Osmo+ arriving tomorrow. Any tips?
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3265 41 2017-2-16
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Going through this forum on Osmo+ is very informational. Like i learnt that it can only take a single 10 minutes of shot then makes another clip.

How did you prepare for this ?  am very excited. my first dji product.
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That's at 4k @ 30fps.  I do almost everything at 1080 @ 24fps and can get about 15 minutes continuous shooting before creates a new file.  I use my osmo as a b cam and for short clips... maybe a minute or two.  IMO it's not the right product to use as a primary cam.
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Flight distance : 826854 ft

I don't think that DJI ever considered that people would want to use the Osmo line of gimbal cameras to record long stretches of video.  If I wanted to record my kid's school play, I would go get myself a tripod and regular video camera. The Osmo is at it's best when used to record short clips where the camera is in motion resulting in jitter free smooth video.  Personally I'm not a fan of watching several minutes of someone shooting forward walking down a street (even sped up). If you see something interesting, stop and shoot the scene from several different angles. Master shot that shows context. Close-ups to show detail. Dolly/Tracking shots to show perspective.  Try not to shoot any clip longer than 15 seconds although obviously there will be exceptions.
And definitely spend the money on an external microphone. I recommend the Rode Videomicro along with the DJI 360 mic mount. Audio is half of your presentation. Keep the fuzzy windscreen on anytime you're outside. Nothing worse than wind noise.Also buy a set of ND filters and a polarizer. In order to record good video outside you should be setting your shutter speed at twice your framerate. This usually results in a shutter speed of 1/60 second. On a bright day outdoors you need an ND8 or ND16 filter to attain proper exposure with shutter at 1/60. The polarizer will pop colors (especially sky) when properly rotated.
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10 minutes is a very long shot in cinema terms  
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breezeway95 Posted at 2017-2-16 07:46
I don't think that DJI ever considered that people would want to use the Osmo line of gimbal cameras to record long stretches of video.  If I wanted to record my kid's school play, I would go get myself a tripod and regular video camera. The Osmo is at it's best when used to record short clips where the camera is in motion resulting in jitter free smooth video.  Personally I'm not a fan of watching several minutes of someone shooting forward walking down a street (even sped up). If you see something interesting, stop and shoot the scene from several different angles. Master shot that shows context. Close-ups to show detail. Dolly/Tracking shots to show perspective.  Try not to shoot any clip longer than 15 seconds although obviously there will be exceptions.
And definitely spend the money on an external microphone. I recommend the Rode Videomicro along with the DJI 360 mic mount. Audio is half of your presentation. Keep the fuzzy windscreen on anytime you're outside. Nothing worse than wind noise.Also buy a set of ND filters and a polarizer. In order to record good video outside you should be setting your shutter speed at twice your framerate. This usually results in a shutter speed of 1/60 second. On a bright day outdoors you need an ND8 or ND16 filter to attain proper exposure with shutter at 1/60. The polarizer will pop colors (especially sky) when properly rotated.

Even if you're only going to use short chunks there are still dozens of scenarios where we need a longer run of record time than 9mins.  How about shooting sporting events or in a multicam setup?  

I shot a 5 camera thing the other day that ran over 90mins.  I had the OSMO+ doing continuous Steadicam type shots for the entire show.  Which it is fantastic for.  What other zoom camera at any price point could you do 90+mins of 4k handheld/Steadicam/gimbal shooting without killing yourself?  It weighs 14 ozs.  Awesome right?  Now in the edit it's true I might only use that shot a dozen times for a minute or so of total run time but the OSMO footage has to be synced with everything else first.  It was ridiculously time-consuming syncing the dozens of individual Osmo clips with the other cameras. And the "lost" seconds while spanning between clips is totally unconscionable.  And that's another completely unique thing about the OSMO, no other camera in the world (that I'm aware of) has a "lost footage" problem like that.  It's unforgivable.  There are shots from that shoot I can't use because of lost seconds in the middle of a shot.  

With a 1/2" chip no one is really going to use the Osmo to do high-end production, there are much better high-end tools to do the shots you guys are talking about for broadcast, spot work, docs, etc.  So for pros (or semi-pros) it's most useful niche is really in the lower end space.  And for long-form event handheld work in particular it could be great.

