Perplexed Newbie
1890 27 2016-12-11
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United States

Hello everyone. After receiving my Phantom 3 Pro late last month, I've attempted to prepare the equiptment & myself to make my maiden voyage. Today I updated the software successfully, brought everything to an open-space on my property and attempted to do just that. I started up the remote, connected my cell to it with the DJI app, and then the Phantom. The DJI app immediately showed the aircraft status as being "Disconnected", and the Radio Channel as being "Poor". Below the Radio Channel indicator was a lightbulb icon alongside a "Strong Interference. Fly with caution" message.
I believe that after updating the aircraft & remote controller, I selected "Reset Settings" from a drop down message on the DJI app. When selecting it I thought I received a message saying that it could not be selected although I could be mistaken. I'm more than a little nervous when handling anything connected with the drone as it's my first experience with one. Attempting to reset settings at such a late stage was an obvious mistake, and I'm completely at a loss as to how to restore settings to their previous-state when the RC paired beautifully with the aircraft and I had an image through the camera.
Any help from an experienced flyer in resolving my current dilemma would be greatly appreciated. I have a lot of respect for the technology these craft contain, and fear that a guess on my part to remedy the situation will surely magnify the error.

Thanks in advance for your time, as it is much appreciated...


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Flight distance : 134580 ft
United Kingdom

So can you get the motors running?
Have you done the calibration dance?
You say that you have camera visual on Go App. Try a different location to see if that sorts out the interference meesage.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

Everything should be fine, that message "Strong Interference" is common with the new FW 1.7.9 on the P3S at least.
It just mean there's interference in the area.
The other message ""Disconnected" might mean you don't have the tablet pluged into the RC or the RC and AC need to be linked again.

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Bay Cruiser
Flight distance : 2039288 ft

He said he had a phantom 3 pro
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United States

If the Phantom Pro is like the standard, you might have to relink the controller to the Phantom. Normally you only have to do this if you get another controller. Maybe reset unlinks it.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Just to make sure everything is communicating properly, please try the following button combinations:

Reset the RC:
* Turn on the controller, and the aircraft should be off.
* Press C1, C2, and shutter on the controller then turn the controller off.
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller and link the remote.

Manually relink the RC to the aircraft:
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller.
* Press C1, C2, and the record button on the controller, then the controller will beep like D-DD.
*Let go all fingers, press the wheel on the right side of the controller and then the first light of the controller will become blue and it will constantly beep DDDD.
* Use a pen to click the linking button on the aircraft and hold for 3-5 seconds, and then take the pen off the aircraft and wait, it will be linked soon.

Please let me know if you see any changes.
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United States

Thanks to each who've taken the time to reply! DJI-Jamie; I followed your instructions and now have a green light on my RC, where-as it had previously been red. Soon, I'll take everything back out to attempt a maiden flight. I'll post afterward, to share my experience. Consider me Very Grateful..!
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United States

Thanks to each who've taken the time to reply! DJI-Jamie; I followed your instructions and now have a green light on my RC, where-as it had previously been red. Soon, I'll take everything back out to attempt a maiden flight. I'll post afterward, to share my experience. Consider me Very Grateful..!
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United States

Thanks to each who've taken the time to reply! DJI-Jamie; I followed your instructions and now have a green light on my RC, where-as it had previously been red. Soon, I'll take everything back out to attempt a maiden flight. I'll post afterward, to share my experience. Consider me Very Grateful..!
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United States

My apology for the previous triple-reply...

I just attempted my maiden-flight again. While performing the steps suggested by Jamie, I received the appropriate responses from the components (beeps & color changing LED's). While outside I lit-up the remote, then the cell with running app, and then the aircraft. I received the very same warnings and indications that I had originally. I neglected to mention that although the status remained "Disconnected", across from where compass is listed in the app 'Calibrate' was listed within a box.

I'd be grateful for any further instruction as to how to resolve this issue. Immediately after updating the software (aircraft & RC) I did have a camera image. I had previously attempted to calibrate the aircraft, although this was done indoors and I never received confirmation that the process was completed.

