I had my mavic for 20 hours
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5491 65 2017-4-7
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Got my Mavic Pro (purchased from authorized dealer in New York - I live in Wisconsin) on March 28th.  

While trying to upfgrade the firmware that night, I got an "Aircraft Core Board Overheating" error in DJI Go.  OK - problem.  It was never in the air.  Never flew.

I reached out to DJI, and they recommended I send it in to them.  In retrospect, I should have just returned it, and got a new one.

So - I get the UPS label, and send it off to them  It's UPS GROUND!!  Ugh.  So they get it a week later.

They check it out, verify there's a problem (apparently) and here I sit - wating for a replacement.  NOBODY at DJI can tell me WHEN it's coming, or if they can send it overnight.  I've sat on hold for an hour, spoken to 3 different people on 3 different dates, chatted via the web 3-4 times - and all they do is talk in circles.

This is my 5th DJI product.  (Phantom 2 Vision, P3, Inspire 1, OSMO) and I feel like they don't care.  I don't expect special treatment - but honestly, you can't tell me WHEN you'll ship out my replacement product?  (The website says "under repair," yet I was assured I would be getting a new bird...  WTF.)

This is making me crazy - and nobody has offered me anything like an additional battery, props, etc.  

I had heard horror stories about DJI customer service - now I get to experience it firsthand.

I had the Mavic in my possession for about 20 hours.  It's been out of my hands for 10 days now.
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Flight distance : 10774613 ft
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That's very frustrating.

The website says "under repair," yet I was assured I would be getting a new bird...  WTF

I've seen the same thing reported by more than one person that did get back a new Mavic. Apparently DJI's status reporting system can't / doesn't distinguish between an actual repair and a replacement.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-4-7 09:07
That's very frustrating.

The website says "under repair," yet I was assured I would be getting a new bird...  WTF

Thanks for this - I kind of figured that was the case - just incredibly frustrating that nobody I talk, email, or chat with can give me a straight answer...

What are they going to send me?  A new bird with controller, battery, etc?
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Flight distance : 10774613 ft
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fansc5855b32 Posted at 2017-4-7 09:07
Thanks for this - I kind of figured that was the case - just incredibly frustrating that nobody I talk, email, or chat with can give me a straight answer...

What are they going to send me?  A new bird with controller, battery, etc?

What are they going to send me?  A new bird with controller, battery, etc?

That's what I'd expect. In fact, I can't recall when -- if ever -- that I saw someone get back the same serial number they sent to DJI. There's been some speculation about refurbished units, but that was based on the presence of things like minor scuffs that in my opinion could just as easily have happened at the factory.

What I do know is that a while back there were lots of messages on here from people complaining that they'd gotten back replacements that were broken worse than what was sent in, but those pretty much completely dried up almost overnight. So for what it's worth, there's apparently a good chance that you'll get back a Mavic with no major problems.
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I;m sorry you had to send it in, I'm sure they'll get a Mavic back to you soon.
What is the case# and I can make a note in it.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-4-7 09:56
I;m sorry you had to send it in, I'm sure they'll get a Mavic back to you soon.
What is the case# and I can make a note in it.

I've spoken to 3 different people, and chatted with 3-4.  I'm losing hope of anyone getting me a straight answer.

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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-7 09:56
I've spoken to 3 different people, and chatted with 3-4.  I'm losing hope of anyone getting me a straight answer.


Your Mavic was only delivered 3 days ago and it was received in yesterday so it's only been in the repair shops hand for one day. I do see s supervisor told you it could take 5-10 days from when received in.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-4-7 10:01
Your Mavic was only delivered 3 days ago and it was received in yesterday so it's only been in the repair shops hand for one day. I do see s supervisor told you it could take 5-10 days from when received in.

Not sure how hard it is to take a new one and send it to me...

I got a UPS Ground label - which took a week to get to you, now I wait more, for a drone that I had IN MY HANDS for 20 hours.

Just doesnt seem right, that's all..
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-4-7 10:01
Your Mavic was only delivered 3 days ago and it was received in yesterday so it's only been in the repair shops hand for one day. I do see s supervisor told you it could take 5-10 days from when received in.

Not sure how hard it is to take a new one and send it to me...  I was originally told 5-10 days from when I shipped it.  I made a point to ask that exactly.  Lost in translation, apparently.  

