1 and having no problems.

I have a new shield and also upgraded to V7 Nougat and was sorry I did. I rolled back to V6.0 Marshmallow too. All good again. There are many instructions. I have successfully done 3-of these myself. Use the "Minimal ADB" tool which you can download for free, and make sure you get the right image file from the Nvidia Developers website. You will have to create and account to do this but it is also free. There are instructions that are very clear. It will possibly void your warranty, but I have done it like I said, and no problems. Make sure you turn off your "Auto Update" afterwards so it doesn't upgrade it right back again. The image file is about 2gb so you will need a good internet connection to download it. Not hard. YouTube some videos if you want. Good luck. Yeah, Nougat hasn't worked well for me on DJI Go or Litchi. I'm happy again.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom

Which actual factory/recovery image did you flash using ADB and did you factory reset before the flash. I read one guy first flashed 0.0.0 (Lollipop) before going to 1.5 (Marshmallow).
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Flight distance : 99117 ft
United States

I posted specific instructions RIGHT HERE on how to roll back.
Nougat was causing disconnected from aircraft and app crashes so I rolled it back to 1.5.0 and it fixed all the problems.
G1DTF, I didn't have to roll back to any prior version before loading the top image 1.5.0 on THIS PAGE. No more issues so far. \m/
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks for the info just read your post with instructions. I guess I should be able to flash the image with minimal ADB which I have installed along with the Shield drivers which I used to unlock bootloader and root the tablet.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

I see you PM'ed me but I can't seem to reply. I used the following image file from Nvidia Developers website.
nvidia image file.jpg
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom

And just to complicate things further I can't read the attatchment. However was it the ver 1.5 recovery image (Marshmallow) from the Nvidia developers website?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

G1DTF Posted at 2017-2-28 09:42
And just to complicate things further I can't read the attatchment. However was it the ver 1.5 recovery image (Marshmallow) from the Nvidia developers website?

Sorry for the trouble. I can see it just fine. Yes, 1.5.0 dated 2016/6/14.  Stock recovery OS for Nvidia Shield Tablet K1 (WiFi) only. This OS image runs Andriod Marshmallow. Click on the instruction and follow them step by step and you should be fine.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

my nvidia worked fine on 6 but not on android 7, so yes, unless DJI does something, going back to android 6 may be the only way.
for now litchi is my friend.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks for confirming the image used. I will give it a try over the next couple of days and hopefully sort out the issues I'm having with Go.
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Flight distance : 2718491 ft
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United States

E.T._Drone_Home Posted at 2017-2-27 17:01
I posted specific instructions RIGHT HERE on how to roll back.
Nougat was causing disconnected from aircraft and app crashes so I rolled it back to 1.5.0 and it fixed all the problems.
G1DTF, I didn't have to roll back to any prior version before loading the top image 1.5.0 on THIS PAGE. No more issues so far. \m/

Just want to say THANK YOU for the instructions you posted. It was a breeze and back to Android 6.0.. and no longer grounded.
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Flight distance : 99117 ft
United States

Mir Posted at 2017-2-28 21:08
Just want to say THANK YOU for the instructions you posted. It was a breeze and back to Android 6.0.. and no longer grounded.

Awesome! You are very welcome!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 249744 ft
United Kingdom

I have also now successfully downgraded back to 1.5.0 (6.0.1) following all the useful info and feedback on this thread. Just need the weather to improve so I can get out and test it all out and hopefully not get the app crash/close anymore.
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United States

G1DTF Posted at 2017-3-2 18:08
I have also now successfully downgraded back to 1.5.0 (6.0.1) following all the useful info and feedback on this thread. Just need the weather to improve so I can get out and test it all out and hopefully not get the app crash/close anymore.

These instructions are great. Does anyone have a link to instructions so the NVidia will not update in the future?
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United States

For anyone that follows these instruction and gets stuck with "optimizing apps" over and over, erase your data partition.
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Flight distance : 108373 ft

fans9bbb7f7f Posted at 2017-3-19 17:34
For anyone that follows these instruction and gets stuck with "optimizing apps" over and over, erase your data partition.

What? Where? How? Am planning to downgrade as well... so want to know in case I have the issue. thnx
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Flight distance : 34695 ft
United States

I am no knuckle head but the instructions to rollback seemed like a PIA.  I live in an area of techy folks.  I just posted an ad on CL looking for someone to do it and within an hour had several offers.  I paid $30 and the kid also rooted it.  So I now have my K1 back running Marshmallow, rooted, and flying without crashes.  Got a love CL.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 32057 ft
United States

CL = Craig's List.  Great idea, I never thought of using it for this kind of service.  Why did you root it?  Seems like getting back to Android 6.X would have been enough to make the GO APP work.
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Flight distance : 34695 ft
United States

JackA Posted at 2017-4-5 07:14
CL = Craig's List.  Great idea, I never thought of using it for this kind of service.  Why did you root it?  Seems like getting back to Android 6.X would have been enough to make the GO APP work.

