defective Mavic - request for refund denied
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7817 68 2017-3-15
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United States

So I received my Mavic Pro on Monday.

On the first day, I pressed the Return to Home command and the drone flew straight up and away.  I moved the left joystick down to try to land it manually but it did not respond and continued flying away.  It eventually flew down and crashed.

I contacted online support and followed their suggestion to calibrate the IMU, compass and controller.  Yesterday, I flew it a couple of times and it was fine.

This afternoon, I tried to fly it again.  It took off, was hovering about 10 feet, when without any input or commands from me, it suddenly turned right and downward, and flew straight into a wall.  While it flew down, it almost hit my 6 year old son in the face and missed him by a few inches.

I called the US support phone number (818-235-0789) to request a refund.  The first agent refused citing that due to physical damage, he cannot provide a refund.  Of course, there's physical damage - due to it being defective, it crashed on its own, twice.  Then I spoke to a supervisor, Kenneth, who hung up on me.  
I also tried their online chat, was bounced from online sales support to tech support and back.  Then bounced between different agents.

Is this the type of support to expect from DJI?  If it is, it's not acceptable.

According to DJI's store website:

"In addition to the return and replacement services provided under the After-sales Service Polices (available at, as well as your statutory rights under applicable law, you may return a purchased item within 7 calendar days from the actual delivery date for a refund based on the original payment method. You may also request for replacement within 15 calendar days from the actual delivery date, for purchased items that meet the following criteria:

1. The product has manufacturing defects; or
2. The product has no manufacturing defects, has not been activated, shows no wear or damage, unaltered from their original state, and in a condition that permits us to resell them."

I requested for a refund within the 7 calendar days after my delivery date and requesting it based on a manufacturing defect, one which almost seriously injured my son.

Since I paid with a credit card, I already started a dispute with the issuing bank for my money back.

Where should I ship this defective product back?  Should I send it back to their Carson, CA address?

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United States

You will be requested to show flight logs. Many new owners are unaware that lack of flying skills can be costly. May not be your situation but you will be asked to more or less  prove either way.
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Flight distance : 11281079 ft
United States

Whoa! Sorry to hear that Mav16 that your DJI Mavic Pro is defective and that it almost harmed your son. Customer Support can be a challenge but stay persistent. Moderators in this forum can possibly assist you and can actually push specific DJI departments to look into your case and take it seriously.  You might want to hold off though by just sending your DJI Drone to Carson, CA . It'll probably complicate things even more.
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United States

I already initiated a dispute with my credit card's issuing bank and unlike DJI, they are more than happy to help.

I also submitted a complaint against DJI via the Better Business Bureau and CA State Attorney's Office.  Luckily I live in California and its very consumer friendly laws that require merchants by law to fully refund consumers if the product is defective.

I was really excited to get this drone, having flown my friend's Phantom 4 many times.  Unfortunately DJI support is seriously lacking and quite frankly, an insult for a $1000 product.  Totally unacceptable.  If I would have purchased it from the Apple Store, Best Buy, etc, getting a refund would not even be an issue.
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DJI Mindy

I'm sorry for your crash and the unpleasant experience.
You could fill in an online repair request form and apply for pickup here. You’ll get a case number automatically.
Our engineers will help to analyse the flight data and let you know what could have caused the issue.
If it's the manufacturing defect and accord with our return policy, we will take care of it.
After creating the case, please let me know the case number. I'll help to follow up with it.
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United States

DJI Mindy - To be clear, I DO NOT want the drone sent back to me under any circumstances, repaired or otherwise.  I simply want my full and complete refund.

That said, I have done as you've asked and filled out the online repair request form.  The case number is CAS-511118-J0M7G4.  

If I do not receive the shipping label by Monday, 3/20, I will ship it back myself.

The return address is in fact:

23610 Banning Blvd
Carson, CA 90745

Thanks for the being the first and only DJI representative willing to help.