I got a UPS Ground label - which took a week to get to you, now I wait more, for a drone that I had IN MY HANDS for 20 hours.  Never flown.  Only powered on to upgrade firmware - not sure that even "took."

It just doesn't seem right, that's all.  My money is gone, and I have (literally) nothing to show for it.  Your sire says "under repair," but it's NOT getting "repaired."  It's getting replaced - right??

I know I'll get one eventually - but hearing people waiting 30-50 days is NOT acceptable.  Especially since I asked the first rep if it would be faster to just return it and buy a new one.  He said no.

I just want to know the date that you'll be sending out my NEW drone.   The only thing I hear from the rep is to "wait 24-48 hours for our email."
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-7 10:23
Not sure how hard it is to take a new one and send it to me...  I was originally told 5-10 days from when I shipped it.  I made a point to ask that exactly.  Lost in translation, apparently.  

I got a UPS Ground label - which took a week to get to you, now I wait more, for a drone that I had IN MY HANDS for 20 hours.  Never flown.  Only powered on to upgrade firmware - not sure that even "took."

I can tell you that you won't wait 30-50 days, it was only checked in yesterday and I would think by next week it should be coming back to you.and the 5-10 days after received is an accurate time frame for it being in the repair shop.Your's has to be received in then sent to the enaluation department and that takes time.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-4-7 11:03
I can tell you that you won't wait 30-50 days, it was only checked in yesterday and I would think by next week it should be coming back to you.and the 5-10 days after received is an accurate time frame for it being in the repair shop.Your's has to be received in then sent to the enaluation department and that takes time.

My status says "under repair."  Its gone through check-in, damage assessment, and billing.  (free of charge)

From what I was told, you're NOT repairing my Mavic - you're sending me a new one.  I just want to know WHEN that' going to happen.

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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-7 11:44
My status says "under repair."  Its gone through check-in, damage assessment, and billing.  (free of charge)

From what I was told, you're NOT repairing my Mavic - you're sending me a new one.  I just want to know WHEN that' going to happen.

It's a process and it takes 3-4 days like it shows.
Again, your aircraft was only received in yesterday.
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Flight distance : 23 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-7 11:44
My status says "under repair."  Its gone through check-in, damage assessment, and billing.  (free of charge)

From what I was told, you're NOT repairing my Mavic - you're sending me a new one.  I just want to know WHEN that' going to happen.

Geez Ken just told you. I was going to make a post about UK whining but now I can't
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

I get it - I really do.  My biggest problem is the fact that it arrived DOA.  It has never even been in the air.

I could have easily returned it to the dealer, ordered a new one, and I'd be flying by now.

I just don't get why it has to sit for 3-4 days in the "under repair" zone, if they're just sending me a new one.
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Flight distance : 1482175 ft
United States

This is pretty normal right now. They are heavily backlogged. Mine took just under 2 and a half weeks after they received it before they sent it back.

Did you hear the internal fan kick on? Its pretty loud. If not, then that is the problem. It should turn on after a few minutes of sitting still. I've heard of a few units being sent with the fan cable loose or disconnected.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

geofox784 Posted at 2017-4-9 09:58
This is pretty normal right now. They are heavily backlogged. Mine took just under 2 and a half weeks after they received it before they sent it back.

Did you hear the internal fan kick on? Its pretty loud. If not, then that is the problem. It should turn on after a few minutes of sitting still. I've heard of a few units being sent with the fan cable loose or disconnected.

Finally got someone to admit that they had no replacement units on hand, and were waiting to receive them from China.  So there's that...

There was NO fan sound.  but if the "core board" is fried - I want a new one.  

This past weekend was awesome too.  (A rare thing in Wisconsin) I hated not having a bird in the air.  Hopefully it comes this week.
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Flight distance : 174262 ft
United States

Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-10 12:29
Finally got someone to admit that they had no replacement units on hand, and were waiting to receive them from China.  So there's that...

There was NO fan sound.  but if the "core board" is fried - I want a new one.  

I know exactly how you feel man..... Even though my story isn't like your story. But I totally see the frustration of what your saying. The most important words here is BRAND NEW. It's kind of shocking that some are defending this kind of treatment.

But hopefully you get your stuff back very soon.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

jeebs-9 Posted at 2017-4-10 14:15
I know exactly how you feel man..... Even though my story isn't like your story. But I totally see the frustration of what your saying. The most important words here is BRAND NEW. It's kind of shocking that some are defending this kind of treatment.

