Unable to connect to go4 app without internet connection
1173 1 2017-6-29
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Eric ncfwa
Flight distance : 322526 ft

My last 2 flight sessions I have not been able to open go4 app without logging on via internet connection, fortunately I was flying around home & was able to have successful flights after signing in but wondered why this was happening.The problem was unwittingly caused by me, what I found, I was closing the app by entering the Me icon then selecting settings, scrolling down & selecting the red Sign Out, then closing the app. My actions were closing the app completely until I logged on & signed in again. I had been thinking about this since my flights yesterday, after work today I connected the RC to the tablet, turned on the RC the box appeared asking whether I wanted Litchi or go4 app, selected go4 went straight into app no problem. Turned off RC & shut down app by selecting sign out like I have been doing, turned RC on selected go4 app needed internet to log on turned WiFi on & logged on, app opened, I did this 3 times with same results, if you want to operate go4 app away from  internet coverage don't use the red sign out in settings this is the lesson I have learnt, I'm probably the only one who has made this mistake but I thought it was a good idea to share this info silly as it sounds
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Flight distance : 104180 ft

It would be helpful to us if the Go4 app cashed the logins so that we could switch logged-in operators without requiring WiFi since we often work in remote locations where an internet connection is not an (easy) option.  That feature would also solve the issue noted above by Eric.
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