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Free Bird


If I would have purchased it from the Apple Store, Best Buy, etc, getting a refund would not even be an issue.

This is very true about buying directly from DJI with their history of customer service well known. I know I will be buying from a store instead of DJI. If I ever buy another DJI product!
It's a shame that we need to protect ourselves from DJI's customer service. If they thought they were modeling the Apple Store in sales and service they really missed their mark.

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Flight distance : 29452 ft

I have almost the same experience. Brand new drone crash after 15 minutes flight. All systems where green when it suddely went bananas. Clearly a warranty case I thougt. Not so . DJI could not find any abnormalities in the DAT-files or flight records. If you dont have  100 % watertight proof preferably including video recordings of the incident they blame the pilot. In my case I dint't have any recordings, so I gave up. Dji have invented the care  refresh program and often  disregard our consumer rights and warrantys.  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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I think if you look at the situation, the OP seems adamant that his Mavic was defective, but most around here will know that most of these crashes are down to inexperienced pilots, if the product was defective then he should get a refund, and if it was down to his errors then he should except responsibility, it is very hard to know what caused AC to suddenly take off, so maybe if he puts up his logs we might get a clearer picture.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

It took off, was hovering about 10 feet, when without any input or commands from me, it suddenly turned right and downward, and flew straight into a wall

Out of curiosity was this indoors or outdoors? The part about it flying into a wall made me think maybe it was indoors, but then you'd have to have pretty high ceilings for it to be hovering 10 feet above the floor.
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Flight distance : 4526535 ft
United Kingdom

If you upload your logs, some on here will be able to assist you further. If you need any help on uploading logs, just use the search facility in this forum.
Hope you manage to get this sorted.
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United States

This was all outdoors.  The second crash, I wanted to put the drone into tripod mode, hovering about 10 to 15  feet high, to record video of my son and I playing catch from 30 to 40 feet away.  I'm standing in front of the drone, maybe 10 feet away, my son was to my left, the drone's right, about 20 feet away and my wife a few feet behind me.  There's a wall of our house behind him, maybe 15 feet back, from where my son was standing.  I started it, lifted it off with the left joystick up, had it hovering about 10 feet.  I was about to put the drone into tripod mode and hit record when things went wrong.  Without any input from me, the drone suddenly drifted and turned to its right, our left, towards my son.  My son got scared and ran back.  I immediately pushed the left joystick down to land it.  It did not respond.  The drone just turned to its right, flew forward and downward towards my son.  I yelled at my son to get down, the drone went over my son's head by a few inches and hit the wall.

I don't have video of this as I never even hit the record button.  This all happened within a few seconds from take off.

I do have some prior experience flying my friend's Phantom.  Sure it's a  different product, but same basic flying concepts, so I'm not a complete newbie.  Four things are wrong here.  

First with no input from me, the drone just decided to suddenly drift to its right, turn turn right and fly forward.  While the controller was in my hand, I did not press a single button on the controller.  I was in the app, about to hit the tripod button, when it went to its right by itself.  

Second, since it turned right, the drone was flying forward again with no input from me.  At this time, I was pressing the left joystick on the controller down to land it.  Since it was flying forward, the forward obstacle sensors did not work.  The drone just wouldn't stop, until it hit the wall.

More importantly, it almost seriously injured (or worse) my son.

Lastly, DJI's response so far has been nothing short of appalling, shocking and disappointing.  Given their shady responses so far, I'm sure they will blame me and point to pilot error.  Nonetheless, I already disputed the charge on my credit card and just need to send this back to DJI.  Again, had I purchased from Apple or Amazon, this would not even be an issue.  I'm only at fault for failing to do more research on DJI and it's poor support history before buying the product.  I would have either not, or waited to buy it from a reputable retailer instead.  Based on this experience, I will NEVER buy a DJI product, ever.

