Since last update the software crashes so much more, why?
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3548 45 2017-3-13
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom


I am both an owner of a Mavic Pro and an Osmo. I have been using my OSMO for nearly a year and my Mavic I got back in November. I own a Sony Xperia Z5 compact and I use that with my kit. I understand about the list of recommended devices but since DJI recommends using a Sony Xperia z3 - I thought I would be safe as Sony only really do incremental hardware upgrades -  the software is still the same.

When I first used my phone for the mavic it was great, no crashes - really stable, however over the passing months each dji go4 update is crippling the experience. I am now at the stage where during a 20 minute flight, the app is crashing 4-5 times and i don't trust to fly it over any terrain other than flat and soft. I just dont get it, updates are meant to improve the experience and features and now im almost held to ransom to buy a new phone. I shouldnt have to as its android with a light skin on top.

DJI please sort out whatever it is you are doing with the android app, with the biggest market share in android devices there are no excuses.


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United States

Anybody know why these keep appearing on my camera Roll? I delete them over and over again and they come back. I just got the Osmo Mobile so i do not know all its Fuctions.
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Flight distance : 341355 ft
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have you tried to clear background apps before flight?
I find that helps. as DJI GO 4 takes up  a lot of processing power..
I have had a call come in during flight, and that made the app restart, but other than that, the app has restarted about 2 times when the app switched from HERE maps, to GOOGLE -even though I do not have data.
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bunny too
Flight distance : 13442 ft
United States

Howdy all, has anyone seen any improvement with the update that dropped yesterday (3.14) regarding android nougat and the Shield specifically?  It has been too windy outside for me to test anything.
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

So I have wiped my old install and all the files on the internal storage related to the app and reinstalled the new version - literally virgin install and still it crashed today whilst I was testing it. Not just once, but all the time, in the 40 minutes i was flying I was blind for a good half of it. I must say it's such a poor effort as it really restricts the use of the mavic, I don't dare to go over anything or anywhere where it might be difficult to retrieve my device.
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bunny too
Flight distance : 13442 ft
United States

CrazyHorse019 Posted at 2017-3-15 05:17
So I have wiped my old install and all the files on the internal storage related to the app and reinstalled the new version - literally virgin install and still it crashed today whilst I was testing it. Not just once, but all the time, in the 40 minutes i was flying I was blind for a good half of it. I must say it's such a poor effort as it really restricts the use of the mavic, I don't dare to go over anything or anywhere where it might be difficult to retrieve my device.

Thank you for the update CrazyHorse019, I think it is silly that it is going on so long but it will have to be fixed soon because so many devices are now moving to nougat.
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

I have used apkmirror to go back to version 4.0.0 - I will do some testing this afternoon and let you know the results.
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Flight distance : 535 ft

I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

z4k4tt4ck Posted at 2017-3-17 02:07
I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.

granted not a supported device but I still shouldn't be held to ransom to buy a new phone because of their lazy testing policies. I bought my phone 8 months before I got the Mavic, I mean.. unfortunately I didnt have my magic 8 ball to guide me at that point, eh?  Also with android becoming more stable and consistent over the years there is less of an excuse to only test a handful of devices. In my case Sony only  have incremental upgrades in terms of hardware, skins are the same in the z3 in fact i have more performance in my new handset which logic dictates should be able to handle the app better. Your comparison is void and your comment is pointless. GFY next time.
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Flight distance : 233146 ft
  • >>>

z4k4tt4ck Posted at 2017-3-17 02:07
I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.

I have a supported device which is the Galaxy Note 4 and DJI Go 4 crashed every time I tried it on test flights.  I tried it instead on an unsupported device (Sony Z Ultra, same chipset as supported phones) and it works better although it still has occasional crashes.

Putting the fact aside that my unsupported device works far better than the supported one, the devices on the supported list are older models and while DJI claim that they're testing for new models, there's no sign of any additions.  Given the Mavic is a cutting edge piece of technology, it's hardly unreasonable for people to want to use more recent mobile phones and the fact stability seems to have got worse the last couple of releases is frustrating as well.
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Flight distance : 35249 ft
United Kingdom

z4k4tt4ck Posted at 2017-3-17 02:07
I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.

