United States
Hey, first just wanted to thank you for all the great input, greatly appreciate it! I was shooting in follow mode by default. I had played with the settings a few weeks ago but have to admit had not yet completely figured them out. I will make sure to use free mode going forward! I was disappointed with the movement, chalk it up to learning curve. Also never used auto take-off, will try that now!
I actually believe it or not had footage following tracks but in haste could not locate those few clips. I may have deleted them in fact sadly as I moved most footage off my MacBook to a 2TB ext drive I bought for footage. If I find them, I will def add them to it!
I'm starting to get a good grasp on exposure but still have much to learn! When you shoot early or late in the day, if you shoot away from the sun and then toward, I assume you have to change settings? You can tell at the dam shot, one clip looks better then the other, as It was 3pm and didn't change settings as I changed direction.
Funny you made the Fargo comparison, was exactly what my boss said Thanks again!!! |