According to CA law, it is illegal to refuse a refund, especially in circumstances where the product is defective.  Even if it wasn't defective, its within my right to return it if I changed my mind.  I also want to point out that DJI has another question business practice where they capture full payment, even before the product ships, per other threads on this forum.  Also another illegal act.  This stuff might fly in China, but does not work in the US.

To the folks asking me to upload the logs, sorry I don't know how nor do I care at this point.  I already deleted the app, want nothing to do with this defective drone or DJI.  I simply want my refund.

I wanted to share this experience with others, so potential buyers beware.
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Flight distance : 347507 ft
United States

It is very sad that DJI has horrible service...and they insult their customers.  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 04:12
This was all outdoors.  The second crash, I wanted to put the drone into tripod mode, hovering about 10 to 15  feet high, to record video of my son and I playing catch from 30 to 40 feet away.  I'm standing in front of the drone, maybe 10 feet away, my son was to my left, the drone's right, about 20 feet away and my wife a few feet behind me.  There's a wall of our house behind him, maybe 15 feet back, from where my son was standing.  I started it, lifted it off with the left joystick up, had it hovering about 10 feet.  I was about to put the drone into tripod mode and hit record when things went wrong.  Without any input from me, the drone suddenly drifted and turned to its right, our left, towards my son.  My son got scared and ran back.  I immediately pushed the left joystick down to land it.  It did not respond.  The drone just turned to its right, flew forward and downward towards my son.  I yelled at my son to get down, the drone went over my son's head by a few inches and hit the wall.

I don't have video of this as I never even hit the record button.  This all happened within a few seconds from take off.

If you put yourself in dji' position this could be pilot error or not, all of details should be in your logs. But first you have to sync your flight log to dji cloud in the app so they can check it, if your sure this was malfunction then it will tell this in the logs.
So if you have deleted your app then your logs are probably gone from the app, but will still be in the Mavic , so before they can refund they will ask you to ship the crashed Mavic back before they can make a decision.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

Unfortunately, without providing any evidence at all regarding your claims, the only people who are going to take you seriously are other pilots with bones to pick with DJI.  

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Flight distance : 21877946 ft
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fansaa3da6c4 Posted at 2017-3-16 04:48
It is very sad that DJI has horrible service...and they insult their customers.

Upvoted. Top notch products but the customer service is horrible.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

I sympathize with your frustration: you spent a lot of money on the Mavic, probably were very excited about owning it, but then it suddenly turned into a bad situation that went from disappointing to dangerous and almost injured your son in the process. And to add insult to injury you got what you felt like was poor support and were told that you couldn't get your money back on a product you're now dissatisfied with.

And yes, the DJI refund / exchange policy is pretty restrictive, especially if you're used to (as I am) the relatively generous terms of retailers like Amazon and Apple. In fairness to DJI, though, drones are like other expensive electronics in that once the box is opened the value of the product drops significantly, because few people will knowingly pay full retail price for a used item. What's more, as you've seen firsthand, a drone by nature is easily damaged and can be damaged in subtle ways that aren't immediately obvious.

For what it's worth, my perception has always been that DJI makes a good faith effort to find out the real cause of each crash that's reported to them and will respond accordingly. When they determine that a crash was caused by pilot error they don't seem inclined to absorb the cost of the accident, but can you blame them? That would be like someone driving a new car off the lot, having an accident that was their fault, and then taking it back to the dealership for a refund or exchange.

I know you believe that your problems weren't pilot error and maybe you're right. But as Hallmark mentioned, posts like yours are fairly common on here and in most cases once the logs and other information come to light it typically turns out to be an obvious case of pilot error. When it's not, though, DJI has always seemed willing to provide a replacement, and wasn't that what you really wanted in the first place: a working Mavic Pro?
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Flight distance : 1074301 ft
United Kingdom

Had you calibrated the compass successfully? What were the compass values afterwards and had you verified both compass and accelerometer values were all within tolerance once the calibration was complete? Had you also completed a successful stick calibration before your first flight?