The biggest issue IMO is that DJI sell the OSMO as a 4K camera with a 30min record time which is complete BS.  And don't get me started on the app crashes and lost wifi control problems.  

OSMO could be really great but in truth, it's not a professional (or even semi-pro) tool with these limitations.  It's a toy.  A really cool toy, but a toy none the less.
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Flight distance : 826854 ft

dr.nick Posted at 2017-2-16 11:52
Even if you're only going to use short chunks there are still dozens of scenarios where we need a longer run of record time than 9mins.  How about shooting sporting events or in a multicam setup?  

I shot a 5 camera thing the other day that ran over 90mins.  I had the OSMO+ doing continuous Steadicam type shots for the entire show.  Which it is fantastic for.  What other zoom camera at any price point could you do 90+mins of 4k handheld/Steadicam/gimbal shooting without killing yourself?  It weighs 14 ozs.  Awesome right?  Now in the edit it's true I might only use that shot a dozen times for a minute or so of total run time but the OSMO footage has to be synced with everything else first.  It was ridiculously time-consuming syncing the dozens of individual Osmo clips with the other cameras. And the "lost" seconds while spanning between clips is totally unconscionable.  And that's another completely unique thing about the OSMO, no other camera in the world (that I'm aware of) has a "lost footage" problem like that.  It's unforgivable.  There are shots from that shoot I can't use because of lost seconds in the middle of a shot.  

For $700usd you get a 3-Axis gimbal video camera that shoots 4K.  For that price point, any company would look for where savings could be had when designing.  If you watch the original marketing videos for the Osmo you won't find anyone trying to shoot a 2 hour sporting event.  Like I said, I think DJI anticipated that the vast majority of users would be shooting short clips.  Having worked with professional gear for 30+ years, I've seen cameras costing $50k+ that had major short comings.

On another note....I multi-cam broken clips of live events with Premiere often. If the Osmo has a decent audio reference recording, using the waveform match in Premiere saves a lot of time.
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United States

Any suggestion on a specific filter or filter kit?
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breezeway95 Posted at 2017-2-16 12:10
For $700usd you get a 3-Axis gimbal video camera that shoots 4K.  For that price point, any company would look for where savings could be had when designing.  If you watch the original marketing videos for the Osmo you won't find anyone trying to shoot a 2 hour sporting event.  Like I said, I think DJI anticipated that the vast majority of users would be shooting short clips.  Having worked with professional gear for 30+ years, I've seen cameras costing $50k+ that had major short comings.

On another note....I multi-cam broken clips of live events with Premiere often. If the Osmo has a decent audio reference recording, using the waveform match in Premiere saves a lot of time.

I hear you and I agree that it's remarkable for $700.  My issue is with DJI marketing it on capabilities that aren't there (4k + a 30min record time) ... and hearing crickets when we ask for an explanation (or a fix).   

And I'm actually fine with buying the compromise of manually syncing three clips to cover a 90 min show ... having to manual sync 30 clips and losing several seconds of footage in between the spans, not so much.

I've also been the game for almost 30 years and have also seen countless products over-promise and under-deliver, some with big price tags, but that doesn't make it right.  This camera could be really great with just little more effort on DJI's part.

BTW - I did use the autosync in FCPX for the first clip in the series but the other 20+ clips had to be manually lined up via the waveform to keep that camera's footage all on the same multicam track.  The inconsistent gaps between the spans didn't help any.
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Flight distance : 826854 ft

dr.nick Posted at 2017-2-16 20:18
I hear you and I agree that it's remarkable for $700.  My issue is with DJI marketing it on capabilities that aren't there (4k + a 30min record time) ... and hearing crickets when we ask for an explanation (or a fix).   

And I'm actually fine with buying the compromise of manually syncing three clips to cover a 90 min show ... having to manual sync 30 clips and losing several seconds of footage in between the spans, not so much.