Much Appreciated...
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United States

While just attempting to open my DJI GO app, I received a message saying that I need to request a new Activation Link, due to the original one expiring.
I may have used a different email address on my original request for it, from that which I was logged on with. I suspect this to be the cause of my failure to make my maiden voyage. I do remember receiving a confirmation to my Phantom being registered, and am unsure of why my original activation link expired.
The whole process regarding the drone has proven to present a wide learning curve so far, although I hope to gain some flight experience at some point before the new year. Any knowledgeable explanations would be much appreciated.
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Flight distance : 104163 ft

Hang in there. The old story goes, "If it was easy, everyone would be doing it" I have a P4 and have been amazed at what needs to be done prior to flight. Hope the next steps go well for you. I managed to get things done.
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Flight distance : 134580 ft
United Kingdom

Everytime i take my P3P out for a fly, i always calibrate (compass) fom the take off place. The home point is logged for RTH point.
If i move a fair way away from my last flight, i will calibrate (compass) again.
No point in trying to calibrate indoors and then take it outside an try to fly it.
If you dont get gps safe to fly in green, i wont take off.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Desertrose Posted at 2016-12-12 07:00
While just attempting to open my DJI GO app, I received a message saying that I need to request a new Activation Link, due to the original one expiring.
I may have used a different email address on my original request for it, from that which I was logged on with. I suspect this to be the cause of my failure to make my maiden voyage. I do remember receiving a confirmation to my Phantom being registered, and am unsure of why my original activation link expired.
The whole process regarding the drone has proven to present a wide learning curve so far, although I hope to gain some flight experience at some point before the new year. Any knowledgeable explanations would be much appreciated.

Try reinstalling the Go app to see if the error messages persist. You should no longer receive an activation notice after confirming it the first time. If the messages do come back, could you please provide a screenshot of what you're getting along with what mobile device you're using?
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United States

shayward Posted at 2016-12-12 07:57
Hang in there. The old story goes, "If it was easy, everyone would be doing it" I have a P4 and have been amazed at what needs to be done prior to flight. Hope the next steps go well for you. I managed to get things done.

Thanks for the encouragement shayward. I don't give up easy, and have looked forward to the opportunity to take quality aerial images for some time now. I've had my Phantom for two weeks now without being able to fly it. I'm in it for the long haul and although I'm not the most tech-saavy fella around I hope my patience eventually leads to success.

And I certainly agree with the "old-story line"...
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United States

Hawks100 Posted at 2016-12-12 08:13
Everytime i take my P3P out for a fly, i always calibrate (compass) fom the take off place. The home point is logged for RTH point.
If i move a fair way away from my last flight, i will calibrate (compass) again.
No point in trying to calibrate indoors and then take it outside an try to fly it.

Thanks Hawks100 I'll remember that.
I have no previous experience with drones of any kind and seem to be learning the hard-way. It makes perfect sense to calibrate before each flight in order to accommodate the RTH feature. In hindsight I believe my inability to properly calibrate to be the initial-cause of my current issue. I attempted to calibrate while next to a large (12'W X 7'H) picture window, expecting the unit's GPS signal to be sufficient. Shame on me for trying to cut corners with technology that I have no familiarity with. Besides I'm wrestling with a wide learning curve to begin with.

Much Appreciated...
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-12-12 09:32
Try reinstalling the Go app to see if the error messages persist. You should no longer receive an activation notice after confirming it the first time. If the messages do come back, could you please provide a screenshot of what you're getting along with what mobile device you're using?

Thanks for the advice Jamie...
I did re-install the GO app, and received the same error's. I did take notice that the app works as follows on my cellphone; I can only access instructions to connect when I select my model (Phantom 3 Pro) from the drop-down menu. Also, the only selection from the drop-down menu that offers me access to "camera" is through the Inspire RAW! When using the camera button on the left-hand rear of the RC, the camera responds as expected. The status of my app displays a 'Disconnected' state which I first noticed after attempting to calibrate from inside a picture window of my home. Even after reinstalling the app, this has continued. While exploring the app after the reinstall, I noticed that the map image through the GO app accurately reflected my position through GPS on the map.

I suspect my particular cellphone to be the cause of my inability to connect either to the RC or to the aircraft camera, even though it did before my attempt to calibrate incorrectly.