To say someone should buy a new phone because their current phone isn't on the support list would be valid if we weren't talking about Android phones which should be able to run any properly coded app universally, I have a oneplus 3 with 6gb of memory  at it's disposal, this phone is an absolute beast and never slows down with anything, it also never crashes on any of the 100+ apps I have on the phone, so why does it only crash on Go4???   Answer - DJI are lazy with testing and coding.

On the other hand I have a Sony Z3 which is on the list and it still crashes and also with that phone now being old tech it's starting to struggle to keep up with the framerate on Go4 at times.

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Flight distance : 799718 ft

z4k4tt4ck Posted at 2017-3-17 02:07
I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.

Yeah, You only think so ....................  {:4_154:}   Also my "supported" device NOTE 4 chrashes more and more with each update. Fact is: DJI GO 4 is crappy software with sloppy programming and with each update it gets more sloppy ...........................

I got my SONY XPERIA Z Ultra working quite good until last update, but now it crashes like hell like my Note 4 .........................
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

Tested DJI go V 4.0.0 - in the 30mins of flying only crashed once - compared to yesterdays flying on the latest version which was crashing every 3-5 minutes. Why can't DJI do simple testing like this I have no idea. Maybe I should test all available versions on APK mirror for them and post a nice chart plotting my experience flight time v no. crashes.
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Flight distance : 42516 ft
United States

I have a theory about why the DJI GO app is becoming more unstable.  The DJI GO app keeps consuming all available Android INTERNAL memory on my phone.  Very little flight time goes by before the DJI app is consuming over 1GB internal memory on my phone.  There is a solution to this if DJI GO would provide the option.  The option is to allow the VIDEO CACHE and other large data be stored on my Android EXTERNAL MicroSD card instead of Internal memory.  My external MicroSD card has 32GB of storage, plenty of memory for the DJI GO app to use.  For that matter, it would be nice if I could also move the DJI GO app from internal memory to external MicroSD card storage as many of my other Android apps allow me to do.  Then have all other DJI GO related activity be performed from the larger external memory MicroSD card, as many of my other Android apps allow me to do.  The DJI GO app currently insists on using and consuming all available internal memory, which is already mostly used.  This behavior is certainly going to cause problems for the phone platform and all other applications sharing the phone, including the Android OS and its updates.  My Android phone has a quad core ARM processor and DJI GO runs well when internal memory isn't completely consumed.

DJI, please allow the DJI GO app to run from and use EXTERNAL MicroSD card storage to provide relief to an already over burdened internal memory system.

I spent the entire morning looking for options in the latest DJI GO update to help alleviate this increasingly critical problem.  I found a way to disable storing flight video to video cache.  I don't like flying this way as I'd like to have a local copy of the video until I am certain I can retrieve the Mavic's on-board video.  But at least this feature is available, and further testing will allow me to determine if this action solves my Android->DJI GO problems.  Allowing storage of this and other data to External MicroSD would I believe make DJI GO run well, as it does when Android Internal memory isn't completely consumed.

I have all but stopped flying my DJI Mavic because the DJI GO app keeps freezing and telling me it's lost radio contact.  I know this isn't true because the drone is in visual range and the remote still allows me to control the flight to visually bring the Mavic back to a safe landing.  All automated landing and other features are inoperative in DJI GO when this happens.  Controls are usually a lagging in response, but otherwise still operational.
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Flight distance : 473389 ft

The latest 4.0.5 app for android it is the first that could not make connection with the remote...only after restarting phone managed to make a s5+
Indeed the support for android it is like a second hand one...why? the android users are the majority...not the apple is infuriating for dji clients to see more feature on apple go4 and to see android one crashing...rely disappointed by you wish to get rid of android customers? I think not...
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

daivatam Posted at 2017-3-17 13:59
The latest 4.0.5 app for android it is the first that could not make connection with the remote...only after restarting phone managed to make a s5+
Indeed the support for android it is like a second hand one...why? the android users are the majority...not the apple is infuriating for dji clients to see more feature on apple go4 and to see android one crashing...rely disappointed by you wish to get rid of android customers? I think not...

