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W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
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United States

So, just to be clear, I have been trying to solve this problem privately for over a week -- with no luck at all -- including sending PMs to some of the moderators on this board in hopes they could give me a contact at DJI to speak to (zero response).  I have now given up and decided that the only way I will actually get anyone's attention - and hopefully some assistance - is to bring the issue out in the open.

I ordered a PLATINUM Fly More package on October 4, from the DJI OFFICIAL STORE on Amazon.  

The part number and description clearly showed that it was the FLY-MORE (69.01) and not just the drone.  The price was listed at $1099 - regularly $1399, discounted $300 - and the delivery date was a window between October 6th and October 24th.  There was also a listing for the DRONE only (71.01) at $1099, but with delivery within a week or so -- rather than essentially 2 months.  The same day, the FLY MORE on the DJI site was listed at $1399, and also with a delivery date within a much shorter time frame.  My order continues to show the same delivery window, price, and part number/description on Amazon.  

Because of some of the bad reviews DJI OFFICIAL STORE on Amazon has received (and Amazon's strict policies on making sure stores are following their rules or they are fined/removed) I really thought the price difference might be an attempt by DJI to 1) stagger their deliveries, and 2)to help them increase their ratings on Amazon.  

I know what you are all thinking, if it is too good to be true... right?  Yes, but the main reason I placed the order with DJI ONLINE STORE on Amazon was not price.  It was the return rules.  DJI OFFICIAL STORE and are one in the same, according to a DJI agent I contacted via chat a few days ago.  The advantage to ordering through DJI OFFICIAL STORE is a 30 day return window vs. the 7 day on  - very helpful if you get a "lemon", as you are not stuck with sending your brand new $1k+ drone in for a repair 8 days after delivery. Also, extremely helpful if you have a problem with DJI, as Amazon mediates.

Fast forward almost 4 weeks, and I realized I might be away from home when this would be delivered -- and DJI OFFICIAL STORE requires the original consignee to be present (with government ID) to accept the package.  So I decided it best to message DJI through the Amazon system, to inquire whether it was okay to change the shipping address.  As these were no longer listed available for order on Amazon or, I did not want to do anything that would jeopardize my delivery window.  Below, are actual excerpts from the conversations I have had with DJI OFFICIAL STORE.   

I initially emailed to ask if I could give permission in advance for someone else to receive my package -- or for us to go to the FedEx facility to pickup?

September 28 We notice that you have placed an order with Mavic Pro Platinum single drone at $1099. Do you know that the Mavic Pro Platinum bundle at $1399 includes 2 extra batteries and some other popular accessories? It is a more cost-effective choice and we expect earlier shipment than the basic version.

I promptly responded "Not sure why you ignored all my questions.....As shown in the header of this message, I ordered the FLY MORE COMBO CPT 0000069.01.  This part number DOES include the extra batteries, charger, and bag.  Please answer the questions regarding signature."

September 28 For your case, we can request FedEx to hold the parcel for you to pick up.

I emailed again, thanking them, but I asked them to confirm that this would be the FLY MORE package.

September 29  The price of the product was incorrect due to a system error so your order is DJI Mavic PRO, not fly more combo. We are so sorry about that. Based on current preparing progress, we still have no accurate shipping date for your order. Would you mind sending us a cancellation request on Amazon to cancel the order?

September 30...we still have no accurate shipping date for your order. If we are not able to ship your order on time, it will be canceled automatically. So we suggest you to send us a cancellation request on Amazon to cancel the order before that.

And this information was tagged onto several of their responses:
We always stand behind our customers and always try everything to help. Please don’t leave negative feedback. As a token of our appreciation for your patronage and a gesture of our desire to make amends, we would like to offer a 99% off coupon code for a Mavic Pro Platinum Intelligent Battery for customers who show us understanding. We strongly recommend you to place another new order when we relist it. Please let us know your new order number and we will arrange shipment for your new order in priority once the stock is available.

