Flight distance : 9433032 ft
I couldn't get beyond 800m before red weak image warning came up then I read in this forum to put the iPad in flight mode as it is purely a monitor and if anything else is running eg: wifi/location services/Internet/clash of clans etc it will collectively interfere with rc.
I put the iPad into flight mode and exceeded 2klm on first go and have since reached 2.5klm (in open area no trees etc) and easily exceed 1200m with trees and hills before red warning comes up. The relief when this happened was like being let off a chain!
Update: today I flew 3.2klm (outback Queensland Australia - plenty of room) at altitude of 60m entire way. Round trip flight distance of 6.5klm, total flight time just over 9mins, battery level on 51% upon return. This aircraft continues to exceed my expectations!