Supporting Android devices are much harder since there are many more Android devices than iPhone's
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Flight distance : 799718 ft

DJI-Thor Posted at 2017-3-17 19:42
Supporting Android devices are much harder since there are many more Android devices than iPhone's

............. so what ? Androids are the majority and numbers will increase ............ So DJI has to work even HARDER, there is no excuse .............. DJI puts a list of "supported" devices ? DJI GO 4 crashes permanently on these devices with every update more and more and our situation gets worse and worse ?

Simple thing: do a better coding or tell the people BEFORE PURCHASE that they will have to buy an i-crap-phone to fly their Mavics fully functional ! How it is now, it is not tolerable anymore.

I had so much fun with my MP back in November when I received it and now I am only frustrated .............

With the next update - I am sure - I will be able to use my Mavic as bricked paperweight only ...............

Shame on DJI .........................
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

i use litchi now until a fix is sorted, no crashes at all on litchi but dji go 4 is unusable on my android device
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Flight distance : 11281079 ft
United States

Can't we all just get along?!
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Flight distance : 638796 ft

z4k4tt4ck Posted at 2017-3-17 02:07
I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.

Chill out, man, ok?
There are many reports here about supported devices from the official DJI list having the same /or similar issues. I guess DJI should really go further and work a bit harder on Android (or clearly stand on the web that they will support only Apple).
BTW on Apple devices are crash reports too... so don't worry too much about discrimination...
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Flight distance : 164406 ft

Range30 Posted at 2017-3-18 00:24
Can't we all just get along?!

Might never Happen !!!
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Flight distance : 95640 ft

z4k4tt4ck Posted at 2017-3-17 02:07
I use a supported android device ... never had one crash ......why on earth do you people complain when your unsupported phone's have problems ? Seriously it makes no sense at all. I bought some size 6 Nike sneakers .... im a size ten ... for some INSANE reason the sneakers won't fit me !!!!! Wtf nike ?????? Im so mad right now.

Crazy alright.

Every android phone should be compatible.
DJI drones aren't cheap, the least they can do is not asking us to buy a new phone.

Second, many people with a device compatible are experiencing crashes
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Flight distance : 95640 ft

Edit: every recent android phone ofc
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Flight distance : 11281079 ft
United States

CraigA Posted at 2017-3-17 13:04
I have a theory about why the DJI GO app is becoming more unstable.  The DJI GO app keeps consuming all available Android INTERNAL memory on my phone.  Very little flight time goes by before the DJI app is consuming over 1GB internal memory on my phone.  There is a solution to this if DJI GO would provide the option.  The option is to allow the VIDEO CACHE and other large data be stored on my Android EXTERNAL MicroSD card instead of Internal memory.  My external MicroSD card has 32GB of storage, plenty of memory for the DJI GO app to use.  For that matter, it would be nice if I could also move the DJI GO app from internal memory to external MicroSD card storage as many of my other Android apps allow me to do.  Then have all other DJI GO related activity be performed from the larger external memory MicroSD card, as many of my other Android apps allow me to do.  The DJI GO app currently insists on using and consuming all available internal memory, which is already mostly used.  This behavior is certainly going to cause problems for the phone platform and all other applications sharing the phone, including the Android OS and its updates.  My Android phone has a quad core ARM processor and DJI GO runs well when internal memory isn't completely consumed.

DJI, please allow the DJI GO app to run from and use EXTERNAL MicroSD card storage to provide relief to an already over burdened internal memory system.

Great response CraigA !
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Flight distance : 11281079 ft
United States

Make sure your phone doesn't have phone lock active at anytime, also make sure you restart your phone before you calibrate your DJI for use and make sure ALL notifications including the apps that came with your phone service provider especially any anti-virus app is disabled. Remove all apps in the background along making sure you update your phone using your system update section in your phone. Hopefully, this solves your problem. Besides the system side of your phone, make sure your DJI APP is the only app running.
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Flight distance : 473389 ft

Yes the android phones are many models but the core system is the all the games and app could function without problems on all androids and dji go could not so well...why options available to apple but not android...not need to say more but dji knows best what make they ticking .  We want to see solid app performance and same features on both platforms...threat them the same. Take care with litchy it is not working proper with the latest fw update.
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Flight distance : 42516 ft
United States

