United States
( this also goes for the app) I just can't understand why they have to keep digging the hole deeper. Just have the team sit down, look through the forums and not just the dji.com forums. Pay attention to what is the most important to your $CUSTOMERS$, the people that you want to keep buying your products in order to keep DJI on point. #1: Quit worrying about trying to save the world with flight restrictions and flight data transmissions to DJI, that you can use to further cripple your customers drones. Quit trying to please the people who, in all honesty, want all consumer drones grounded for good. #2: Quit trying to tweak small frivolous details, that in the long run screw up bigger and far more important aspects of operating our drones. #3: Just build a firmware, test the firmware, tweak the firmware, test the firmware, rinse and repeat in beta ver. until the majority of your users are posting positive feedback, and then release the firmware for us to enjoy. #4: Don't go screwing around with an issue that doesn't exist on the new firmware, just let your customers enjoy their quads until you have another tried and true firmware upgrade that actually adds more functionality not gimmicks. If there can be no more improvements, just let it ride, just because there isn't a new update every month doesn't mean we're gonna quit flying or buying product. C'mon DJI, think about this from a customers point of view! |