If the answer to any of these questions is no or even don't know then that suggests user error.
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

Sounds like inexperienced pilot almost took out child then wife said ,"Get rid of that thing I told you not to spend the money on that toy anyway !"

Seriously , post the flight logs from the Mavic so someone can see what was going on.

It is interesting that across all these forums I can remember only two crashes that have been reported from pilots who have flown multi-rotors for 5 years or more and they took responsibility for their error .  Just about every crash can be traced to someone that this is their first drone ever or maybe they have previously had a similar totally automated drone like a Phantom . Kinda makes me miss the early days when we crashed and then during the inspection said to yourself , No $hit Sherlock , look at those solder joints on the flight control ,no wonder you crashed !  Then you didn't bother to post the pics to get made fun of ,lol.

BTW, the title of thread should read "Crashed Mavic: DJI denied refund . At least until the true cause is determined . Heck you can't even get a refund on electronics from the auto parts store if it was installed .
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United States

I didn't realize the other places you named that would give you a refund w/out question is willing to do that, if you trash the product and try to return it.  I don't doubt your story, but I find it hard to believe that Amazon, where I got my Mavic from, would give me a full refund if I sent it back in pieces.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

rydfree41 Posted at 2017-3-16 06:26
Sounds like inexperienced pilot almost took out child then wife said ,"Get rid of that thing I told you not to spend the money on that toy anyway !"

Seriously , post the flight logs from the Mavic so someone can see what was going on.

post the flight logs from the Mavic so someone can see what was going on

Unfortunately he won't be able to do that unless he synced the logs before uninstalling the app, which I'm guessing didn't happen. If that's the case then only DJI will be able to determine what happened by examining the internal logs.
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Flight distance : 1074301 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-3-16 06:32
post the flight logs from the Mavic so someone can see what was going on

Unfortunately he won't be able to do that unless he synced the logs before uninstalling the app, which I'm guessing didn't happen. If that's the case then only DJI will be able to determine what happened by examining the internal logs.

Yeah, really convenient. Apparently didn't know how or want to do so before uninstalling the app. Sounds like he didn't know how or want to read the manual either before taking his Mavic out for a crash.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 04:12
This was all outdoors.  The second crash, I wanted to put the drone into tripod mode, hovering about 10 to 15  feet high, to record video of my son and I playing catch from 30 to 40 feet away.  I'm standing in front of the drone, maybe 10 feet away, my son was to my left, the drone's right, about 20 feet away and my wife a few feet behind me.  There's a wall of our house behind him, maybe 15 feet back, from where my son was standing.  I started it, lifted it off with the left joystick up, had it hovering about 10 feet.  I was about to put the drone into tripod mode and hit record when things went wrong.  Without any input from me, the drone suddenly drifted and turned to its right, our left, towards my son.  My son got scared and ran back.  I immediately pushed the left joystick down to land it.  It did not respond.  The drone just turned to its right, flew forward and downward towards my son.  I yelled at my son to get down, the drone went over my son's head by a few inches and hit the wall.

I don't have video of this as I never even hit the record button.  This all happened within a few seconds from take off.

Just reading your comments, I think part of your problem might be, you didn't realise that these aircraft are not as simple you might have taught, and with the right preparation and a little research and studying the manual watching some videos, flying these aircraft becomes a lot simpler.

It sounds almost like the first thing that went wrong you threw your hat at it, and although dji still might find in your favour here, your approach to this seems to be, it wasn't easy that's what I wanted so I'll be done with this.

Almost hitting your son , well if this was malfunction, dji is culpable and in order to prove this you simply tried to delete your only record of this accident, this makes no sense.

Also as you explained the location you were in the people you had around you distance they were from where you were flying has to be called into question.
It is highly recommended from the manual that you fly in open spaces, certainly for inexperienced pilots they should not have others so closely gathered around them, this is entirely your responsibility and not dji or anyone else's and you must except responsibility for this. Dji did not put those people there.

