Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States
EranR Posted at 2017-7-18 04:59
This idiot was actually flying outside the DJI nfz but inside the limited area (his max altitude was probably less than 120m). He was, however, flying inside the Israel CAA nfz, which is forbidden by law.
You are correct. He was flying where the drone allowed him to fly, but ignoring most if not all drone laws.
I've checked the CCA maps of LLSA, and the polygonal restricted space is more oval than circular, extending along 3-21 runway beyond the 2-mile radius commonly associated with Class D airspace (by default).
Unfortunately, DJI's NFZ implementation has given some idiots the (unfounded) impression that the information is correct and inclusive of all drone laws.
I suspect DJI's circular zones are a result of memory limitations (if they actually store the whole world). However, I've found they typically over-extend the actual polygonal zones, which frustrates many flyers near the zones who've actually performed proper flight planning. |