Flight distance : 12051 ft
United States
KC-FPV Posted at 9-3 13:20
DJI definitely needs to clarify this. Will this be listed on the FAA list of compliant devices? What is the Remote ID that is being transmitted? What firmware version is compliant with Remote ID?
I would also like to know more detail of HOW this is working; are they using one of the transmitters thus making the signal to the drone worse? Was the Remote ID specs/hardware requirements baked in when designing the drone, so it wasn't difficult to add later?
It should be listed but FAA has not approved it yet.RemoteID should be the Aircraft Serial #, all new drones start with 15, this one does not but that isn't required. Will the serial # change?
Firmware 1.0.4 with Goggles 1.0.7 is the latest 'RadioID compliant' firmware and it is not transmitting anything.
Remote ID is a protocol that is sent over Wi-Fi. Any Wifi device, with compliance verification, can be used for Remote ID. If you search google, you will find sources to build your own using an ESP32-S3 that is also compliant overseas where they are using Bluetooth as well as Wi-FI. The FPV drone has 2.4ghz radio as well as a 5ghz radio which unless used overseas, isn't used for flight or video in most places in the US. Just like a guest WiFi on your home router, they can create the RadioID beacon with software alone as long as it supports running both radios at the same time.
Even the add on products are using this same technology and the devices themselves are < $8 each to buy and then you have to get the certificate of compliance from the FAA for a home built drone or use one of the add-on products. This this should not be the case and most likely, we will be receiving another firmware update to fix this.
If you search youtube, you will find others reporting the same thing for different brand dones that are not yet certified by the FAA. The firmware supports it and it ready for it but since it has not been certified by the FAA, Remote ID is not allowed to transmit. If that is truly the case, I with the vendors would not give us the firmware that states it is broadcasting with the additional hastle of having to have a GPS from our phone enabled when it isn't transmitting yet. Even worse, those who aren't as dilligent won't know it is not transmitting until it is too late and DJI isn't responsible for your losses due to use of their products even if they are telling you the drone is transmitting even though it isn't. So, here we are, waiting..