I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding DJI support.  My biggest issue with the company is the inconsistent advice offered by DJI staff on these forums. Many times the responses sound like educated guesses such as those that might be offered by other users rather than a cut and dried authoritative answer. Sometimes DJI responses only partly answer the original question. Makes me wonder if this is a result of corporate culture at DJI or possibly a language barrier issue.  
Many of the responses end up being that the user should do the "dreaded" return the unit for inspection/repair which means many weeks of unavailability.  The best companies that I have dealt with over the years will send a replacement unit out first before you have to ship back.  If DJI adopted this process I believe the general discontent over their support issues would greatly diminish.
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United States

Couldn't agree more re:support.  I can't tell if they're just oblivious or if it's intentional obfuscation.

As an example ... The lens filter on my Osmo+ seems to have one of the layers of coating peeling off the inside of it.  Instead of sending me a new one, support told me to send the entire camera in for repair.  Which is just dumb.  It's going to cost them more in shipping and tech time than it would to just send a replacement filter. Needless to say that won't be happening, I'm just going to buy a new filter.  And I'll have to buy off-brand because the OEM doesn't seem to be available anywhere.
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

RobSinfield Posted at 2017-2-16 07:27
That's at 4k @ 30fps.  I do almost everything at 1080 @ 24fps and can get about 15 minutes continuous shooting before creates a new file.  I use my osmo as a b cam and for short clips... maybe a minute or two.  IMO it's not the right product to use as a primary cam.

I See. Thanks for the info.
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

breezeway95 Posted at 2017-2-16 07:46
I don't think that DJI ever considered that people would want to use the Osmo line of gimbal cameras to record long stretches of video.  If I wanted to record my kid's school play, I would go get myself a tripod and regular video camera. The Osmo is at it's best when used to record short clips where the camera is in motion resulting in jitter free smooth video.  Personally I'm not a fan of watching several minutes of someone shooting forward walking down a street (even sped up). If you see something interesting, stop and shoot the scene from several different angles. Master shot that shows context. Close-ups to show detail. Dolly/Tracking shots to show perspective.  Try not to shoot any clip longer than 15 seconds although obviously there will be exceptions.
And definitely spend the money on an external microphone. I recommend the Rode Videomicro along with the DJI 360 mic mount. Audio is half of your presentation. Keep the fuzzy windscreen on anytime you're outside. Nothing worse than wind noise.Also buy a set of ND filters and a polarizer. In order to record good video outside you should be setting your shutter speed at twice your framerate. This usually results in a shutter speed of 1/60 second. On a bright day outdoors you need an ND8 or ND16 filter to attain proper exposure with shutter at 1/60. The polarizer will pop colors (especially sky) when properly rotated.

Thanks for the info. Yes, the mic is next on the list but confused if i should buy the phone gimbal attachment first or the mic since i recently bought  Iphone 7 plus and seriously wondering which of those 2 cameras will give me a better quality.
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

LensmanDave Posted at 2017-2-16 07:45
10 minutes is a very long shot in cinema terms

Now that i think about it. Very True ! Thanks !
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

breezeway95 Posted at 2017-2-16 07:46
I don't think that DJI ever considered that people would want to use the Osmo line of gimbal cameras to record long stretches of video.  If I wanted to record my kid's school play, I would go get myself a tripod and regular video camera. The Osmo is at it's best when used to record short clips where the camera is in motion resulting in jitter free smooth video.  Personally I'm not a fan of watching several minutes of someone shooting forward walking down a street (even sped up). If you see something interesting, stop and shoot the scene from several different angles. Master shot that shows context. Close-ups to show detail. Dolly/Tracking shots to show perspective.  Try not to shoot any clip longer than 15 seconds although obviously there will be exceptions.
And definitely spend the money on an external microphone. I recommend the Rode Videomicro along with the DJI 360 mic mount. Audio is half of your presentation. Keep the fuzzy windscreen on anytime you're outside. Nothing worse than wind noise.Also buy a set of ND filters and a polarizer. In order to record good video outside you should be setting your shutter speed at twice your framerate. This usually results in a shutter speed of 1/60 second. On a bright day outdoors you need an ND8 or ND16 filter to attain proper exposure with shutter at 1/60. The polarizer will pop colors (especially sky) when properly rotated.

As per the filters don't know what it does don't know what it is lol. This is my first pro gear so still learning all the terminology and parts.

