Nikon 1
United States
My answer to your original post comes As someone who is an Administrator on another - NON DRONE based Bulletin Board - and we have had members who bemoan the fact that on that board, we have banned users and deleted posts.
It comes down - on the admins part - to operating a responsible public forum for the members. Flames or vicious posts get removed and the user gets tossed. THIS is on our board - I'm not anything other than a user on MavicPilots - but I do look at some of their actions and judge it by our board.
*DELETED* - as an example - I think MavicPilots made the right call. As to what's been revealed over there yesterday, I'm not sure how I feel about that?
Just to wrap this up -- as I said in my first post, Free Speech isn't free, as somebody bought the hosting software and somebody is paying the hosting fees on a server someplace. Over here, it's a corporate sponsorship paid for by DJI. MavicPilots may or may not have fees associated with its vendors, I have no idea.
I like both this board and MavicPilots as it gives me 2 slightly different views on the same topic.
Good, Safe Flying. |