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Mavic disconnecting from DJI Go 4 app, android dev.
4103 15 2017-9-12
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United States

I've upgraded to the new .1000 fw. I fly my aircraft, a couple minutes into the flight for no reason I get the,"aircraft disconnected" warning in the top status bar of the app. I let the mav hover for a couple minutes to see if I'm going to lose control. Not only does the rc stay connected but, I never lose video feed, my intelligent flight modes still work, and I still have full control. The app connection status doesn't change until I land the bird and do a restart. I'm glad I still have full control when this happens but when is that gonna dissapear and my mavic fly to it's death. I have refreshed the firmware 3 times now, I have changed devices, I have changed the usb arrangement, I don't what else to do!

I mean these things cost $1,000, that's a lot of money to me! Thanx ahead of time for any suggestions.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

My only advice to you is don't panic. I have an Android device and DJI GO 4 disconnects from it almost every time I fly. Most of the time I don't even notice as I'm wearing my DJI Goggles. It's only when I go to change the flight mode that I realize the app has crashed. I just run the app again and all is well (though it may crash again before I land). I'm getting (slightly) better results with the new version of the app (doesn't crash as often).

DJI is aware of the problem and I assume that (someday), they'll resolve it. Best I can say is be patient, stay calm and always make sure you follow procedure of setting your Home Point before taking off.
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Bill in Ohio
  • >>>
United States

I have a samsung S7 phone.  Change the phone settings to Display > Mode > BASIC and change Display > Resolution > 1920 x 1080.  If turned higher (default is set to fancy mode and higher resolution).  Both of those increase power consumption because the processor has to work harder to do that.  Since I changed those settings, I have not had an app disconnect.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

for best solid support i suggest going iOS route.. the latest updates are a total mess and nightmare and extremely picky with certain phones/setups.. even i was forced to abandoned using my samsung S8 and switch back to using my iPad mini 2 because of the constant crashing and disconnections..  and iOS in general is more stable with Dji Go 4 application, it still has a few hiccups and glitches, but i havent crashed even once, i have has the app show disconnected a few times when the RC still showing it was connected to the air craft but the distance that happens at is pretty far, im wondering if dji is experimenting ideas or something=.. not sure..   but my experiance get youself a affordable ios device.. iPhone 6 at walmart in straighttalk section is $199, dont have to activate a plan or use straight talk, just buy the phone  get it up and running and toss the straight talk stuff..  or look at refurbished iPad minis (mini 2 or newer is compatable)or something,., i do suggest a dedicated flying device either way.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Or a Nexus 7 2013 or Nvidia Shield for $50 second hand.  Cheaper and will work perfectly.
Samsung devices seem to cause issues which is no surprise given how much they alter the android OS, kernel and add their own touchwiz bloat.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1563980 ft
United States

Imheretocrash your s8 was crashing like that? Mine was on .1000 i went back to .700 not one crash. It's crazy how you have to try to find what firmware and what device works
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1563980 ft
United States

Gnirts your argument about sansung devices is irrelevant. my s8+ runs go 4 better then my nexus 6p stock android
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Flight distance : 486634 ft
United States

I have never had an app disconnect with my LG G4 (android 6.01) or my iPad Pro (IOS 11 Beta).  I have had an RC disconnect a couple of times but RTH brought it back within range.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

$gambino$ Posted at 2017-9-12 14:58
Gnirts your argument about sansung devices is irrelevant. my s8+ runs go 4 better then my nexus 6p stock android

...and yet a quick search will yield far more issues with samsung devices than any other combined.  Some will work, a lot don't seem to.  They aren't really android anyway so its a lottery.
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DJI Susan

May I know which mobile device do you use? How about switching the mobile to flight mode?
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I'm flying with a Motorola Droid Turbo, without SIM card. I have no problems until today. This phone is exclusively to fly the MP.
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United States

( this also goes for the app)    I just can't understand why they have to keep digging the hole deeper. Just have the team sit down, look through the forums and not just the forums. Pay attention to what is the most important to your $CUSTOMERS$, the people that you want to keep buying your products in order to keep DJI on point. #1: Quit worrying about trying to save the world with flight restrictions and flight data transmissions to DJI, that you can use to further cripple your customers drones. Quit trying to please the people who, in all honesty, want all consumer drones grounded for good. #2: Quit trying to tweak small frivolous details, that in the long run screw up bigger and far more important aspects of operating our drones. #3: Just build a firmware, test the firmware, tweak the firmware, test the firmware, rinse and repeat in beta ver. until the majority of your users are posting positive feedback, and then release the firmware for us to enjoy. #4: Don't go screwing around with an issue that doesn't exist on the new firmware, just let your customers enjoy their quads until you have another tried and true firmware upgrade that actually adds more functionality not gimmicks. If there can be no more improvements, just let it ride, just because there isn't a new update every month doesn't mean we're gonna quit flying or buying product. C'mon DJI, think about this from a customers point of view!
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United States

I have trouble connecting RC to Androi Phone (tried XIaomi Mi Mix and Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4). When I power up the RC it will connect in ATTI mode, then when I connect the phone to either LH microusb connector or bottom connector RC drops connection to AC. After some experimenting I have found a workaround that seems to work. If I connect charger/external battery to LH microUSB then connecting the phone works and I can fly. I suspect that Android device sucks too much juice out of RC and RC drops connection.

I will experiment further by cutting power lines in USB cables to prevent Android device from charging from the RC. If that doesn't work I will just use some velcro/sticky tape to attach external battery to RC permanently.

BTW, charging from RC drains the RC battery very fast.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1736982 ft
United States

My Nexus 7 2013 does the same thing.
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United States

I am having the same problems. Used S7 edge, S8+ and Tab 2S. Have a hard time getting them to connect in the first place, then when I do, I am lucky to have a minute to fly before it disconnects.  DJI, What has to happen in order to fix this problem instead having frickin firmware updates every other day?  Focus on getting this fixed.  All these people having the same problem for almost 7 months and nothing........If I lose this thing...........
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Try different USB cables and/or the other usb port.

Firmware updates every day amuses me.  Unless you're in some parallel universe where month and day get swapped around.
Also, if it disconnects the RC still works.  Try an android device instead of Samsung to rule that out as well.
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