I see you in your profile picture that you have the next version after osmo+ . I actually ordered the mobile osmo first but when i learnt that i can remove the and attach the phone gimbal in osmo+ i was sold so i returned osmo mobile and oh boy what a hassle that was ....that customer service ._.  Anyways how is that one ? If i had more money i would have gone for one of those that you have.
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Flight distance : 826854 ft

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-17 11:00
As per the filters don't know what it does don't know what it is lol. This is my first pro gear so still learning all the terminology and parts.

I see you in your profile picture that you have the next version after osmo+ . I actually ordered the mobile osmo first but when i learnt that i can remove the and attach the phone gimbal in osmo+ i was sold so i returned osmo mobile and oh boy what a hassle that was ....that customer service ._.  Anyways how is that one ? If i had more money i would have gone for one of those that you have.

I have just the Osmo+.
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

dr.nick Posted at 2017-2-16 11:52
Even if you're only going to use short chunks there are still dozens of scenarios where we need a longer run of record time than 9mins.  How about shooting sporting events or in a multicam setup?  

I shot a 5 camera thing the other day that ran over 90mins.  I had the OSMO+ doing continuous Steadicam type shots for the entire show.  Which it is fantastic for.  What other zoom camera at any price point could you do 90+mins of 4k handheld/Steadicam/gimbal shooting without killing yourself?  It weighs 14 ozs.  Awesome right?  Now in the edit it's true I might only use that shot a dozen times for a minute or so of total run time but the OSMO footage has to be synced with everything else first.  It was ridiculously time-consuming syncing the dozens of individual Osmo clips with the other cameras. And the "lost" seconds while spanning between clips is totally unconscionable.  And that's another completely unique thing about the OSMO, no other camera in the world (that I'm aware of) has a "lost footage" problem like that.  It's unforgivable.  There are shots from that shoot I can't use because of lost seconds in the middle of a shot.  

"OSMO could be really great but in truth, it's not a professional (or even semi-pro) tool with these limitations.  It's a toy.  A really cool toy, but a toy none the less."

I disagree because i own one now and don't want to feel bad about it lol. jokes aside, i think for me who is a complete noob and a beginner in video shooting/editing it's like an IMAX camera to me hehe... may be few days or weeks or months or years down the road i will learn more about more cameras and i will look back to this day buying this osmo i would feel " meh " about it but right now am very excited since i can go out to film and learn more.

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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

oh snap ! when i made it big i saw it's osmo+ my bad.  How is that microphone though ? that's next on my list.
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Flight distance : 826854 ft

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-17 11:28
oh snap ! when i made it big i saw it's osmo+ my bad.  How is that microphone though ? that's next on my list.

I would recommend the Rode Videomicro as very good bang for your buck.
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United States

I would also recommend to get an Osmo base/ Stand, I use mine 100% of the time!
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United States

I would echo the Rode mic purchase.  While I don't have that particular model, I have several other mics from them and the price vs performance is outstanding.
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United States

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-17 11:24
"OSMO could be really great but in truth, it's not a professional (or even semi-pro) tool with these limitations.  It's a toy.  A really cool toy, but a toy none the less."

I disagree because i own one now and don't want to feel bad about it lol. jokes aside, i think for me who is a complete noob and a beginner in video shooting/editing it's like an IMAX camera to me hehe... may be few days or weeks or months or years down the road i will learn more about more cameras and i will look back to this day buying this osmo i would feel " meh " about it but right now am very excited since i can go out to film and learn more.

Awesome. Given that use, figuring out how to tell a visual story, set up shots, etc, seems like it's the perfect camera for you.  BTW - you're smart to pay attention to audio right from the beginning.  Ignoring audio is one of the biggest mistakes beginners make.
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United States

No tips/suggestions on filters? Is this something not needed or that could be addressed after filming, like, during editing? I just bought Final Cut Pro X....
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

breezeway95 Posted at 2017-2-17 11:31
I would recommend the Rode Videomicro as very good bang for your buck.

Thanks ! it's this one right ?

http://store.dji.com/product/osm ... k-release-mic-mount

$10 dollars for shipping geesh !! lol
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

FrequentFlyer Posted at 2017-2-17 12:54
I would also recommend to get an Osmo base/ Stand, I use mine 100% of the time!

