I am new to this.. I flown the drone before and it worked out fine and I'm confident to fly it around at this point.. But at some point from last time we went to bohol, it behave like this.. I thought it was too windy and looks like it was flown away from the wind going up.. I tried to fly it again earlier today and the same results.. When trying to hover the drone it seems to struggle thought it was not really windy.. I double checked the calibration and turn off and re calibrate it again and lights are flashing green again.. To my knowledge, green means a go with this drone.. So when I try to press throttle up.. It seems to get going even though I pushed the throttle down already.. Looks like a flyaway is about to happen.. Then I managed to land it but it was VERY hard.. Thoughts on what really happened? Any suggestion how I fix my issue? Thank you in advance.. Drone: Phantom 2 vision plus
Camera: GoPro without gimbal