Flight distance : 1486660 ft
United Kingdom
Hi, I live just at the edge of a yellow zone and yesterday I brought my Mavic Pro to a nearby park for a short flight. However, at home I already unlock the zone using the DJI Go 4 app and at the site I tried to import the unlock data but I either got a "no unlock data available" or "network error". Then, I reapplied because maybe I got the SN wrong. However, when I checked the app I can see there were 2 valid authorized unlock NFZ applications under the "New version" and 2 inactive applications under "Old version". After that I tried to import the unlock data again and I still got the same error. So, I have few question that need to be cleared.
1. How do we know if our applications are approved?
2. Is there any step-by-step instruction on how to unlock area especially after filling the online forms? ( I cannot find any on Google)
3. What are the differences between enabling GEO and filling the form and disabling GEO and not filling the form? The latter seemed to be a more permanent solution to me.
Any helps are welcome. Thank you.