I hope this gives you a better idea as to what's occurring on my end. I'm obviously anxious to get flying & photographing, but not at the risk of damaging any part of the drones electronics. Please don't hesitate to make any further recommendations, as I do appreciate the help more than I can adequately express in a post.

Thanks again...
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Flight distance : 134580 ft
United Kingdom

I think you need to turn off your gps/wifi on your phone, see if that helps.
You must select your craft only, p3p.
What phone are you using. My first tablet was a samsung. I couldnt get it to connect. I had to turn on debugging in the settings and then it connected fine.
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United States

After a full-day of defeat yesterday, I started off today with a renewed attitude in resolving the P3P's issues. I did review many posts here on the forum, trying to learn as much as possible regarding the Phantom. After reading one post in particular, I began to notice several similarities between his issues and mine. I just replaced an Apple Iphone 5 with an LG Stylo 2 Plus, which is what I'm accessing the DJI GO app on. An inherent (and useless IMO) feature causes the user to select a default (dedicated) purpose for use of its power-cord. This is selected when first connecting the cord, and is used thereafter for this one use. Like most owners I selected the 'Charge-only' feature. The means of switching this function back, such as is needed to share data with another component is unclear.
When plugging into my laptop a quick message pops-up (1-2 seconds) on the cellphone screen confirming the selected functions, which is the only time that I'm aware of to switch it's default purpose back. I switched mine back this morning and after confirming it re-connected to my running RC. I then turned on the aircraft and logged-into the GO app, and sure enough I was offered a 'Camera' button on the Phantom 3 Pro icon page. After selecting it I immediately noticed the camera 'live' view along with all the menu and indicators/selectors. I calibrated the aircraft successfully and continued to review the setting to insure that it was functioning properly & connected as it must be. I did have a warning that the IMU needed to be calibrated, which is now what I'll be attempting to do after completing this post.
I suspect that this has been the cause of many problems encountered by new drone operators. Being unfamiliar with the components and technology combined with learning what to expect in flight is a lot of information to take-in before applying such skills. When factoring in the anxiety and excitement to make a maiden voyage, any unexpected behavior by the RC or aircraft while setting-up or updating can create panic in a newbie such as myself. Anyhow I hope that my experience can help others who may have experienced similar connective issues between their LG (or other) cellphone and the DJI GO app.

Thanks again to each of those who took the time to reply to my original post. Experienced flyers and DJI Tech forum members are invaluable to newbies, who are starting out and have no-idea what to expect.

As usual, your help has been greatly appreciated.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

Desertrose Posted at 2016-12-11 21:22
Thanks Hawks100 I'll remember that.
I have no previous experience with drones of any kind and seem to be learning the hard-way. It makes perfect sense to calibrate before each flight in order to accommodate the RTH feature. In hindsight I believe my inability to properly calibrate to be the initial-cause of my current issue. I attempted to calibrate while next to a large (12'W X 7'H) picture window, expecting the unit's GPS signal to be sufficient. Shame on me for trying to cut corners with technology that I have no familiarity with. Besides I'm wrestling with a wide learning curve to begin with.

calibration does not in any way set your RTH home point

the compass calibration is simply that; the compass is set for mag declination etc.
ONCE the compass is set
you really should NOT recalibrate it anymore until the APP requires it

almost every lost drone story begins with "i calibrated my compass and ....."

The Home Point is established at power up once the GPS system has locked into enough satellites.
it will the show the point on th map and state home point is set.

calibrating compass is NOT setting home point in any way

good luck and have fun flying!

also try different usb cables
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Flight distance : 134580 ft
United Kingdom

Are you sure. My p3p wont say safe to fly and home point updated until i do the calibration.
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United States

Kirk2579 Posted at 2016-12-13 01:03
calibration does not in any way set your RTH home point

the compass calibration is simply that; the compass is set for mag declination etc.

I've been instructed to calibrate before flying, and understood it to be what sets the HP. I appreciate the heads-up and will look for a reference before performing the next one though...