If this happened to me the first thing I would do is gather all the information I could so as to back up my case for a full refund and an apology for selling me defective goods.
In your case you did quite the opposite which beggars belief.

I do hope dji find in your favour, because reading your posts I don't think your interested in owning a Mavic anymore, but if they don't you can always get it fixed and sell it.

Good luck..
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-3-16 04:50
If you put yourself in dji' position this could be pilot error or not, all of details should be in your logs. But first you have to sync your flight log to dji cloud in the app so they can check it, if your sure this was malfunction then it will tell this in the logs.
So if you have deleted your app then your logs are probably gone from the app, but will still be in the Mavic , so before they can refund they will ask you to ship the crashed Mavic back before they can make a decision.

Well I didn't know that there were even logs being kept until this thread nor do I know how to retrieve them.  Like I said, at this point, I don't care.  I know what happened.  

DJI is a for profit company, earning revenues of $1.5B per year.  Why would I need to put myself in their shoes?  How about they put themselves in my shoes?  I'm the customer here, who paid $1K for what  a nice to have, luxury tech item.  I expect and demand better customer support and so should all of you.  That's my point.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

I'm sorry for your crash, sync your flight records and I can review your flight. Did you start the RMA process? If so then they will email you a prepaid shipping label to send it to Carson California where the flight data recorder will be analyzed to determine cause.
As far a refund, I don't know if that would happen. The flight controller is extremely reliable and the flight characteristics you describe happening is very unusual.
And since you've already started a dispute with your credit card company, I'm pretty sure that has only delayed things as both DJI and your credit card company will have to investigate.
But again, provide your email used with the GO4 app and sync your flight records and I will review the flight.
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United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-3-16 05:46
I sympathize with your frustration: you spent a lot of money on the Mavic, probably were very excited about owning it, but then it suddenly turned into a bad situation that went from disappointing to dangerous and almost injured your son in the process. And to add insult to injury you got what you felt like was poor support and were told that you couldn't get your money back on a product you're now dissatisfied with.

And yes, the DJI refund / exchange policy is pretty restrictive, especially if you're used to (as I am) the relatively generous terms of retailers like Amazon and Apple. In fairness to DJI, though, drones are like other expensive electronics in that once the box is opened the value of the product drops significantly, because few people will knowingly pay full retail price for a used item. What's more, as you've seen firsthand, a drone by nature is easily damaged and can be damaged in subtle ways that aren't immediately obvious.

Several years ago I purchased a car.  Within 30 days, the rear differential of this car blew up.  It was towed back to the dealer, who coordinated with their US headquarters and their German factory on next steps.  Weeks go by - finally I was told that they ended shipping the rear differential back to Germany and discovered a defect.  They offered to either fully refund or a new car replacement, with whatever color, options I wanted for the same total net price I paid for the original car.  I took their offer for a new car and have being very loyal customer to that brand for years now.  I'm on my 5th car from that same brand.

A few years ago, I picked up a new iPhone 5 on the first day it was released.  I accidentally knocked off a table and cracked the screen.  I took it back the next day to replace the screen, expecting to pay Apple's $120 charge for it.  Instead they offer to replace the entire device for me.  No complaining, I admitted that I dropped it, apologized, here's my $120 to replace the screen.  Instead they gave me a new iPhone 5.  Apple has made me a customer for life.

Why would I support a brand that clearly does not support its customers?  Would I have liked my Mavic to work correctly?  Definitely.  But now that I have a problem, why not try to make every attempt to make me happy and satisfied?  If they would have offered a refund or even an exchange originally, I wouldn't have subjected you people to this thread and would have been satisfied.  Now knowing what I know today, I want nothing to do with DJI except getting the defective Mavic back to them and getting my refund back either by their choice or forcefully through my active dispute with my credit card.
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United States

Watty2000 Posted at 2017-3-16 05:56
Had you calibrated the compass successfully? What were the compass values afterwards and had you verified both compass and accelerometer values were all within tolerance once the calibration was complete? Had you also completed a successful stick calibration before your first flight?

