Mavic destroyed with update
2967 30 2017-10-18
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Hey everyone!

I was really amazed by the mavic. Used it my hole holidays. After I returned back home in August I stored the mavic in the shelf. So last Saturday I wanted to make some new videos. Charged the batteries, checked the equipemtn and turned the mavic on. "Firmware Update" appeared in the Go 4 App. So I installed it, which did end with an error.

Later that day I tried to Update the Mavic with the DJI Assisntant 2. So far more than 10 tries with both from the Assistant offered Firmaware Updates failed. Always at 100%.
I checked the forum here and found some tipps. I've formated the SD Card and even used a completly different one. I also tried that trick with pressing record and than try to install the updated. Thst wasn't possible:
The controller is uanble to connect to the mavic. Even if i press this tiny reconnect controller button next to the wifi-rc switch.
Assisntant shows me the version V00.00.0000 for the mavic.

The last updated was maybe in July, which worked properly. To exclude the Go 4 App as error source I deleted it and installed it again.
Im stuck right now. In the forum one of the staff "DJI Diana" noticed that she could somehow enable previos firmwares if someone gives her his DJI account name. Maybe that would help, since 1.4 is somehow uninstalable on V00.00.0000. Saddly the link to write Diana a PM is not working.

Any recommondations?


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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Yikes, sorry to hear that. I'd open a support request via the Go 4 app and then return here with your support case number if you don't get the help you expect, then one of the DJI moderators may be able to help escalate or facilitate your case. Good luck!
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Actually I already chatted with the support. Didn't got a case number. The only thing I was advised was to send the drone in. I'd rather keep it and do it by myself since so many people had this problem and got helped. Sending the drone from Switzerland would at least take 2-3 weeks. Fall would be over
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After similar unsuccessful FW upgrade and exchange of core board of my Mavic (3 weeks mostly travel ) , I promised myself Never to do FW upgrade again!
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Ou no... thats really disappointing. Was at least everything alright when the drone came back? Last time when my drone was in repair (gimbal problems) it was a total mess. The box was damaged, the drone scratched and full of fingerprints. Even the plastic support for the gimbal was broken. I have some concerns to send it back again...
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-10-18 11:55
Ou no... thats really disappointing. Was at least everything alright when the drone came back? Last time when my drone was in repair (gimbal problems) it was a total mess. The box was damaged, the drone scratched and full of fingerprints. Even the plastic support for the gimbal was broken. I have some concerns to send it back again...

Hi, there, have you noticed if there is an error message when the upgrade failed? Now, if you haven't sent the drone back, could you please try to update again via DJI Assistant 2, and if it fails, please make a screenshot and provide it to me. I'll help to check first.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 40147441 ft
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Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-10-18 11:55
Ou no... thats really disappointing. Was at least everything alright when the drone came back? Last time when my drone was in repair (gimbal problems) it was a total mess. The box was damaged, the drone scratched and full of fingerprints. Even the plastic support for the gimbal was broken. I have some concerns to send it back again...

Might be I am lucky, but back from DJI repair drone came in perfect condition ;)
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-18 21:16
Hi, there, have you noticed if there is an error message when the upgrade failed? Now, if you haven't sent the drone back, could you please try to update again via DJI Assistant 2, and if it fails, please make a screenshot and provide it to me. I'll help to check first.

Ok I'll do that today or maybe tomorrow. When I remember right there was not much on the screen. Always 100% Update failed and a button "upload error log" or something like that. I assumed there would at least be an error code. Maybe a log file was saved somewhere?
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-10-19 00:16
Ok I'll do that today or maybe tomorrow. When I remember right there was not much on the screen. Always 100% Update failed and a button "upload error log" or something like that. I assumed there would at least be an error code. Maybe a log file was saved somewhere?

If there is no error message, please help to export the upgrade log and upload to Dropbox, here's the file route: Window:C:\Users\xxx\AppData\roaming\DJI assistant2\upgrade_log
Thank you so much.
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-19 01:02
If there is no error message, please help to export the upgrade log and upload to Dropbox, here's the file route: Window:C:\Users\xxx\AppData\roaming\DJI assistant2\upgrade_log
Thank you so much.

Thanks for the tipp. I'm on a mac but I still found something. There are two folders for DJI Assistant 2. Maybe one from a previous version. One doesn't contain any logfiles. In the second one there are two logfiles-folders. Log and upgrade_log. upgrade _log contains some update-logfiles but back then from March. The other folder contains some files from this week. I've read them. It might helps since it seems to be a connection protocol during the update. It's a bit strange since the file mentions Phantom 4 and no word about mavic. I don't even own a Phantom. I attached the old updated-logs from march anyway. Might helps somehow. Here the link: ... Ri-uIuTCikh2ua?dl=0

Please copy the files. I'd rather delete this shared folder.

