Flight distance : 871430 ft
United States
I purchased a new OSMO mobile from Best Buy about 2 months ago, I have used it 25 or 30 times. Once about a week ago, and everytime I have tried to use it today the phone just flops skyward as the OSMO goes limp after 10-45 seconds. I assume the driver circuit for the motors or one of the motors is overheating and the thing is shutting down.
I am using the camera app in the phone, not the DJI app since I want to film in 4k , bluetooth is turned off and the OSMO Mobile is mounted on a tripod. Is it possible the OSMO is simply going into sleep mode to conserve the battery?
The light remains green thru the entire process. The battery is fully charged. What is going on? is there anyway to access a log to see whats happening, or do I just start the long painful warranty process.
Yes the phone is balanced