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Video with P3S of York River Rescue team in action.
838 6 2017-10-8
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

York Rescue Boats are a charity based rescue organisation based in the city of York. They work on the River Ouse and surrounding area conducting rescue operations working with the emergency services. The Tadcaster Flood Action group are a charity based in Tadcaster, working to protect the community from flooding ,and other community saftey issues. The pedelo had been swept away from Otley upstream on the river Wharfe a few weeks ago during a storm. Turning up in Tadcaster this week following another high river event. Its location was seen to be a danger to the public, if someone untrained tried to recover the craft. York Rescue Boats agreed to use it as a training exercise for swift water rescue. There was a strong current, and immediatly upstream 10metres away was a weir. The river was still in flood 1.5m above norm. The swimmer had to carry a stong line, this was taken by the current, and pulled him downstream. The team had planned for this , with a total crew of 6, they had 2 lines men on each bank, and a second swimmer on the far bank to assist once the cross river swimmer reached the bank. Only the lead crewman knew of the operation before the call, so to the rest of the crew it was a simulation of a real life emergency.
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DJI Susan

Impressive! Thanks for sharing with us.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 972454 ft
United Kingdom

Very interesting, do you work with the teams?
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
  • >>>
United States

Daveb500 Posted at 2017-10-8 00:28
York Rescue Boats are a charity based rescue organisation based in the city of York. They work on the River Ouse and surrounding area conducting rescue operations working with the emergency services. The Tadcaster Flood Action group are a charity based in Tadcaster, working to protect the community from flooding ,and other community saftey issues. The pedelo had been swept away from Otley upstream on the river Wharfe a few weeks ago during a storm. Turning up in Tadcaster this week following another high river event. Its location was seen to be a danger to the public, if someone untrained tried to recover the craft. York Rescue Boats agreed to use it as a training exercise for swift water rescue. There was a strong current, and immediatly upstream 10metres away was a weir. The river was still in flood 1.5m above norm. The swimmer had to carry a stong line, this was taken by the current, and pulled him downstream. The team had planned for this , with a total crew of 6, they had 2 lines men on each bank, and a second swimmer on the far bank to assist once the cross river swimmer reached the bank. Only the lead crewman knew of the operation before the call, so to the rest of the crew it was a simulation of a real life emergency.

Aloha Dave,

     Looks like a good use of a Phantom as documentation and training.  Keep it up.  We need more people to see the benefits of our birds.  Nice video.  Good work.  I liked the hotdog flying.  It served a purpose and was entertaining.  That is how you keep the audience.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

AlanHd Posted at 2017-10-8 01:48
Very interesting, do you work with the teams?

I am a trustee and senior coordinator of the Tadcaster flood action group

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 244856 ft

Nice video
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