Flight distance : 42516 ft
United States
Just had 3 short (5min-8min) cautious flights using my two batteries and DJI GO 4.0.5 software and NO APPLICATION CRASHES!
Out of desperation I opened Android Settings->Storage->DJI GO, cleared cache, cleared data, then uninstalled the DJI GO 4.0.5 app.
Then I went to Google Play and downloaded the DJI GO app again. It installed 4.0.5. I carefully went through my settings (some of the trees around me are 50+ meters high, so default RTH altitude of 30m is a problem). Then went flying. Radio stayed connected, video occasionally lurched on my phone display, but never went away. In short, the setup behaved as it did when I first received it.
It is too early to tell, but weather permitting and a few more flights and I'll see if my luck holds.
Only thing I can figure is the application must not have initialized it's data area properly through multiple upgrades. So a full removal of cache, data, and program, followed by a reinstall seems to have cleared my setup for me. I did have to go through all the "new" user stuff, and that locked up once. But a single reboot of the phone and all is well again.
I still have the problem of DJI GO insisting on being in INTERNAL memory instead of EXTERNAL memory, and defaulting to VIDEO CACHE being "on". I turned VIDEO CACHE "off", made sure my INTERNAL memory had about 1GB free prior to this flight test.
Looks for the moment that I'm back in business! I'll post if anything changes this with 4.0.5. |