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Mavic Pro Battery Cracking And DJI Won't Replace
5180 33 2017-4-21
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Flight distance : 316427 ft
United States

I bought my Mavic Pro on launch day and received it October 25. I've noticed the battery is starting to bulge and crack.

After emailing DJI support, they are saying to buy a new battery and they will not replace the cracked & bulging battery that came with the unit.

Has anyone else experienced this service or issue?


Screen Shot 2017-04-21 at 12.00.55 PM.png
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United States

Where is the cracking? Looks like a good battery to me...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1397858 ft
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United States

Come on, you can clearly see where the cracking is happening. It looks like the stress cracks that others have complained about on the nose of the Mavic.
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Flight distance : 182710 ft

Take a picture of it from the side so that any swelling is going to be visible.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

After emailing DJI support, they are saying to buy a new battery and they will not replace the cracked & bulging battery that came with the unit.

Is that because your warranty has expired or because they say the battery is fine? The one in the photo you attached looks ok to me, but as Levurmion suggested maybe a different angle would better show what you're talking about.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

Yes contrary to Asainz320's statement, you can not see cracking in the photo you took.  I would take one from the side.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

The battery warranty is 6 months or 200 cycles. Your warranty is almost up, did you supply them with multiple photos ?And if you have a case# I can look into it.
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Ski Porn Airfor
Flight distance : 144544 ft
United States

Interesting as mine seems to be doing the same thing. I had mine really early on and this is the original battery. I bought a second one which has not done this yet.
It never occurred to me to warranty the battery as it works fine just doesn't look pretty.

Mavic Battery

Mavic Battery
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Flight distance : 316427 ft
United States

Here are more photos of the cracked and bulging original battery that came with my Mavic Pro.

Ken, my case number is 509516

I'm leaving for Cancun after getting married on April 29th. Would be nice to have another battery before then.

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Flight distance : 316427 ft
United States

Mobile uploads from DJI GO 4 app didn't quite work. Trying again....
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Flight distance : 310157 ft

Meanwhile your dog is chewing the other battery too...
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First Officer
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United States

V_kingo Posted at 2017-4-21 16:44
Meanwhile your dog is chewing the other battery too...

My thought exactly...
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

I don't know of any company that would replace a battery even after it has been used only a few times. It is so easy for users to abuse batteries.
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Flight distance : 126079 ft

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-4-21 21:39
I don't know of any company that would replace a battery even after it has been used only a few times. It is so easy for users to abuse batteries.

I know companies that do this even after 1-2 years. Batteries are not only batteries but also have built-in electronics that protect from over-charging, over-discharging, short circuit, over-current, over-temperature, over-everything. Many companies give customers a 1 year/500 cycle guarantee for advanced battery systems.

I do not know of any way to abuse such an intelligent battery today but smashing it on the floor. This indeed, will not cause those stress cracks. The stress cracks could be an issue with the case manufacturing. This is not serious but cosmetic and should not happen considering the battery price.

The stress cracks could also be the result of a swollen battery inside. This indeed is a serious issue as the battery becomes dangerous and might burn or explode. Swollen batteries usually do not provide the same amount of power anymore as they used to. If the battery is swollen, you must not use it anymore and get it disposed professionally. Remember Samsung Note 7 disaster: Carrying a Note 7 on any flight was prohibited.

If the battery is swollen get in touch with DJI again. If DJI says they won't replace it within the regular warranty period, just go and fly. But don't forget to take a movie of your Mavic flying. In case it drops dead the ground or starts burning, people on the internet will love to see this. This should make enough money to buy a new Mavic. (Disclaimer: This was not meant seriously. Don't use swollen batteries but get them disposed professionally!)
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Flight distance : 569836 ft

I've just received my free replacement battery from DJI after sending in my cracked original battery. It took about 2 weeks but they inspected it and sent me a replacement. The front of my mavic is also cracking and I need to find a time to best send it in ...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1397858 ft
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United States

I thought that it was clear on the first picture that there was a crack. I guess I know very well how the mavic battery looks.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Asainz320 Posted at 2017-4-22 04:00
I thought that it was clear on the first picture that there was a crack. I guess I know very well how the mavic battery looks.

I thought that it was clear on the first picture that there was a crack.

Sorry, but it wasn't to me and apparently not to some others either. However, you did do a much better job of illustrating the problem with the first of the three photos in this post and the one here.

I guess I know very well how the mavic battery looks.

I don't doubt it; in fact, I think we all do. However, unlike you we haven't seen your battery up close and in person and it's not so easy to identify a problem from a small photo like the original one you posted. In any case, as long as you're still within the warranty constraints, I'm sure that Ken will see to it that you're taken care of by DJI.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1397858 ft
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United States

My batteries are fine, no cracking yet... im sure you got confused with the OP lol
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Asainz320 Posted at 2017-4-22 07:49
My batteries are fine, no cracking yet... im sure you got confused with the OP lol

Yes, I did. You replied to somebody without using the reply button so I misinterpreted which previous post / to whom you were responding to.
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Flight distance : 481755 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-4-21 11:28
After emailing DJI support, they are saying to buy a new battery and they will not replace the cracked & bulging battery that came with the unit.

Is that because your warranty has expired or because they say the battery is fine? The one in the photo you attached looks ok to me, but as Levurmion suggested maybe a different angle would better show what you're talking about.

How on earth can a warranty expire on a product that's circa seven months old?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

willhay555 Posted at 2017-4-22 09:40
How on earth can a warranty expire on a product that's circa seven months old?

