First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
United States
mongobird Posted at 2017-9-10 13:11
There are some technical reasons why a signal could go bad, out in the middle of nowhere, over a lagoon. and that is an RF effect called Fresnel Effect. Essentially, a direct wave from the phantom to the RC cancels the reflected wave off the water, and the received signal drops to near zero. If one was going rather slow, it could cause fading and strengthening signals.
I too have RF issues with my p4a, and am trying to reduce or eliminate the problem. Thanks for the USB cable tips, that will be my next course of action. I would like to get usable video from the cache.
i never had issues with my mavic pro over water.. maybe uplink and downlink are different frequencies with occusync. but i occasionally have gotten that strange fading in and out effect you speak of flying over huge empty fields and hills with my mavic pro, usually starts happening after about 1 mile.
today i was flying out over a small town. i got about 3 miles, but around 1 mile mark i noticed interesting effect, if i sat down on the cement step outfront of this building direction i was flying, and aimed my antennas at 45 degree angle towards the sidewalk which is rolling down hill from where i was sitting, my signal shot up, but in every few seconds i noticed dips down then bounces back up.. it held on for entire time.. one of my furthest runs over a populated area! if i stood up and aimed antennas towards my aircraft the signal faded out or completely vanished.. sat down and aimed flat side at 45 degree angle to sidewalk boom back up and solid connection. interesting how that reflection worked so well every other time i tried using reflection it fails.. the other thing is where i was sitting was near power lines and sidewalk is a rats nest of wiring over it, like legit scarey bad. i was epecting power lines to break my connection a bit, but maybe they helped ? i dont know i just know over populated area where alot of wifi everywhere, i got around 3 miles or range doing this.. |