Rooted to get rid of all the other apps I did not want.
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Flight distance : 76309 ft
United States

Just wanted to report that I too had the DJI Go app crash on my Shield K1.  In my case I am running the original DJI Go app that works with the P3P.  I will be rolling back my K1 to previous OS.
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Flight distance : 76309 ft
United States

Just did the Shield K1 roll back and all went well.  What options do I have to stop the auto system update/notice?
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United States

Getting "nvidia tegra services has stopped" AND "Google Play has stopped" over and over after downgrade from Android 7 to 6, any ideas?

I successfully downgraded Android 7 to 6 (1.5.0) and all was good, then like an idiot, I let it upgrade back to 7 on me.  Now when I follow the same procedure to downgrade again, it boots up into Android 6 fine but then I get these Tegra and Google Play has stopped messages repeating non-stop preventing me from being able to do can't stop the messages and therefore can't click on anything or do anything.

I think it may have something to do with the Shield retaining my Google Play account info from before flashing but am not sure.

Any ideas?
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Flight distance : 11804 ft
United States

I just bought a P3P and Shield k1 with Android 7.0. The DJI Go app shut itself down almost every flight and occasionally just froze on the video image. I spent maybe 10 hours trying to figure this out. I installed the Nvidia Shield K1 recovery image 5.0.0 but the K1 still came on with Android 7.0. I installed the recovery image 1.5.0 and then 1.4.0, but when I tried to restart the K1, it got stuck on some endless loop between optimizing apps and the green Nvidia screen. I spent maybe 5 hours on chat with various Nvidia tech support folks, no resolution. I finally installed the recovery image 5.1.0 (the most recent) thinking it would revert to Android 7.0. Much to my surprise, installing the recovery image 5.1.0 solved the endless loop and my K1 came back in Android 5.1.1. I have flown two batteries without a glitch. I've gone through the recovery process so many times now I felt confident letting it upgrade to Android 6.0.1, which came up in the notifications after the last install. That is done, but not yet flight-tested with GO. Hopefully it still works!

I'd like to share my experience so that the rest of you don't spend as much time trying to revert to a prior OS.


The first step is to allow the K1 to accept data through the USB cable to your computer. Go to settings, then About Tablet, then find the Build Number. Tap the Build Number line seven times to put the K1 in developer mode. Once you are in developer mode, go to Settings and then Developer Optons.. Turn on USB Debugging. There is an explanation of these steps starting at 2:36 in this video:   Once USB Debugging is on, you can transfer files from your PC to your K1 via USB cable.

Next step - go here:to download the recovery image: ... 0os%20image&tx=$additional,shield  Note that the verion numbers here are for the Nvidia operating system, not the Android version. You will see a link with the OS download for Fastboot and ADB drivers. Download the drivers and note that they are for the Minimal ADB and Fastboot program, not for the Shield K1 itself. After you enable USB Debugging, connect your K1 to your PC via USB cable. Then go to Device Manager on your PC and under Other devices, find ADB Interface. Install the drivers here. This video explains how:

There are excellent instructions for installing the recovery image  here: ... -to-stock-recovery/    This link gives directions for a different recovery image, but they work for all of the recovery images I tried.  Follow the steps I listed above, then download and install Minimal ADB and Fastboot from the link under Prerequisites and Warnings. Click yes when asked if you want a desktop shortcut. Open the folder where Minimal ADB and Fastboot is installed. Also open the Zip folder that contains the Shield K1 recovery image. Then highlight all contents of the recovery image folder and drag them into the Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder.
Power off your Shield K1, then press and hold the Volume Down button, and press and release the power button. The Shield K1 should come on in Fastboot mode. Run Minimal ADB and Fastboot. That opens a command window and should show the address of the Minimal ADG and Fastbook folder. You can confirm communication with your K1 by typing "fastboot devices" and Enter in the command window. The command window should show a bunch of numbers identifying your K1 as connected. If all is well, type  "flash-all.bat" and Enter into the command window. The installation should begin; it takes some time to transfer all the files. (If the transfer fails because your bootloader is locked, see the Nvidia instrutions below.)  When the command window says the transfer is finished, click any key to close, you can use the volume and power keys to click "Continue" on your K1. It should then boot up with the new operating system. (or get stuck on "optimizing apps" then try installing reovery image 5.1.0. that fixed it for me.)  A good video showing the recovery image instalation is here:   

Nvidia has similar instructions here: ... -Recovery-Image.txt    The nvidiashieldzone instructions above are easier; they instruct you to use the command flash-all.bat while the Nvidia (manufacturer) instrucions make you flash several steps with separate commands. However, if you have a new K1 and the bootloader is locked,, you must follow the Nvida instructions on this page to unlock it. You will run Minimal ADB and Fastboot to install the recovery image. If your bootloader is locked, you will get a message telling you so when you try to install the recovery image. In that case, type "fastboot oem unlock" into the Minimal ADB and Fastboot command screen, then hit return. Press the "Volume Down" button to select "Unlock bootloader" option on device. Then press the "Power" button to confirm the unlock. Your device's bootloader is now unlocked.

