Flight distance : 126079 ft
I am wondering the same. The first flight after the update to 600 was a total disaster. I had a few disconnects of the RC that triggered RTH. I cannot remember that I had this ever before. I had some flight where my phone was still on wifi, BT and mobile network. But in those cases I got intereference warning. Yesterday: No warning, just disconnects.
At the same time the app kept crashing like crazy. It crashed about 20(!) times. It crashed right after it was started, or when a video signal was received. The start screen sometimes showed connected, I entered the device and it went to disconnected immediately.
My flight log now shows some flights with distance = 1m, time = 1min, max alt = 0m. I checked the flight logs and they do not show any related warning message but also seem to be affected: When I play back one of the flights, the time runs quickly to 20s, then jumps to 1:40. 8x playback speed of flight logs does not seem to work on Android at all.
I turned everything off and on again and from then on it worked. RC connection was stable and I got a stablevideo stream. The flight logs look OK now (I still cannot play back with 8x speed).
This was a really bad experience. Especially the app seems to have some serious issues. I have never seen any app that behaves in a similar unreliable way as the DJI GO 4 app. I do not understand why DJI puts in new features over and over again when the app is stilllacking basic stability. |