First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
I've tested the Crystalsky Ultra with DJI Go 4.2.4 for 1.5 hours continously on full brightness and with the latest firmware for the AC, 3 full flights with the MPP and MA, ambient temp 23c and there wasn't a single glitch in the monitor, this was 4k 24fps, with caching back to the CS at 7gb
The hottest the Ultra panel got on max brightness was 41.5c , the side ports got to 38.6c and the back panel near the ports to 40c.
The CS fan never came on at all during the 1.5hrs and the temp was pretty consistent from about 15min from start up to the end. I'm not sure what the normal operating temperatures are for the CS Ultra, so the fan not comming on might be an issue, funny thing to note was the RC fan was humming away after 30mins and that has never come on before in longer flight sessions
DJI Go 4 4.2.4 worked flawlessly, there was no latency or pixelation at anytime in RC signal out or HD signal back, mind you I was using a Titan Cyclone 2.4ghz amplified panel.
I think they may have fixed the overheating problem for now, my CS build date it the 15/10/17 for reference, a couple of us who have this build date have CS Ultra's that get hot but have never failed.
Interesting to see how the other CS Ultra owners are fairing with the need firmware and 4.2.4 |