Mavic Pro Battery - Proper Care & Feeding
2076 1 2017-5-19
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United States

I have seen multiple threads regarding battery issues in this forum. The Mavic is a tough drone, however it does have fragile critical parts.

I subscribe to Drone Valley.

My thoughts:

I would use contact cleaner on the tooth brush (un used, new), and let it dry to keep the brush clean and free of contaminents.

If and when I buy the battery guards, I would clean those routinly as well.

Would it make sense to not charge the battery to full capacity when flying the drone in hot weather at or near 40 degrees celsius / 104 degrees fahernhiet?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

On airdata (least on my firmware) shows the max temperature of the battery each flight. You want to keep under 140F. I've hit 149F and that was flying in 97F ambient, sport {:4_177:} Not good. Won't be doing that again! You probably want to fly 90F ambient and under for battery longevity.
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