It finally stopped raining long enough (Seattle) for me to try the new settings I made earlier to reduce Android memory requirements.  The situation is improved, but far from "fixed".  During a 5 minute flight the DJI GO app crashed twice, first time at 1:50 into the flight, and again about 2 minutes after DJI GO reboot.  When the Mavic is outside of visual range, which happens quickly, flying blind is not acceptable.  I waited for the DJI GO application to reboot (takes about a minute, which is forever when flying) and once control was restored ordered the Mavic to RTH.  It appears I get ~2 minutes of flight, 1 minutes of crash, then another ~2 minutes of flight followed by another 1 minute of crash.  The app crashed again while the Mavic executed a RTH.  I only have 2/3 of my flight time where the DJI GO application isn't crashing.  When I first received the DJI GO/Mavic software It ran well and never crashed.  Now it spends almost as much time crashing as working. I was flying at 250ft to make sure I didn't hit anything while blind.

I hope this trend turns around because now I'm afraid to fly my Mavic knowing I'll lose control and visual every 2 minutes of flight.  My phone is a Moto E (2nd generation) , Android 5.1, which worked well until about mid-February when DJI software updates made things progressively much worse.  My phone software has been stable, no updates, since I started flying the Mavic.  The only change has been DJI software.
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Flight distance : 42516 ft
United States

Just had 3 short (5min-8min) cautious flights using my two batteries and DJI GO 4.0.5 software and NO APPLICATION CRASHES!

Out of desperation I opened Android Settings->Storage->DJI GO, cleared cache, cleared data, then uninstalled the DJI GO 4.0.5 app.

Then I went to Google Play and downloaded the DJI GO app again.  It installed 4.0.5.  I carefully went through my settings (some of the trees around me are 50+ meters high, so default RTH altitude of 30m is a problem).  Then went flying.  Radio stayed connected, video occasionally lurched on my phone display, but never went away.  In short, the setup behaved as it did when I first received it.

It is too early to tell, but weather permitting and a few more flights and I'll see if my luck holds.

Only thing I can figure is the application must not have initialized it's data area properly through multiple upgrades.  So a full removal of cache, data, and program, followed by a reinstall seems to have cleared my setup for me.  I did have to go through all the "new" user stuff, and that locked up once.  But a single reboot of the phone and all is well again.

I still have the problem of DJI GO insisting on being in INTERNAL memory instead of EXTERNAL memory, and defaulting to VIDEO CACHE being "on".  I turned VIDEO CACHE "off", made sure my INTERNAL memory had about 1GB free prior to this flight test.

Looks for the moment that I'm back in business!   I'll post if anything changes this with 4.0.5.
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Flight distance : 102359 ft

Yup, literally forced to upgrade to GO4 and it has caused me nothing but problems with disconnects, major lag time and worse!!!!  Where as GO3 worked like a charm and no problems what so ever. Why not continue allowing Mavic to run on GO3.   
WTF DJI   What the hell is the use of flying the Mavic if you can't even see what you're recording or photographing????   Am running Adroid 5.1.1
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Flight distance : 102359 ft

CrazyHorse019 Posted at 2017-3-17 01:03
I have used apkmirror to go back to version 4.0.0 - I will do some testing this afternoon and let you know the results.

Thanks for that suggestion, worked like a charm. Was able to reinstall the GO 3.1.3 before being forced to the GO4 with my Mavic. GO4 just didn't work right and this version did.Also turned off the auto-update so it won't do that either. (Happy Camper again)  
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Flight distance : 2180843 ft
United States

daivatam Posted at 2017-3-18 05:27
Yes the android phones are many models but the core system is the all the games and app could function without problems on all androids and dji go could not so well...why options available to apple but not android...not need to say more but dji knows best what make they ticking .  We want to see solid app performance and same features on both platforms...threat them the same. Take care with litchy it is not working proper with the latest fw update.

I have read that to use Litchi app you can downgrade firmware on the Mavic using DJI Assistant2 and it will be safe and stable to use.
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Flight distance : 2180843 ft
United States

CrazyHorse019 Posted at 2017-3-17 01:03
I have used apkmirror to go back to version 4.0.0 - I will do some testing this afternoon and let you know the results.