But hopefully you get your stuff back very soon.

Exactly.  All I want is INFORMATION.  Tell me that you don't have replacement units - and that you expect them in on (insert date here) - that's fine.  Just don't play games.

I'd imagine the ones defending the treatment got theirs back already - or actually had the chance to FLY their units before they flew it into a tree, and utilized their DJI Care agreement...  ;)
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

Today will make day 4 of being in the 3-4 days in the "repair" area...  

I just want me replacement.  
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

Today is April 13.  I got a phone call yesterday (4/12) from a DJI rep.  He apologized for the delay, and told me that he'd make sure a NEW Mavic Pro shipped out to me Friday or Monday.  He promised me that it would NOT be a refurbished unit.

So - I'm impressed that I got a call from someone - and I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll get a new drone early next week.

Still no offer of an additional battery, or anything "for my troubles," but some news is better than NO news.  
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-13 06:43
Today is April 13.  I got a phone call yesterday (4/12) from a DJI rep.  He apologized for the delay, and told me that he'd make sure a NEW Mavic Pro shipped out to me Friday or Monday.  He promised me that it would NOT be a refurbished unit.

So - I'm impressed that I got a call from someone - and I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll get a new drone early next week.

You are the reason DJI cant answer anyone's support tickets or request. They have people like you WASTING their time and bugging the SHI* out of them. If you wanted your drone back immediately you should have taken it back to your retailer for a return... like anyone else would have done...

Quit your whining and learn to have some patience.. After 1 day of your drone being received you come on here to start complaining... Some people and their precieved entitlement seriously blow my mind
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-4-13 07:29
You are the reason DJI cant answer anyone's support tickets or request. They have people like you WASTING their time and bugging the SHI* out of them. If you wanted your drone back immediately you should have taken it back to your retailer for a return... like anyone else would have done...

Quit your whining and learn to have some patience.. After 1 day of your drone being received you come on here to start complaining... Some people and their precieved entitlement seriously blow my mind

Perceived entitlement?  

Pardon me for expecting to have a working piece of equipment out of the box.  I'm going to assume you flew yours into a wall or something.  My "repair" was NOT operator error like yours probably was.  My Mavic arrived DOA, with an "Aircraft Core Board Overheating" error while trying to upgrade firmware.  

My Mavic had never been in the air  Heck, it had never even been outside.  In retrospect you're right - I should have returned it to my dealer. However, when I first called DJI support, the person at TOLD ME to send it back to them, and that it would take 7-10 days for me to get my replacement.  I did that.  I even asked if I should return it to my dealer - the tech on the line said no, and to send it to them.  My dealer didn't have stock - and I could deal with the 7-10 days.  I didn't know that it would take a FULL 7 DAYS to get to Carson, CA.  I would have paid for 2-day or next day air out of my own pocket had I realized (before they sent me the label) that it was going to them via UPS Ground.

I suggest you maybe get a little history on my specific case before you say that I'm "whining" and "wasting their time."

I don't comment on anyone's case, as I do NOT know the specifics of their case.  I suggest you do the same.
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-13 08:09
Perceived entitlement?  

Pardon me for expecting to have a working piece of equipment out of the box.  I'm going to assume you flew yours into a wall or something.  My "repair" was NOT operator error like yours probably was.  My Mavic arrived DOA, with an "Aircraft Core Board Overheating" error while trying to upgrade firmware.  

You are clearly whining and wasting DJIs time. I think anyone who has read this thread can see that very clearly..  I have not had to have my Mavic repaired but if and when I do I will not act like an entitled 12 year old about it. At this point I am whining about you whining so I will be on my way but I really think you should have some patience with DJI and maybe not expect your drone to be sent back to you in 1 BUSINESS DAY.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-4-13 09:05
You are clearly whining and wasting DJIs time. I think anyone who has read this thread can see that very clearly..  I have not had to have my Mavic repaired but if and when I do I will not act like an entitled 12 year old about it. At this point I am whining about you whining so I will be on my way but I really think you should have some patience with DJI and maybe not expect your drone to be sent back to you in 1 BUSINESS DAY.

I expect that something I paid for was in working condition upon receipt.

