used to love DJI, but sends me a defective SWOLLEN battery & piss...
1103 12 2016-8-19
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Second Officer


Hey -

I hope an actual DJI rep reads this and gets back to me. So, if you could - please do so.

I used to love DJI - and recommend them to all my friends. I had support in the past - it was fantastic - and I couldn't understand what some other people were talking about when they said they got crappy support and were really angry. Unfortunately - it looks like I ended up with that too.

I hope a DJI rep gets this resolved for me, and so I can continue to love DJI products instead of having this super sour taste in my mouth I do at the moment.

To recap:

a) Sent a unit in for repair in 03/16 (5 months ago). Specifically requested NO firmware updates be done for various reasons (I use multiple batteries between same firmware machines, new firmware sometimes introduces new problems, etc, etc). Request was honored in the past. This time it wasn't. Sent the unit back to get the correct firmware on it. It *was* - until it seems some person on a power trip decided to veto that decision, and put the wrong firmware on it again.
b) Corresponding back & forth via e-mail to try and get it "fixed" - only to have it signed 'anonymously' (i.e., no names/ID #'s to follow up with, etc). Was promised a "battery" in lieu of fixing it. I didn't want a new battery - I wanted it fixed. So - then my e-mails started magically "bouncing". Never had that happen before. Talked on the phone, e-mailed, etc - incredibly waste of time. (Have probably wasted 40+ hours on a stupid issue).
c) Frustrated & exhausted - which I am assuming was the point of my e-mails magically "bouncing", waiting on the phone sometimes for 40 minutes at a time, etc, etc - a few weeks ago I said fine, send me a battery for the time being. I may look at getting the firmware fixed in the future when I have more time.
d) "Just" received a "new" battery. Looks like a joker decided it would be really funny & hiliarious to send me a "defective" new battery. It doesn't light up, it doesn't charge - and not only that - it actually looks like it swelled up. (Which actually just occurred to me - it could be a health hazard so I am wondering if I should get that checked out. Been sent a battery that DELIBERATELY could cause health problems). (EDIT: I just compared it to my other 'working' batteries - and yes, it IS swelled up).

So kind of pissed of right now. I don't normally use language like that - but I am just trying to convey that I am very, very upset right now.

If a DJI rep would get in touch with me, I'd appreciate it. It's a really stupid issue that never should have been an issue in the first place.

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Sorry for your experience. Could you please provide me with your latest ticket number? If it is convenient, it would be better to post a short video clip and photos of this issue here. Thanks.
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Second Officer



Here is a link to a video (since the upload limit here seems to be 1mb), as well as a sample of the 'constant' "bounced" e-mails from DJI.

battery video showing that there is no space between the white plastic containment part, and the silver part ('swelled'), the fact it doesn't turn on, and the fact it doesn't charge when plugged in.

the image is a sample of the non stop 'bounced' e-mails when trying to send to support. tried sending multiple times sometimes, and it would just keep coming back as 'bounced'.

dji email bounces

dji email bounces
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

djiguy001 Posted at 2016-8-21 13:07

Here is a link to a video (since the upload limit here seems to be 1mb), as well as a sample of ...

We're very sorry, our servers currently have troubles receiving emails from hotmail servers.  Would you please try a non-microsoft backed email account for this purpose?

Also, would you please click the "reply" and tell me your ticket number? So we can assist you.  Thank you.
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Second Officer


You mean the zendesk? The ticked could be one of these:

or you seem to have a different system as well, with this ticket (The 'support' ticket on "freshdesk"), which at the moment I can't seem to access, but I can see the ticket #
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djiguy001 Posted at 2016-8-21 21:28
You mean the zendesk? The ticked could be one of these:

I've gone through your ticket and see that management has already put in the request to send you a new battery. And they also have the correct address.I can assure you that DJI is not in the business to play games and if the battery you received has an issue it is in no way intentional and Im sorry that you received an INOP battery.
I do not agree that it is swollen, a swollen battery will have an obvious buldge much more then what I see in your video.

I've spoken to management and if you can please include the video link and some photos in the email and they will respond to you.

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Second Officer


Hi Ken,

Thanks for the response. Well - I did take 'closer' up pictures so that they could see that the battery didn't have a space between the silver/white part as opposed to a "good" battery. Anyways - I am waiting "again" for a response (already 2 days), because I need a "commercial" invoice to send it/the ID # for the battery part... I am actually getting to the point where I just really don't care, just because it really does seem that they are in the business of playing games, and just wearing customers down until they say *** this (where "***" is your favorite swear word).

They should have NEVER updated the firmware in the first place as requested, but - I've probably wasted 40+ hours on this issue trying to get it resolved, and with that time I could have spent it instead earning money to buy 2-3x the machines if I so desired, instead of wasting it on this issue. Right now I am doing it more for the principal of it - not trying to get a "freebie". (And like I said - I'd much rather have my machine fixed the way it was before, than a new battery sent out. However - they absolutely REFUSE to fix it - so want me to 'settle' for this).

Anyways, I'll try once more. Hopefully they send the proper documentation so the defective battery can be sent off. If I don't get a response in the next couple days, I guess I just won't care and they can keep whatever battery they have. I'll just have to think twice if I want another machine in the future or maybe looking at some competitors.

Again, it's so sad - because I used to love the DJI products and tell everyone I knew about them, but this whole incident has left a really sour taste in my mouth.
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I have the same problem with DJI service !!! I sent them Phantom 4 battery, they sent me back different one - also damaged. And now nobody answers my emails. What is going on with EU service ? Read my case :
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Holger4221 Posted at 2016-9-15 07:03
You see. There is no service at all. That's actually our problem. If I would had read all this com ...

His replacement was on the way back to him now.  DJI tested all the batteries before they are sent out, but some die during transport or storage.
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Holger4221 Posted at 2016-9-16 09:32
Do you believe actually yourself what you are writing? Are you telling customers who have to pay $ ...

It's not just shipping, some dealers store them for, say 3 months before they actually sell it to customer. Without usage for 3 months, the battery is likely to die.
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