Flight distance : 3632605 ft
I use manual settings for my camera, as it ensures that once I move the clips to FCPX I won't have the colour settings dynamically change in the midst of a clip.
One of the things I wish I could do would be to start by simply putting the white balance (WB) to Auto, letting the camera take a best guess at what the appropriate WB setting should be, and then switch to Manual, with the setting locked onto wherever the setting Auto was in. Currently if you do this, when you shift from Auto to Manual, the WB setting defaults to "6000" in Manual and you adjust it from there.
So, for example, if it was a relatively overcast day and Auto set the WB to 5600, when I switch over to Manual, I'd love it if the setting would remain at 5600 (rather than me having to wind it down from 6000).
I'm interested in seeing whether there's any others out there that would find this useful.
My rationale for this is that sometimes with a smaller screen and glare, finding the appropriate balance is tricky, so I'm prepared to let the MP do it.
Does this sound like something worthwhile to others (or am I overlooking an existing setting that would accomplish do this already)?