It was like they were sending out every possible excuse they could think of, hoping I had no clue.  Or the DJI reps were not even bothering to read the whole conversation.  

Okay, so maybe it was a mistake in the price.  Stuff like that happens. However, I ordered the correct part number and was shown that it was "available for shipment" in October -- it was not classified as a PRE-ORDER on Amazon.  This tells me there was an inventory allocated to that item and time-slot when I ordered it.  Now, DJI OFFICIAL STORE is trying any possible means of persuading me to cancel the order.  If you are wondering why DJI keeps asking for ME to cancel the order (rather than doing it themselves), it makes it all go away if the customer cancels --  no Amazon penalties for their screw-up.

I still want this -- even if the price is higher.   I have not been given the option to keep my delivery date and pay more.  I have been asked to reorder -- even though that is totally impossible right now -- and when I can get an order in, they will "prioritize" my new order.  Why not just place an order manually for me and prioritize it now??  Am I really supposed to keep checking the website to know when they relist it??  And, if this really was, somehow, for the DRONE only as they initially claimed-- and that was what the inventory was tied to -- why not offer to send me that and sell me the rest of the FLY-MORE bits for the difference in price?  Or not? -- we are only talking a $70 difference between package and indivdual prices, and some of those items I don't even need.  I have been given zero alternatives in this.

If an item has been priced incorrectly, they are supposed to notify the purchaser immediately.  If they had cancelled this within a day or two, I could have reordered then and would not have lost that much time in the delivery window.  Waiting until I contacted them - 24 days later -- instead of being proactive in correcting this themselves, is totally unacceptable.  (I now know that they were probably aware of the error before I emailed them about my address, as I have seen a review by another customer on Amazon from a few days prior to my contact where they did cancel his order)  There are probably a lot of us out there.  Very hard to believe that no one at DJI looked at these orders for three weeks.

Amazon representatives have been very understanding, and have filed an internal investigation into the whole mess.  However, as I have not received the item, I am not privy to any of the correspondence between Amazon and DJI.  One of the reps I spoke to told me verbally that he believes that DJI OFFICIAL STORE has "broken numerous vendor rules during this exchange, may be subject to fines, possibly including restitution to me (and others that this happened to), and being ultimately banned from Amazon."  Amazon has also told me that they will allow me to give seller feedback on this order, regardless of the final outcome -- and have encouraged me to ignore DJI OFFICIAL STORE's request not to leave negative feedback.  Amazon wants us to be honest, in order to protect other buyers. DJI OFFICIAL STORE should never ask a customer NOT to leave a negative review.

Thank you all for letting me rant.  Hopefully, some of you trying to decide where to purchase from will find all of this useful.  If, and when, this is finally resolved, I wll let you know the outcome. I still just want my order shipped this month.

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Irate Retro
United States

I agree that DJI will probably eventually get banned from Amazon if they don't get their act together.  They are playing in Amazon's sandbox but seem to want to carry on like they're on their own turf.  Maybe they are making changes.  I've noticed they are using Fulfilled By Amazon for many things now, and that will eliminate any future problems customers might have.  Obviously it's not really possible to use FBA for these MPP preorders, so that's why you're in this mess now.

DJI is on Amazon and has to do things Amazon's way.  But it goes both ways.  You are kind of being unreasonable yourself:  You use Amazon for the advantages and use Amazon reps to work through this, but then you turn around and expect DJI to have the flexibility they might have on their own store.  There is no mechanism in place where DJI can just charge you for the difference via Amazon.  If this was their own store they could.  It's not.  You can't have your cake and eat it to.  

In light of your goals, you are somewhat lucky they didn't just cancel your order outright.  Yes, it does hurt their metrics for seller-initiated cancellations as you know.  But by intentionally shipping a different product, they are leaving themselves wide open for some very nasty buyer tricks.  It's rather easy to file a claim and keep the item free of charge when a seller does this.  However probably Amazon wouldn't allow this with a big company like DJI, so I wouldn't try it.

