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Omnidirectional external antennas
886 3 2017-7-15
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Ale Reynoso Cin

So, while we are dealing with an HDMI output issue (waiting for DJI response), we are fine tuning our "ground station" for live feed to OB trucks:
We need to improve our radio signal. The slave RC must be close to the OB truck, and sometimes not in the best spot to use the stock antennas fixed to the RC. We are planning to connect two high gain dual band omnidirectional antennas and mount them in a high pole/mast. Are any of you using something like this? Wich brand of antenna/cable type/cable max. lenght are you using?
We are not aiming for extreme range. The farthest we can go is 500m, but we need the signal to be rock solid at every moment. And as the video signal goes straight to the slave RC (is that right, isn´t it?), we need to improve that signal (is not a problem if in the master RC we receive a frozen frame from time to time).
If you have some photos of your setup it would be great

PD: I posted this in "Inspire 2 hardware" but I was not getting too much attention
I could not find how to eliminate that post
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Not sure, but my understanding is that the down-link image signal goes to the Salve RC via the Master RC and that Master & Slave are linked via WiFi.
I would be grateful if anyone can confirm this - or explain otherwise..

Kind regards
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Ale Reynoso Cin

allanart Posted at 2017-7-16 10:36
Not sure, but my understanding is that the down-link image signal goes to the Salve RC via the Master RC and that Master & Slave are linked via WiFi.
I would be grateful if anyone can confirm this - or explain otherwise..

I think I read somewhere that a user concluded that the image goes straight to the slave RC after upgrading master antenna and keeping poor video signal. He then upgraded the slave antenna and everything was just right.
And I saw somewhere (perhaps regarding the i1, the i2 could be different) a graphic with a signal path and the slave was  only sending control to the gimbal via master RC. Video was straight to slave
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Ale Reynoso Cin

Ale Reynoso Cin Posted at 2017-7-16 22:23
I think I read somewhere that a user concluded that the image goes straight to the slave RC after upgrading master antenna and keeping poor video signal. He then upgraded the slave antenna and everything was just right.
And I saw somewhere (perhaps regarding the i1, the i2 could be different) a graphic with a signal path and the slave was  only sending control to the gimbal via master RC. Video was straight to slave

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