I didn't have a problem like this with my phantom2 or 3, with my osmo, or with my Inspire 1.

I also expect that in a case such as this, the information I get is honest.  

If you don't expect those things - I want to sell you things.
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Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-13 08:09
Perceived entitlement?  

Pardon me for expecting to have a working piece of equipment out of the box.  I'm going to assume you flew yours into a wall or something.  My "repair" was NOT operator error like yours probably was.  My Mavic arrived DOA, with an "Aircraft Core Board Overheating" error while trying to upgrade firmware.  

You could have easily changed your ups to two day and paid for it online, it's really very simple, but alas hindsight.
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Flight distance : 174262 ft
United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-4-13 09:05
You are clearly whining and wasting DJIs time. I think anyone who has read this thread can see that very clearly..  I have not had to have my Mavic repaired but if and when I do I will not act like an entitled 12 year old about it. At this point I am whining about you whining so I will be on my way but I really think you should have some patience with DJI and maybe not expect your drone to be sent back to you in 1 BUSINESS DAY.

Haha this is the part I don't get on this forum and threads... Its the people sitting here and defending DJI lol.  I don't know about anyone else.  But 1000 is a lot of money.  My story is different. But I couldn't imagine buying something brand new and it being defect out of the box, brand new. Some one telling me I'm whining..... thats so funny lol

Just like politics, I love to know the other side of the story.  DJI has a lot of cleaning up to do in this dept. Yea maybe he shouldn't be posting here like everyday (reminds me of ZERO Dark Thirty scene) Number of days

lol.... But man so many of these threads and phone calls could be cleared up with a few adjustment on DJI's end. Example, The website has said it take one day to unpack. But as everyone here knows. That's not the case. It's probably more like 3-6 days to unpack. Simple little thing like that keep people a little more chill. Know what I mean?

I hope everyone is having a great day. Sorry for the peace talk.

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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

After much delay - I finally got an update!

My replacement Mavic is being sent back to me - VIA UPS GROUND!  Multiple people told me that it would be sent back to me 2-day - and now this.  Ugh,

So 4 weeks from the day I got it, to the day I'll have a replacement.

On what planet is this acceptable?

Again - had this been pilot error, it would be fine.  The fact of the matter is that it arrived to me dead on arrival.

And still no offer of an additional battery, or anything extra for my headaches.  Crazy.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
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Flight distance : 10774613 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-20 06:33
After much delay - I finally got an update!

My replacement Mavic is being sent back to me - VIA UPS GROUND!  Multiple people told me that it would be sent back to me 2-day - and now this.  Ugh,

My replacement Mavic is being sent back to me  - VIA UPS GROUND!

Glad to hear that you'll be back in business soon.

Multiple people told me that it would be sent back to me 2-day - and now this.

I doubt you'd see a huge difference between Ground and 2nd-day, but yes, you should have been given correct information.

So 4 weeks from the day I got it, to the day I'll have a replacement.

That seems pretty typical for North America despite the party line being that it's a two-week turnaround.

On what planet is this acceptable?

Well, maybe not "acceptable" but normal in any market where there's little or no competition. Ever dealt with the government? In fairness, though, the reason that DJI dominates the drone market so much is because of their superior products; if it weren't so you probably wouldn't be here posting / reading and neither would I.

And still no offer of an additional battery, or anything extra for my headaches.

For what it's worth, your experience seems to be pretty typical of what occurs when someone is due a repair or replacement. My next drone will almost certainly be a DJI product, but I'll buy from a retailer with a decent return policy and hope I won't need to use it.

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FI. Stanley
Flight distance : 148556 ft
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Why u should get free item?. They not have to do that u get a new drone and yes take some time to get there and check up. In the end they resolve your problem. Imy Mavic  had faulty unit and was returned by dji after 5 days I got my refund back in 3 days and bought at my retail shop they had in stock. I hope when u get your Mavic Back u have more luck.
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

Awesome service DJI!  Got my repacement Mavic today - and as expected - IT"S A REFURBISHED UNIT!

Nothing but lies from these people.  Unbelievable.  (Or should I say, "believable.")

Good God.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-25 16:27
Awesome service DJI!  Got my repacement Mavic today - and as expected - IT"S A REFURBISHED UNIT!

