Hello to all. My Name is Daniel and i am from Austria/Europe. I am one of the owner from an drone Company here in my Country have experience with A3/N3 pixhawk and ardupilot on rpi. Last week we got the DJI M300 for testing and this machine is really really good drone. But our main buisiness is making 3D models out of pictures so we make photogrammetry. The H20T is not the best camera for this usecase. So i want to all the Gremsy Gimbla with sony Alpha series camera to do the job. So i read something about payload sdk and fr my understanding so i can connect some payload applications via sky port/xport to the m300.
So my question will it be possible to ad an gremsy gimbal (sbus/pwm) over the skyport to the m300 ?
Can the development kit 2.0 handle the translation from the m300 gimbal signal to the gremsy signal to controll the gimbal ??
Next question is, is it possible to take the Video stream from the sony alpha camera and put it on the rc on ground ?
I ask because at the A3 we handle that with the extension board and so weg et al F-Channels oft he FC. So it will be fine if i can handle this also with the M300. And at last are there any people who can development some jobs like this for us ? Bets regards Daniel