If the answer to any of these questions is no or even don't know then that suggests user error.

Yes.  I updated the firmware to the latest version even before the first flight.

I then calibrated the compass, the IMU (all green) and the remote controller before the first flight.  Then after the first crash, I re-calibrated the compass, IMU (again all green) and the remote controller twice to make sure.
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United States

Watty2000 Posted at 2017-3-16 06:48
Yeah, really convenient. Apparently didn't know how or want to do so before uninstalling the app. Sounds like he didn't know how or want to read the manual either before taking his Mavic out for a crash.

I read the manual cover to cover.  I don't recall any mention of accessing the log files.
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 07:57
Well I didn't know that there were even logs being kept until this thread nor do I know how to retrieve them.  Like I said, at this point, I don't care.  I know what happened.  

DJI is a for profit company, earning revenues of $1.5B per year.  Why would I need to put myself in their shoes?  How about they put themselves in my shoes?  I'm the customer here, who paid $1K for what  a nice to have, luxury tech item.  I expect and demand better customer support and so should all of you.  That's my point.

What other features did you not know about ?
Typical entitlement attitude . I don't need to do anything ,it should be done for me . Read the manual , Ha , it should be so simple I should not need a manual !  I dare someone make a flying machine that needs skill or thought to operate !

I ran a successful business for 20 years and if I were DJI I would replace or repair only , especially after this thread and that's only if the logs definetly show it was a malfunction SMH

These things would only cost $499 if DJI hadn't built in a repair / replacement cost due to inexperienced operators crashing the things and calling foul . Just about every flight log after a crash has shown the Mavic to behave exactly as it was instructed to do . No brainer that people are hesitant to keep and post flight logs anymore ,LOl
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United States

rydfree41 Posted at 2017-3-16 06:26
Sounds like inexperienced pilot almost took out child then wife said ,"Get rid of that thing I told you not to spend the money on that toy anyway !"

Seriously , post the flight logs from the Mavic so someone can see what was going on.

Nope.  My wife is very supportive of my toys and hobbies.  =)  Perhaps this isn't your situation?

How could I have made an error if the drone just drifted, turned and flew forward all by itself, without any input from me?  Maybe if it was windy at the time, but it wasn't, and I wouldn't have flown it in the wind anyways.  And why didn't the front obstacle avoidance system kick in and stop it?

Frankly I don't care of you don't believe me and think I'm a newbie who broke his new toy.  I know what happened and don't have to prove anything to anyone.  Even if that's the case, I'm entitled to a refund.  This is not a final sale order.

Sounds like some of you are blind DJI fanboys supporting a brand who gives the big F YOU to its customers.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 08:19
Several years ago I purchased a car.  Within 30 days, the rear differential of this car blew up.  It was towed back to the dealer, who coordinated with their US headquarters and their German factory on next steps.  Weeks go by - finally I was told that they ended shipping the rear differential back to Germany and discovered a defect.  They offered to either fully refund or a new car replacement, with whatever color, options I wanted for the same total net price I paid for the original car.  I took their offer for a new car and have being very loyal customer to that brand for years now.  I'm on my 5th car from that same brand.

A few years ago, I picked up a new iPhone 5 on the first day it was released.  I accidentally knocked off a table and cracked the screen.  I took it back the next day to replace the screen, expecting to pay Apple's $120 charge for it.  Instead they offer to replace the entire device for me.  No complaining, I admitted that I dropped it, apologized, here's my $120 to replace the screen.  Instead they gave me a new iPhone 5.  Apple has made me a customer for life.