Nothing but lies from these people.  Unbelievable.  (Or should I say, "believable.")

lol Does it work though?
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Flight distance : 747087 ft
United States

thehippoz Posted at 2017-4-25 16:36
lol Does it work though?

I have no idea -  I'm not flying it, as this was NOT what I was told.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-25 16:27
Awesome service DJI!  Got my repacement Mavic today - and as expected - IT"S A REFURBISHED UNIT!

Nothing but lies from these people.  Unbelievable.  (Or should I say, "believable.")

Out of curiosity, how do you know that it's refurbished?
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Flight distance : 4033665 ft
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Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-25 16:27
Awesome service DJI!  Got my repacement Mavic today - and as expected - IT"S A REFURBISHED UNIT!

Nothing but lies from these people.  Unbelievable.  (Or should I say, "believable.")

I think refurbished as new is what they should have sent you, I think it is important that you set it up and test fly it, if there is nothing wrong then you have a good aircraft, if you think there is something that your not happy with then you have the option of returning it, also if you must have a brand new out of the box, you can also send it back as long as it was not your aircraft that was refurbished.

It seems from reading your post that you think you should get special treatment like getting a free battery for the way your being treated, but the truth is you have been treated like everyone else which is fair, although I do think service is not up to scratch just yet at dji, but I feel it's getting better.

I think if you don't even try out the aircraft they sent you it will have more to do with you getting another chance to denigrate dji in the hope of getting a free battery as you keep mentioning this, than it will be to do with you getting a proper working Mavic.

“We can't change the world by shouting, but our words can have meaning if we give them enough respect.”
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Flight distance : 78780 ft
United States

If you don't hold companies and corporations accountable for their bad service, you are part of the problem. People who defend these type of service, willing to jump through unnecessary hoops, do not value their time or others. Period.
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Flight distance : 159820 ft
United States

Jayman720 Posted at 2017-4-20 06:33
After much delay - I finally got an update!

My replacement Mavic is being sent back to me - VIA UPS GROUND!  Multiple people told me that it would be sent back to me 2-day - and now this.  Ugh,

Sorry for your issue but your demand is unbelievable.
Even though it took  a whole month for you to get the replacement, but shipping back and forth took half time. I totally understand how you feel when receiving replacement unit as I in fact don't want to get refurbished unit to replace my brand new unit.
If I was you, I should have returned it for a refund from day one to get a new one instead since you bought from an authorized dealer.
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Flight distance : 4033665 ft
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mujar Posted at 2017-4-26 07:58
If you don't hold companies and corporations accountable for their bad service, you are part of the problem. People who defend these type of service, willing to jump through unnecessary hoops, do not value their time or others. Period.

They received on 4 th April he received it back on 25th, that's 14 working days, I don't know if op's continuous complaining or asking for free batteries is warranted in this situation, yes there seems to be some confusion over whether he received a new Mavic or a refurbished or his own one repaired.

By all means hold companies accountable, but because you shout the loudest doesn't mean you somehow deserve special treatment, the first thing the company needs to be is fair to all their customers and treat them all the same.
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Flight distance : 159820 ft
United States

CelticWarrior Posted at 2017-4-26 08:12
They received on 4 th April he received it back on 25th, that's 14 working days, I don't know if op's continuous complaining or asking for free batteries is warranted in this situation, yes there seems to be some confusion over whether he received a new Mavic or a refurbished or his own one repaired.

By all means hold companies accountable, but because you shout the loudest doesn't mean you somehow deserve special treatment, the first thing the company needs to be is fair to all their customers and treat them all the same.

Exactly, 14 days in service is totally acceptable and a standard for most repair services.
OP thought DJI would send a new one for him upon they received his. He did NOT realize that "service" has to do their job as a protocol.
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Flight distance : 174262 ft
United States

I don't want to get banned here. But there is something wrong with out of the box broken to them saying it's not a replacement and your getting a brand new one.....to getting the delivery and it being a used refurb. There is a certain video that is out there that I'd to post here. But I don't want to get in trouble or banned for it. So if you'd like to see why I could see the OP asking for extra stuff. Please PM me for the link to the video I'm talking about. But in fairness. I see people saying everyone should be treated fairly. But that is not what is happening across the boards. My case with DJI is an example. But I'm not going to get into that (I have a whole thread on that).

I'd really like people who are not returning or dealing with DJI to have a more open mind to the people's situations and how DJI is treating it.
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