Which version Mirror app did you use and can you provide details as to how to downgrade to the older GO4 app that actually works. I have auto updates disabled on my phone so I'm still running 4.0.4 and have no issues. I purchased a 7" Galaxy TAB A to be dedicated for flying MP but unfortunately app 4.0.5 had already been released on the Play Store and is useless. Thanks for any assistance!!  
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

RAMJET-1 Posted at 2017-3-22 04:34
Which version Mirror app did you use and can you provide details as to how to downgrade to the older GO4 app that actually works. I have auto updates disabled on my phone so I'm still running 4.0.4 and have no issues. I purchased a 7" Galaxy TAB A to be dedicated for flying MP but unfortunately app 4.0.5 had already been released on the Play Store and is useless. Thanks for any assistance!!

You just delete the current app from your device, then go to apkmirror website - search for djiGO4 app and it should list the versions. You can download them there using the link to your device. Search the download directory on your device and install from there. I read on another thread that dji.go.v4_4.0.5-1021913_minAPI19(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi) is stable, so I am about to try that out - i will let you know how i get on.
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Flight distance : 1480 ft

Ive experienced crashes as well when using phone but with my tablet, no issues at all. Shield with Android 7. S7 Edge with Android 7 also good. But Samsung Galaxy? Crash after 5-10 minutes. Old android version. I see many having issues with Android 7 but working perfect for me, so strange problem.
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Flight distance : 2180843 ft
United States

CrazyHorse019 Posted at 2017-3-22 05:02
You just delete the current app from your device, then go to apkmirror website - search for djiGO4 app and it should list the versions. You can download them there using the link to your device. Search the download directory on your device and install from there. I read on another thread that dji.go.v4_4.0.5-1021913_minAPI19(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi) is stable, so I am about to try that out - i will let you know how i get on.

Okay, good deal CrazyHorse!! I will give this a shot when I get home from work today. I'll check in on this thread from time to time for any updates. Thanks again
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Flight distance : 2180843 ft
United States

CrazyHorse019 Posted at 2017-3-22 05:02
You just delete the current app from your device, then go to apkmirror website - search for djiGO4 app and it should list the versions. You can download them there using the link to your device. Search the download directory on your device and install from there. I read on another thread that dji.go.v4_4.0.5-1021913_minAPI19(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi) is stable, so I am about to try that out - i will let you know how i get on.

Fixing to send you PM.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 21083 ft
United Kingdom

GabrielHa Posted at 2017-3-22 05:12
Ive experienced crashes as well when using phone but with my tablet, no issues at all. Shield with Android 7. S7 Edge with Android 7 also good. But Samsung Galaxy? Crash after 5-10 minutes. Old android version. I see many having issues with Android 7 but working perfect for me, so strange problem.

Did you try to use with SGS7 edge intelligent flight modes several times? My SGS7 Edge sometimes freezes during using these modes...the rest works fine...
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

Can confirm I have flown for 40 minutes without a crash using dji.go.v4_4.0.5-1021913_minAPI19(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi)   I dont know what its like for further range, I only have gone LOS with it.

Hope this helps

For info i'm using Sony Xperia Z5 Compact Model Number: E5823 using android version 7.0 with build number 32.3.A.0.376
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Flight distance : 2180843 ft
United States

CrazyHorse019 Posted at 2017-3-24 05:10
Can confirm I have flown for 40 minutes without a crash using dji.go.v4_4.0.5-1021913_minAPI19(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi)   I dont know what its like for further range, I only have gone LOS with it.

Hope this helps

Hi CrazyHorse019, I am having good luck running the 4.0.4 version I downloaded from apkmirror. Yesterday I flew the longest flight so far at 33,028ft total distance with no issues except for week imaging transmission a couple times. I think I will load 4..0.4-1021910 when I get off work this afternoon and give it a good test.

Thanks you for the update.
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Flight distance : 2180843 ft
United States

RAMJET-1 Posted at 2017-3-25 01:32
Hi CrazyHorse019, I am having good luck running the 4.0.4 version I downloaded from apkmirror. Yesterday I flew the longest flight so far at 33,028ft total distance with no issues except for week imaging transmission a couple times. I think I will load 4..0.4-1021910 when I get off work this afternoon and give it a good test.

Thanks you for the update.

I think I will load 4.0.4-1021910 when I get off work this afternoon and give it a good test.  

Typo:  I meant 4.0.5-1021910
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