i2 LOW LIGHT STILLS vs any MATRICE600/camera
1344 10 2019-1-20
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Flight distance : 1002753 ft

Hi everyone im a professional photografer and a pilot and im looking to take  NIGHT pictures.
I've searched around youtube/instagram/forums...and im still not satisfied since everything is on postproduction or simply videos footage at night wich i dont need.

all i need is taken pictures at night.
(i mean completely night ,moon and stuff , long exposure.. etc..)

anyone has some non altered DNG and JPEG files to share?

im not sure if the i2/x7 combo its the best gear available but im sure the i2 is a great and stable drone expecially when its time to runaway from seagulls they attack even at 2am ;)

is the x7 still worth it or i need wait (buy an i2 then wait for a new possible x8 )or.. buy the Matrice600 then add up my own camera.

if im right the M600 is slow and giant drone that can lift heavy cameras but cant run away from birds in case of attack. (i've seen an i1 running way from 16++ seagulls, yes i stopped count at 16th).

thanks a lot for any hints or link and expecially for sharing files wich i really want to see!

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Flight distance : 1002753 ft

allright i know my english is not the best. but i hope someone understand and answers my questions.
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Flight distance : 1002753 ft

day 2. ;) mby am i in wrong section ? or  wrong topic's name ? if yes i apologize.
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Flight distance : 1002753 ft


helps tho, but not enough !
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Flight distance : 839160 ft
United States

The M600 is not slow, the inspire 2 just has a sport mode that allows it to go about 15mph faster but you won't be using that during shooting.

The biggest difference between the two is that the M600 is a huge burden to carry around if you don't need a 5-10lb+ payload. 6 batteries each flight, a huge case, and for multiple flights obviously you need a case for batteries as well. However, you can attach almost any camera payload under 15 lbs with an HDMI or other type of output.

I'd personally choose the inspire 2 in your circumstance but it really depends on the final budget for production quality and you have
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4112812 ft

I have never managed to get a steady long exposure image with my inspire 2, it dances too much. esp if you are planning something more than 2 seconds long.
Apparently not all inspire 2's suffer from this dancing tho, so maybe you'll get lucky.

ive had plenty of shots at dusk and its turned out pretty ok with just the x5S camera, so i can only assume the bigger sensor on the x7 will improve things.

heres a link to an "after dusk but still not quite night" shot i did on my own inspire 2
https://www.facebook.com/mmcspho ... ?type=3&theater
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Flight distance : 1002753 ft

@HyperSpectralthanks for the reply and sorry i didnt give enough info.

i managed to have permission to fly in the city. so step 1 is done.

in the place  where im planning to take pictures it has many and huge flock's of very aggressive seagulls between buildings,ofc they defend the nests.

i need to take pictures with daylight and night.

not really easy because of the birds behaviour, they attack even at 2am or 4 am.

months ago i've seen an inspire1 switching from any mode to sport mode and manage to outrun the flock!

i think the matrice its slow compared to the i2 sport mode,  not just big to carry!

from what i've seen being fast gives good chance to avoid seagulls attack if you know that you are doing.

..i know that many hotel owners around the area, hired a falconer , but the seagulls outsmart the guy,  learned who is the man and they attack him when he get out from his car ...early in the morning...before he releases the hawk. ...and even the hawks in tandem  gets cofused, other birds are too many !! and even attacks the hawk at certain point if they come too close. its amazing, must film it . i know.

i've managed to avoid seaguls with a little mavic pro 2  in sport mode and staying in air for 4-5 seconds without being chased after half battery..
. but that camera  it is not the best for serious night pictures.


thanks for sharing, nice pictures.

i know the x5 and x7 till today are  way "soft" and the dji staff i guess they are working on it.

so im not sure what's best at this point.
- seagulls wont be scared from anything. so being "faster" its a bit of relief but not relax at all. Safety (mine and other people,cars,buildings) come first.

here my 2 options ( i cant think about anything better atm)

.. buy the i2 then wait for "rumors" and upgrade --->wait until they release a better camera (better than X7)

the matrice600 its a beast drone, but can it keep up with seagulls  chaing in group from any direction ?  i doubt.

seagulls 10/ms --- they never stop chasing, very aggressive, and dangerous in group.
M600 23/ms (no wind) --- can carry any camera,big drone and i guess not easy to pilot between buildings fast, but not that fast!! , like
i2 faster --- might wait for a new camera?

im willing to speng a good amount of money, but it doesnt grow on threes and safety first. so im taking it slowly.

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Flight distance : 839160 ft
United States

I'd be willing to bet the M600 is big enough to scare them off, or at least lose a prop and still be stable when compared to the smaller inspire 2.

If you have some technical knowledge you could build something yourself for a decent price. All you need it to do is carry a high quality gimbal and camera and move quickly.
"M600 23/ms (no wind) --- can carry any camera,big drone and i guess not easy to pilot between buildings fast, but not that fast!!"

Have you seen a M600 flown in person? You would be very surprised at how agile the M600 is. It may be large but having 6 rotors it's as maneuvarable as the Inspire 2 if not more so. I've done quite a bit of close flying with it and the extra inertia does help.

If you really want to see the higher end equipment look at the Alta 6

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Flight distance : 1002753 ft

HyperSpectral Posted at 1-22 16:13
I'd be willing to bet the M600 is big enough to scare them off, or at least lose a prop and still be stable when compared to the smaller inspire 2.

If you have some technical knowledge you could build something yourself for a decent price. All you need it to do is carry a high quality gimbal and camera and move quickly.

@HyperSpectral thanks for the answer.

Alta 6 its pretty good. still big. i've seen m600 fly and its big..i mean its good for some of the places where i need take a shoot. but some other areas will need a smaller drone ...yet a decent camera quality for stills at night.

here is one place where i will need take off and land just for knowledge (see the screenshot)

nothing impossible , just the birds will make it hard.  

narrow streets doesnt help at all with a big drone size but have 6 rotors will help, true.

i guess will buy the matrice.
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Flight distance : 839160 ft
United States

That's a very narrow area to operate any sUAS but if you're just taking off there and quickly moving to clearer areas I suppose it could work.

Both platforms will work it just depends if the need more a larger system is really necessary. More aftermarket cameras is a big bonus for the M600 vs the I2
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Flight distance : 1002753 ft

HyperSpectral Posted at 1-23 05:52
That's a very narrow area to operate any sUAS but if you're just taking off there and quickly moving to clearer areas I suppose it could work.

Both platforms will work it just depends if the need more a larger system is really necessary. More aftermarket cameras is a big bonus for the M600 vs the I2

guess ill move to the matrice section if there is one in forum.


have a nice time.
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