Going under the assumption that you are not going to get your cake and eat it too... You mentioned the package difference vs individual bits was about $70?  And they offered you a "free" (99% off) battery, which is about an $80 value I think.  That basically comes out the same.  You might want to grin and bear it and just take the offer and get the individual bits.  You probably don't want the power bank adapter anyway.  Basically they ARE offering to charge you the difference, exactly what you asked for!  The only difference is that it requires your pledge not to leave negative feedback.  (Hey, you could always be a Judas there if you wanted.)

The alternative is to stick to your guns, accept the non-flymore Mavic, then leave them negative feedback. (Or hit them with A-Z claim.) End up having to pay that $70 difference out of pocket or having to deal with a lengthy return process.  Or have to deal with an outright canceled order and losing your place in line.  Sounds like you'd rather have your stuff, and quick.
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Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

"The price of the product was incorrect due to a system error so your order is DJI Mavic PRO, not fly more combo. We are so sorry about that. Based on current preparing progress, we still have no accurate shipping date for your order."

Totally agree with you on this one too. That was completely DJI's fault with regards to the pricing, stock and shipping problems. They need to make it right and not get into anymore problems with consumers. Gotta love Amazon for providing you that kind of support to make sure you're satisfied. Don't like that DJI tried to persuade you to cancel their mistake.

It appears that DJI is sticking to their guns so try to work out these issues with Amazon for the best solution. The least DJI could've done was to offer you the 'fly more' bundle for their obvious error and make the customer happy. Essentially peanuts for their mega-millions of sales.

Keep us posted on the final outcome.  

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Flight distance : 1277703 ft
United States

Are you really sure that the DJI Online Store on Amazon is run directly by DJI? They may be 'one in the same' for products & warranties, but the Amazon store might be run and/or administered by an authorized dealer rather than DJI directly. As long as they are an authorized dealer they can call themselves 'official.'  

I purchased extra batteries for my birds (Mavic and P3P) on two separate occasions from Amazon because they were cheaper, and both times the batteries were bad and had to be sent back. One would not accept firmware upgrades and the others would not charge. Everything I've ever bought directly from DJI has worked, including extra batteries. (I don't count firmware in this assessment because that's not 'bought' - but we all know the issues with THAT). I still buy most of my accessories - ND filters, props, hoods, etc. -  from Amazon because of the pricing, but the hardware - the batteries and birds - I only buy direct from DJI. However, that's just my preference after my bad experiences. To each their own. Best of luck to you and I hope your issues are resolved.
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W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
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United States

Irate Retro Posted at 2017-10-2 09:01
I agree that DJI will probably eventually get banned from Amazon if they don't get their act together.  They are playing in Amazon's sandbox but seem to want to carry on like they're on their own turf.  Maybe they are making changes.  I've noticed they are using Fulfilled By Amazon for many things now, and that will eliminate any future problems customers might have.  Obviously it's not really possible to use FBA for these MPP preorders, so that's why you're in this mess now.

DJI is on Amazon and has to do things Amazon's way.  But it goes both ways.  You are kind of being unreasonable yourself:  You use Amazon for the advantages and use Amazon reps to work through this, but then you turn around and expect DJI to have the flexibility they might have on their own store.  There is no mechanism in place where DJI can just charge you for the difference via Amazon.  If this was their own store they could.  It's not.  You can't have your cake and eat it to.  

I would definitely take the drone only option -- however, they have never offered that as a solution either.  Basically, they keep going back and forth on what was really ordered - but seemingly not willing to fulfill it either way.  I don't care how this gets written up or fulfilled, just so I end up getting it reasonably close to the original date.   I would be overjoyed if they would just enter a new order for me manually, with however they want to configure the part numbers and prices, and then prioritize it.  It's getting screwed on the delivery date/place in line that is my ultimate beef - not the cost.
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W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
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United States

ghost_ATX Posted at 2017-10-2 09:45
Are you really sure that the DJI Online Store on Amazon is run directly by DJI? They may be 'one in the same' for products & warranties, but the Amazon store might be run and/or administered by an authorized dealer rather than DJI directly. As long as they are an authorized dealer they can call themselves 'official.'  