Several years ago I purchased a car.  Within 30 days, the rear differential of this car blew up.  It was towed back to the dealer, who coordinated with their US headquarters and their German factory on next steps.  Weeks go by - finally I was told that they ended shipping the rear differential back to Germany and discovered a defect.

I think your answering your own questions here, it took weeks to sort out your problem with your car, yet you think dji should immediately sort out your refund, maybe time to get real. You could wait weeks for a car that blew up, but can't wait a couple of weeks for your drone to be sorted.

You said you read the Manual from cover to cover, then you won't have missed the part where it tells you about the environment to fly your Mavic.

I think your taking the wrong approach here if your looking to get your refund . You maybe better just to be patient and wait for the outcome, try get a mod here to help with your case..
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-3-16 08:08
I'm sorry for your crash, sync your flight records and I can review your flight. Did you start the RMA process? If so then they will email you a prepaid shipping label to send it to Carson California where the flight data recorder will be analyzed to determine cause.
As far a refund, I don't know if that would happen. The flight controller is extremely reliable and the flight characteristics you describe happening is very unusual.
And since you've already started a dispute with your credit card company, I'm pretty sure that has only delayed things as both DJI and your credit card company will have to investigate.

Yes I started the RMA process, per the instructions given to me by DJI Mindy above.  I plan to send it back as soon as the prepaid shipping label is sent to me (still waiting) or will send it back this Saturday on my own so I fully comply with your 7 calendar day return policy.

Are you suggesting that I stop the dispute with my credit card company?  No, that won't happen.

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Flight distance : 159820 ft
United States

I read many terrible stories about DJI support from people, but for me I only had one case with Phantom 4 RC and it was great.
If you don't care and don't want to prove anything to anyone, then no one is gonna refund your money.
You might want to fight with with ur bank.
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Flight distance : 609833 ft

mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 08:19
Several years ago I purchased a car.  Within 30 days, the rear differential of this car blew up.  It was towed back to the dealer, who coordinated with their US headquarters and their German factory on next steps.  Weeks go by - finally I was told that they ended shipping the rear differential back to Germany and discovered a defect.  They offered to either fully refund or a new car replacement, with whatever color, options I wanted for the same total net price I paid for the original car.  I took their offer for a new car and have being very loyal customer to that brand for years now.  I'm on my 5th car from that same brand.

A few years ago, I picked up a new iPhone 5 on the first day it was released.  I accidentally knocked off a table and cracked the screen.  I took it back the next day to replace the screen, expecting to pay Apple's $120 charge for it.  Instead they offer to replace the entire device for me.  No complaining, I admitted that I dropped it, apologized, here's my $120 to replace the screen.  Instead they gave me a new iPhone 5.  Apple has made me a customer for life.

Perfectly explained. I've had the same experiences myfelf. DJI does have the worst customer service out there. No doubt about that.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-3-16 08:51
Several years ago I purchased a car.  Within 30 days, the rear differential of this car blew up.  It was towed back to the dealer, who coordinated with their US headquarters and their German factory on next steps.  Weeks go by - finally I was told that they ended shipping the rear differential back to Germany and discovered a defect.

I think your answering your own questions here, it took weeks to sort out your problem with your car, yet you think dji should immediately sort out your refund, maybe time to get real. You could wait weeks for a car that blew up, but can't wait a couple of weeks for your drone to be sorted.

DJI's return policy is clear - 7 calendar days from the delivery date to return it for a refund due to a deflect.  So why the rush?   I'm only following their policy.  Seems to me that they are trying to stall and buy time so the 7 days lapses by.  I have until next Monday to send it back.

To be clear, my rush is to get this sent back within 7 calendar days of the delivery date (3/13) which has been a struggle to even get the shipping address back.  I understand it may take 2 to 3 weeks, and even up to a month, for a refund or the dispute to go through.  I'm fine with that.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 09:00
DJI's return policy is clear - 7 calendar days from the delivery date to return it for a refund due to a deflect.  So why the rush?   I'm only following their policy.  Seems to me that they are trying to stall and buy time so the 7 days lapses by.  I have until next Monday to send it back.