As Ken mentioned, the warranty on the battery is six months (or 200 cycles).
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Dronoob Posted at 2017-4-21 22:48
I know companies that do this even after 1-2 years. Batteries are not only batteries but also have built-in electronics that protect from over-charging, over-discharging, short circuit, over-current, over-temperature, over-everything. Many companies give customers a 1 year/500 cycle guarantee for advanced battery systems.

I do not know of any way to abuse such an intelligent battery today but smashing it on the floor. This indeed, will not cause those stress cracks. The stress cracks could be an issue with the case manufacturing. This is not serious but cosmetic and should not happen considering the battery price.

Your faith in the battery being protected from everything bar the kitchen sink is a bit naive. The DJI batteries have stated limits on the temperatures they can be used in. There have been some examples where users have used a battery outside of these limits. I guess DJI would really need to actually see the batteries with cracks in them to determine what the cause may be. If you spend some time reading some of the things people have done with their Mavics then you would understand that they may not be so kind to their batteries.
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

willhay555 Posted at 2017-4-22 09:40
How on earth can a warranty expire on a product that's circa seven months old?

Batteries are worn out, I'm not sure how it's called, consummables?   If you're interested, check Samsung phone's or iPhone battery warranty.  It's the industry standard to give Lithium battery a relatively short warranty period.
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Flight distance : 126079 ft

DJI-Thor Posted at 2017-4-22 23:48
Batteries are worn out, I'm not sure how it's called, consummables?   If you're interested, check Samsung phone's or iPhone battery warranty.  It's the industry standard to give Lithium battery a relatively short warranty period.

Do you say, it's normal that lithium batteries are worn out after being used for 6 months?

I totally disagree on that. 90% of all lithium batteries are built into the devices. Best examples are mobile phones. The batteries are charged daily and last over two years. I have an ebike: batteries are built in, used daily and still like new. The manufacturer has a warranty that guarantees 70% power after 2 years or 500 charging cycles. My MacBook is almost 5 years old and the batteries are not new anymore but still have about 75% of its original power.

Last but not least: Swollen bateries are not just worn out. Worn out batteries do not provide much power anymore. Swollen batteries defect and a safety thread as they can start to burn while being charged or used.

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Flight distance : 316427 ft
United States

I've never flown my Mavic in extreme heat or cold so that's not the issue.

Ken, were you able to look at my case number?
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United States

Ok, now I see the cracking, now that you pointed it out.

My opinion is that if the crack was caused by a swelling battery, then you would clearly see the swollen battery on front and bottom where the actual battery pack is visible (no plastic cover there). This is because when a battery swells, it swells in every direction like a balloon.

Perhaps maybe that is some damage to the plastic from the sun or maybe the battery bumped into something during transit or storage? Hard to believe minor swelling would be able to crack the plastic, especially if the swelling is not visible in the areas where the battery is not covered with the plastic.
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Flight distance : 682598 ft
United States

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-4-21 21:39
I don't know of any company that would replace a battery even after it has been used only a few times. It is so easy for users to abuse batteries.

My Stromer ST1 ebike has a 3 yr warranty on the battery. If it holds less than 80% before three years is up, it gets replaced. It's a Lithium pack.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Doots Posted at 2017-4-24 00:54
My Stromer ST1 ebike has a 3 yr warranty on the battery. If it holds less than 80% before three years is up, it gets replaced. It's a Lithium pack.

You can't compare because the bike uses a 36V Lithium ion battery (Li-ion) whereas the Mavic and other drones are using Lithium polymer (Lipo). Big difference.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 502792 ft

I thought the color difference across the plastic indicates that the plastic mass has been too cold when the shield was molded. It usually provides a rigid and brittle casting. In short, a manufacturing error.

The color difference is not due to staying in the sun as the entire box should be faded.

Regards Leif.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

treycopeland Posted at 2017-4-23 09:25
I've never flown my Mavic in extreme heat or cold so that's not the issue.

Ken, were you able to look at my case number?

I see the email they sent you saying it's out of warranty, you started this thread just before the warranty expired.
I've sent an email to a supervisor to see if someone can contact you to see what they can do.
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United States

The refuse to say a problem exists.
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Flight distance : 3777011 ft
United States

I guess now I'll have to start worrying about my Mavic cracking just like my P4 did! And I thought I was over that problem.
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Flight distance : 4012 ft
United Kingdom

I am having this exact same issue.
Bought the DJI Fly More bundle just over 4 months ago and one of the batteries is starting to show signs of cracking, it has only been charged 5 times.
I submitted a support form part of which said " of the batteries from the Fly More Combo is starting to crack (see images). The battery has been charged a total of 5 times and clearly shows signs of an internal problem, the casing is actually slightly raised where the crack is starting to form. "

I received a reply saying:-
Thank you for contacting DJI. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your DJI Product. We recommend sending your product for diagnosis and repair. To make the repair process easier and more convenient, we created an Online Repair Request system for you. After filling out the online forms you will receive a case number.

Please click on the LINK so we can arrange for an RMA repair. If you have any questions, please be sure to ask them in your reply. We look forward to assisting you soon!

So I followed the support guys link only to discover the Online Repair Request system says “Do not ship swollen/punctured/visibly damaged batteries”.

I am a little perplexed as it appears the guy who emailed me clearly didn't take the time to read my original email.

I have advised him of the situation and Iook forward to seeing what happens next.

In the mean time I have a battery sitting in the house which by the sounds of things is in a volatile state.
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Flight distance : 4012 ft
United Kingdom

No response from my reply yesterday and have now been on the phone listening to their music for 14 minutes with no response.

Come on DJI this is not how expect to be treated.... all I am asking is for you to replace a 4 and a half month old battery that has been charged just 5 times before showing signs of failing
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