I bought the base before it. It's great thanks. Looking around someone said you can actually shoot with the base on since it provides weight and it's just convenient than taking in or out.

About stand. you talking about the tripod stand ?
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

dr.nick Posted at 2017-2-17 13:18
I would echo the Rode mic purchase.  While I don't have that particular model, I have several other mics from them and the price vs performance is outstanding.

Nice ! which one is the best one accordingly to you ? model no or link ?

just trying to learn more
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

dr.nick Posted at 2017-2-17 13:22
Awesome. Given that use, figuring out how to tell a visual story, set up shots, etc, seems like it's the perfect camera for you.  BTW - you're smart to pay attention to audio right from the beginning.  Ignoring audio is one of the biggest mistakes beginners make.

Thank you thank you ! A big fan of movies since i was a kid. the other day i watch 4 movies back to back . Nowadays when i watch a movie , am more interested in how it was shot.  Recently i watched Lone Survivor 2013 . What a clear sound that movie has. Perfect !
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United States

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-18 11:26
Nice ! which one is the best one accordingly to you ? model no or link ?

just trying to learn more

The one you've dialed is the right mic for this application.  The other Rodes I own are for VO recording (NT1) and a lav pin-mic to pair with a wireless.
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Just want to share guys. Shot 80% on Osmo+

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Carl Marx


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Flight distance : 117077 ft

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-18 11:25
I bought the base before it. It's great thanks. Looking around someone said you can actually shoot with the base on since it provides weight and it's just convenient than taking in or out.

About stand. you talking about the tripod stand ?

I second the base vote... super useful and practical.

And I only just noticed.... it has a threaded hole in the bottom for connecting to a standard tripod!  I don't recall seeing anything about that in the "manual"!
Great bit of kit....
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

Salty777 Posted at 2017-2-19 04:57
I second the base vote... super useful and practical.

And I only just noticed.... it has a threaded hole in the bottom for connecting to a standard tripod!  I don't recall seeing anything about that in the "manual"!

"And I only just noticed.... it has a threaded hole in the bottom for connecting to a standard tripod!"

Oh nice !!! just looked at it. I read the whole manual yesterday and as you said it doesn't say anything about that in there. Wonder what else functions i will find as i use it. Thanks !
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

What do you guys use to cover your DJI products, in this case OSMO. Looking around some kind of cover to hopefully cover most of the osmo if possible.
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Flight distance : 117077 ft

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-19 08:42
What do you guys use to cover your DJI products, in this case OSMO. Looking around some kind of cover to hopefully cover most of the osmo if possible.

I just use the carry case that comes with it.

Need to find a lens cover though... the plus doesn't come with one.
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United States

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-18 11:26
Nice ! which one is the best one accordingly to you ? model no or link ?

just trying to learn more

Heres a link to the Mic. This is also what I use.

http://store.dji.com/product/osm ... om=related_products
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United States

Tune345 Posted at 2017-2-18 11:25
I bought the base before it. It's great thanks. Looking around someone said you can actually shoot with the base on since it provides weight and it's just convenient than taking in or out.

About stand. you talking about the tripod stand ?

This is the base i use most of the time.


I also have the the tripod and the extension that I use together if you want to just put the OSMO on a tripod. I have 2 OSMO's. So sometime ill place one on the tripod and be moving around with the other one.


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United States

Salty777 Posted at 2017-2-19 04:57
I second the base vote... super useful and practical.

And I only just noticed.... it has a threaded hole in the bottom for connecting to a standard tripod!  I don't recall seeing anything about that in the "manual"!

I use the tripod and the extension then screw it into the side of the OSMO.
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United States

This is another item that I recently got. The LED Light it's very bright, ive only been able to use it once. I need to try it out more befor I give more feedback.


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@Tune345, Have you received it yet? Many experiences? You are enjoying?
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

LuxeFilm Posted at 2017-2-22 06:28
@Tune345, Have you received it yet? Many experiences? You are enjoying?

Yes i received it on schedule but believe it or not still haven't activated it yet. Soon.
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Flight distance : 446138 ft
United States

FrequentFlyer .... Thanks for all the info.
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