Good luck to all - I hope this makes somebody's life easier!
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Augustus Brian
Flight distance : 397592 ft
United States

fansd6f0cda1 Posted at 2017-5-11 23:11
I just bought a P3P and Shield k1 with Android 7.0. The DJI Go app shut itself down almost every flight and occasionally just froze on the video image. I spent maybe 10 hours trying to figure this out. I installed the Nvidia Shield K1 recovery image 5.0.0 but the K1 still came on with Android 7.0. I installed the recovery image 1.5.0 and then 1.4.0, but when I tried to restart the K1, it got stuck on some endless loop between optimizing apps and the green Nvidia screen. I spent maybe 5 hours on chat with various Nvidia tech support folks, no resolution. I finally installed the recovery image 5.1.0 (the most recent) thinking it would revert to Android 7.0. Much to my surprise, installing the recovery image 5.1.0 solved the endless loop and my K1 came back in Android 5.1.1. I have flown two batteries without a glitch. I've gone through the recovery process so many times now I felt confident letting it upgrade to Android 6.0.1, which came up in the notifications after the last install. That is done, but not yet flight-tested with GO. Hopefully it still works!

I'd like to share my experience so that the rest of you don't spend as much time trying to revert to a prior OS.


Thanks for this in-depth tutorial. I've resisted the upgrade to Nougat since I received the K1, but sooner or later nVidia may force the issue. Nice to know I've access to a process to reverse it, should that happen.

Keep Smiling,

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Rico Mavic
United States

I wrote up a quick tutorial to downgrade your Nvidia Shield K1 to Android 6.0 (Nvidia Version 1.5.0).  The instructions include how to get the bootloader unlocked and install the ADB and Fastboot. It is not too difficult to accomplish.  Hopefully this will help others with a single source for all the steps.
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RicardoGray Posted at 2017-2-28 12:41
Sorry for the trouble. I can see it just fine. Yes, 1.5.0 dated 2016/6/14.  Stock recovery OS for Nvidia Shield Tablet K1 (WiFi) only. This OS image runs Andriod Marshmallow. Click on the instruction and follow them step by step and you should be fine.

hi ricardo. excuse my ignorance. kinda new to this. im at the last step, where im supposed to run all the .img files in cmd prompt. how do i exactly do that. opnened the cmd in the directory where i extracted my zip and do i copy .img file one by one and hit enter to execute them? thanks for any help
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

josepatagonia Posted at 2017-6-27 03:47
hi ricardo. excuse my ignorance. kinda new to this. im at the last step, where im supposed to run all the .img files in cmd prompt. how do i exactly do that. opnened the cmd in the directory where i extracted my zip and do i copy .img file one by one and hit enter to execute them? thanks for any help

Not sure what procedure  your are following, but if you have the files on your computer, and have a command prompt in the directory, you just need to run the commands using your ADB something like this:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash staging blob

you may have a different set of files.....there are various procedures out there. Follow the instructions for the procedure you downloaded. I hope this helps. When executed, it should upload to your tablet. Good luck.
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Flight distance : 38386 ft
United Kingdom

RicardoGray Posted at 2017-2-27 16:35
I have a new shield and also upgraded to V7 Nougat and was sorry I did. I rolled back to V6.0 Marshmallow too. All good again. There are many instructions. I have successfully done 3-of these myself. Use the "Minimal ADB" tool which you can download for free, and make sure you get the right image file from the Nvidia Developers website. You will have to create and account to do this but it is also free. There are instructions that are very clear. It will possibly void your warranty, but I have done it like I said, and no problems. Make sure you turn off your "Auto Update" afterwards so it doesn't upgrade it right back again. The image file is about 2gb so you will need a good internet connection to download it. Not hard. YouTube some videos if you want. Good luck. Yeah, Nougat hasn't worked well for me on DJI Go or Litchi. I'm happy again.

hi ya how did you roll back to 6.0  i have the shield with the stylus and mine is 7.0 but im trying to use a vufine and it won show the screen when iv pressed mirror, i saw on youtube a video with the shield and the vufine with the mavis and it worked great but im wondering if it was the k1 with marshmellow and not the 7.0.any idea how i can get this to work
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

fansaaeb6a36 Posted at 2018-1-9 11:47
hi ya how did you roll back to 6.0  i have the shield with the stylus and mine is 7.0 but im trying to use a vufine and it won show the screen when iv pressed mirror, i saw on youtube a video with the shield and the vufine with the mavis and it worked great but im wondering if it was the k1 with marshmellow and not the 7.0.any idea how i can get this to work

I also have the shield w/stylus also and it was on 7.0. I don't know anything about vufine. I went to Nvidia Developers website and used the instructions off that website for my tablet. Maybe take a look at the post #29 above. Is looks similar to what I did. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I don't quite understand when you say it won't show the screen when you pressed mirror..........what does this mean? Maybe look some more at Youtube videos because there are a lot of them.
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