To be clear, my rush is to get this sent back within 7 calendar days of the delivery date (3/13) which has been a struggle to even get the shipping address back.  I understand it may take 2 to 3 weeks, and even up to a month, for a refund or the dispute to go through.  I'm fine with that.

DJI is not out to cheap you, as long as you've notified and started the process, it doesn't matter if it goes past the 7 days.
Also, I'm still waiting for the email so I can review the flight records. What is the ticket or case# ?
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 08:35
Nope.  My wife is very supportive of my toys and hobbies.  =)  Perhaps this isn't your situation?

How could I have made an error if the drone just drifted, turned and flew forward all by itself, without any input from me?  Maybe if it was windy at the time, but it wasn't, and I wouldn't have flown it in the wind anyways.  And why didn't the front obstacle avoidance system kick in and stop it?

Nope , I have many many toys and the wife has hers. sometimes we share Been married 36 years .

How could it be your error ? I don't know , how was your RTH set for starters ? Did it have full GPS lock before you lifted off ? Did it set the home point correctly or did it lose signal and try to go to an unknown home point ?   There are many things you could have done / not done correctly to prevent it acting the way it did , all of which the flight logs should show .

I think the main thing here is attitude and blame .
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 09:00
DJI's return policy is clear - 7 calendar days from the delivery date to return it for a refund due to a deflect.  So why the rush?   I'm only following their policy.  Seems to me that they are trying to stall and buy time so the 7 days lapses by.  I have until next Monday to send it back.

To be clear, my rush is to get this sent back within 7 calendar days of the delivery date (3/13) which has been a struggle to even get the shipping address back.  I understand it may take 2 to 3 weeks, and even up to a month, for a refund or the dispute to go through.  I'm fine with that.

Cmon you must realise that's for returning a product in the condition you bought it. Did you honestly think that covered you crashing it twice, just like your car they are entitled to find out what went wrong before they make a decision.

Do you seriously think Amazon or Best Buy would just hand you back $1000 if you walked back in with your Mavic in tatters. You have to use some common sense here !

If that was the case we could all get one from apple Best Buy , try it out oh yeah and crash it twice and just call around and get our money back.

There comes a time when we all have to take responsibility how we handle things, there are many here who want to help you, but your arguments will fall on deaf ears, if you pursue policy of you being right and everyone else is wrong, you will get this sorted much quicker if you try to cooperate.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

On what basis did you dispute the charge with your credit card company? I believe that process is only for situations such as when you ordered something but didn't receive it, had a duplicate charge, you returned something (and the merchant agreed to a refund) but weren't credited, charges you never authorized, etc.

If you told the credit card company that the reason was a defective item then I don't think you're likely to get much satisfaction there because they'll tell you to work out your disagreement with the merchant (DJI).
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1204754 ft
United States

mav16 Posted at 2017-3-16 08:35
Nope.  My wife is very supportive of my toys and hobbies.  =)  Perhaps this isn't your situation?

How could I have made an error if the drone just drifted, turned and flew forward all by itself, without any input from me?  Maybe if it was windy at the time, but it wasn't, and I wouldn't have flown it in the wind anyways.  And why didn't the front obstacle avoidance system kick in and stop it?

Unfortunately you will find on here that in DJI's eyes and many people on this forum you are guilty until proven innocent if there is an issue with your drone. It's always your fault somehow no matter if it's due to manufacturer defect or malfunction, it is always "inexperienced pilot"..."obviously didn't read the manual"..."flying somewhere you shouldn't have so it's your fault and you deserve it"....blah blah blah. Until it happens to them. Then it's a total 180 and they call the waaaaaaambulance.

You'll get more criticism than help here. Good luck!
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