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United States

Fortunately calibration of the IMU was seamless & quick, which I performed in my garage.
Afterward I took everything outside and made my maiden flight. I was stunned to see a 4K video clip for the first time, the clarity is amazing. The aircraft was in beginner mode but I was surprised to see that it was in mode 2 instead of mode 1 which is what I was expecting.
Although I watched countless video's on the P3P over the past 3 days, I found myself at a loss when it came time to actually take-off. I remembered the beginner video showing how to get the motors running for the first time and pulled both sticks toward me which started them up. I placed a large piece of cardboard on the ground at HP before connecting & starting up the aircraft. I live in the Sonoran desert and the dirt here is almost as fine as baby powder, am trying to keep the motor, vents & camera as clean as possible. I can barely remember how I managed to bring the aircraft 30 meters up, and then 30 meters to the left and to the right of home-point before gently landing it back onto the large piece of cardboard. The video that I captured is 1.84GB, and if I knew how to post it here on the forum I would.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

Desertrose Posted at 2016-12-12 16:29
I've been instructed to calibrate before flying, and understood it to be what sets the HP. I appreciate the heads-up and will look for a reference before performing the next one though...

Many things will be said , some correct and some incorrect.
be aware and use common sense.

The IMU calibration sets and adjust Gyro, barometer etc for level and smooth operation.
The compass calibration set the magnet north and declination etc. for direction when flying
The GPS receives and triangulates the quads location from the GPS and GLONASS birds

All 3 of those together work to make these amazing machines fly.
When one is out of normal,  it can effect the others results.

A compass error or interference notification can ALSO :

simply mean the quad is to close to a metal object,
move a few feet to see if it clears!

rebar under/in concrete, cars, bikes, anything

good luck and have fun flying!
Use props
Flight distance : 124180 ft

Kirk2579 Posted at 2016-12-12 20:49
Many things will be said , some correct and some incorrect.
be aware and use common sense.

Desertrose- Your first flight reminded me how my first flight, simply  took my breath away, I was in awe of this P3A, & flight  was all of 4 minutes!!
Just be careful, fly in beginner mode till you master the controls & they come as second nature to you
Try some moves, left right, & keep her over 50; up incase you need to make corrections when your gaining/loosing altitude,
do, listen for low battery warning which should come on around 30% battery, & land by pulling down the left stick, as she touches down hold left stick down & motors will shut down in a couple seconds, don't use the 2 sticks in method that is used to fire up the bird, on landing this method can cause oyur bird to be unstable,. CNC shutdown gives the motors a little burp, like hitting your gas pedal, always use the throttle(left stick) held down method
Stay in that big wide open field, keep your bird in view at all times & have fun!
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United States

Kirk2579 Posted at 2016-12-13 09:49
Many things will be said , some correct and some incorrect.
be aware and use common sense.

Thanks for clearing up those several important facts, that I was completely unaware of. They'll certainly help me in future situations that could have otherwise kept me guessing-on.

I do intend on staying in beginners-mode for at-least 30 flights or so. I have an Uncle who used to do a lot of flying with remote controllers who also suggested never taking my eyes off of the aircraft.

Thanks again for taking the time to post a reply...

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United States

fans987d278a Posted at 2016-12-14 04:14
Desertrose- Your first flight reminded me how my first flight, simply  took my breath away, I was in awe of this P3A, & flight  was all of 4 minutes!!
Just be careful, fly in beginner mode till you master the controls & they come as second nature to you
Try some moves, left right, & keep her over 50; up incase you need to make corrections when your gaining/loosing altitude,

That's funny as yesterday's flight was also under 5 minutes in length. I will remain in beginners-mode for at least 30 flights or so, and possibly longer if I still feel uneasy flying. Much of what you've mentioned is exactly what my Uncle recommended as well, which I intend to follow closely. I especially appreciate your advice on landing, as I did experienced what you described as a "CNC burp" during my landing. I panicked and grabbed the aircraft. It seemed to be fighting me to increase altitude and I manually powered it down. That's an experience that I don't want to repeat!

Thanks for taking the time to post as I  appreciate all good advice on these machines.
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Adam Flurk
Second Officer
Flight distance : 425466 ft
United States

Try turning the aircraft on first and let it warm up,
then turn on the remote control,  (have your phone or tablet already connected and on)
then open the app.

If I do it out of that order I also get the Disconnected message in the app sometimes as well (I have the P3P).
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