Flight distance : 124180 ft
Nigel_ Posted at 2017-4-21 05:54
I think there may be some confusion because the map in the Go App will come up at the last location until a new GPS location is acquired. I've see the map be in the wrong country. However I don't recall ever seen a log with the home point in completely the wrong place, and if it was then it would instantly do a low battery return to home and the problem would be noticed.
Every time there is a problem with the home point it is because someone has set it from their mobile device and they can sometimes be wildly inaccurate, especially if they don't have a GPS receiver and are using the mobile signal to guess their location.
Why one would not wait for the command- "Home point recorded", if somehow home point isn't recorded, say until you get 20-30 mters away, maybe because bird doesn't get satililte fix, your home point would then be, 20-30 meters away from you!
But, don't worry about the day before's flight, once you turn off your bird, the last home point is history, so no worries about it going back to a previous flights home point |