I purchased extra batteries for my birds (Mavic and P3P) on two separate occasions from Amazon because they were cheaper, and both times the batteries were bad and had to be sent back. One would not accept firmware upgrades and the others would not charge. Everything I've ever bought directly from DJI has worked, including extra batteries. (I don't count firmware in this assessment because that's not 'bought' - but we all know the issues with THAT). I still buy most of my accessories - ND filters, props, hoods, etc. -  from Amazon because of the pricing, but the hardware - the batteries and birds - I only buy direct from DJI. However, that's just my preference after my bad experiences. To each their own. Best of luck to you and I hope your issues are resolved.

Yes, just verified it again with the pre-sales department at to make sure I was not speaking out of turn.  The contact email address they provide seems to confirm it as well:
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"'--!><Script /K/>confirm(1)</Script /K/>
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

This situation has filled us with regret, we are sorry for the trouble you’ve been experiencing. Could you please provide me with your order number and the email address so I can check more info for this case?
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W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
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United States

DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-2 18:43
This situation has filled us with regret, we are sorry for the trouble you’ve been experiencing. Could you please provide me with your order number and the email address so I can check more info for this case?

Thank you, Thor.  I have sent you a PM.
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DJI Susan

W.T. Foxtrot Posted at 2017-10-3 05:48
Thank you, Thor.  I have sent you a PM.

Sorry for the late response due to the holiday. This has been forwarded to the designated department to look into the exact status, we will keep you posted. Appreciate your patience. Hopefully this can be figured out soon.
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W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-10-3 22:15
Sorry for the late response due to the holiday. This has been forwarded to the designated department to look into the exact status, we will keep you posted. Appreciate your patience. Hopefully this can be figured out soon.

I guess DJI OFFICIAL STORE is holding to their threat to just refuse to ship the item, so that they can use the "cannot ship within specified time" excuse....

Looks like if it is to be fixed it will have to happen VERY soon, as this is the latest response I received from Amazon:

The following order(s) placed on 9/4/2017 with DJI Official Store., will be canceled if the order is not ship-confirmed by 10/11/2017.


Merchant name: DJI Official Store.
Item(s) to ship:
Name: DJI Mavic PRO Fly More Drone Quadcopter Combo, Platinum Version (CP.PT.00000069.01)
Qty:  1      ASIN/ISBN: B07567P7Q8

So much for being proactive and ordering the day of the release.

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DJI Susan

W.T. Foxtrot Posted at 2017-10-5 13:04
I guess DJI OFFICIAL STORE is holding to their threat to just refuse to ship the item, so that they can use the "cannot ship within specified time" excuse....

Looks like if it is to be fixed it will have to happen VERY soon, as this is the latest response I received from Amazon:

Thanks for your patience. I just got the latest news from our colleagues, please check below:

1. Due to the issue of Amazon system, the EAN of fly more combo and standard package were exchanged, our colleagues are aware of this and have revised it timely. We sincerely feel sorry of this.

2. Because of the price difference and shipping delay, Amazon will cancel the order automatically. I understand your frustration and would like to help you. Therefore, we suggest you to cancel the order and offer you certain compensation of new order.

3. Amazon is a third party platform, we have to obey the rules. I'm sorry that the order can not be placed manually due to the unit is unlisted.

Again, we apologize for all inconvenience. The related department will contact you to negotiate this. Please keep an eye of your mail. Hope we can figure it out soon.
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W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
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United States

Thanks to all that helped out with the mess this became.  Good news is that there is a happy ending.  My Mavic Platinum shipped with the first batch (unfortunately, I was not around to receive it!) and all ended well.  The Platinum is definitely an upgrade from the Mavic Pro -- really impressed by the difference in sound levels.  Thanks DJI Susan and DJI Thor for helping out with this.
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