I also found some files in the Assistant App Package. There are four files and they are all 0 Bytes in size. But their title is quite interesting:

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-10-19 10:55
Thanks for the tipp. I'm on a mac but I still found something. There are two folders for DJI Assistant 2. Maybe one from a previous version. One doesn't contain any logfiles. In the second one there are two logfiles-folders. Log and upgrade_log. upgrade _log contains some update-logfiles but back then from March. The other folder contains some files from this week. I've read them. It might helps since it seems to be a connection protocol during the update. It's a bit strange since the file mentions Phantom 4 and no word about mavic. I don't even own a Phantom. I attached the old updated-logs from march anyway. Might helps somehow. Here the link:

Thank you so much of the feedback, you are brilliant to find out the files. I had forwarded then to our engineer, will get back to you once I heard something. Appreciate your patience.
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-19 23:58
Thank you so much of the feedback, you are brilliant to find out the files. I had forwarded then to our engineer, will get back to you once I heard something. Appreciate your patience.

nothing yet ?
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Sorry, haven't got new yet. I will inform our engineers to speed up the case.
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-27 02:03
Sorry, haven't got new yet. I will inform our engineers to speed up the case.

okay thank you. i'll wait patiently

meanwhile: i found the post i've mentioned. in july some people got the same error. admin diana was somehow able to give them acces in dji assistant to an earlier release which alloewed them afterwards to install the newest update. to bee seen in this post

would that might help?
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-10-30 12:14
okay thank you. i'll wait patiently

meanwhile: i found the post i've mentioned. in july some people got the same error. admin diana was somehow able to give them acces in dji assistant to an earlier release which alloewed them afterwards to install the newest update. to bee seen in this post

I am not pretty sure, coz you don't get the same error, but if you want, I can help to release the beta for you to try. Please PM me your account if you want to access the beta.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-10-30 12:14
okay thank you. i'll wait patiently

meanwhile: i found the post i've mentioned. in july some people got the same error. admin diana was somehow able to give them acces in dji assistant to an earlier release which alloewed them afterwards to install the newest update. to bee seen in this post

Hi, I had pushed the beta to your account now. Please refer to the steps below to upgrade it via the DJI Assistant 2 again.
1. Log into your DJI account.
2. Upgrade the firmware V 01.03.0813.
3. Once it's done, please press the "Record" button on RC and make sure it's recording, then start to upgrade firmware to the latest version.
See if it helps.
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-11-1 01:10
Hi, I had pushed the beta to your account now. Please refer to the steps below to upgrade it via the DJI Assistant 2 again.
1. Log into your DJI account.
2. Upgrade the firmware V 01.03.0813.

Thanks for your respond. I tried it again. 2 different Macs, with two different SD Cards (both freshly formated), and both beta versions you gave me.

The controller is just fine. I can upload any version I want. The mavic itself is bricked. V00.000.000. It doesn't accept any update. Downloading works well (100%) but DJI Assistant 2 is unable to upload the firmware to the drone. I've uploaded some of the error codes (by pressing "upload error" in the Assistant).
The DJI GO 4 app works neither. Can't even find the drone.

Seems like to drone is completely corrupted and unable to handle the firmware.
I'm a bit frustrated right now. Doesn't look like I could continue my Switzerland movie in snowy mountains this year. Found a forum in the web. The problem seems to appear from time to time.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-1 02:24
Thanks for your respond. I tried it again. 2 different Macs, with two different SD Cards (both freshly formated), and both beta versions you gave me.

The controller is just fine. I can upload any version I want. The mavic itself is bricked. V00.000.000. It doesn't accept any update. Downloading works well (100%) but DJI Assistant 2 is unable to upload the firmware to the drone. I've uploaded some of the error codes (by pressing "upload error" in the Assistant).

So the assistant 2 stuck on download but unable to start to upgrade, right? I got news from the engineers. Would you mind sending the previous and new upgrade log back to me again? The files are needed.
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United States

DJI Thor Posted at 2017-11-1 03:20
So the assistant 2 stuck on download but unable to start to upgrade, right? I got news from the engineers. Would you mind sending the previous and new upgrade log back to me again? The files are needed.

No downloading worked. But after the download it switches to installing wich never started. In other words: I'm Stuck at "Downloading 100%"

I've uploaded the same folder again and appended some new logs:

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-1 05:03
No downloading worked. But after the download it switches to installing wich never started. In other words: I'm Stuck at "Downloading 100%"

I've uploaded the same folder again and appended some new logs:

Thanks again. Will report the engineers and hope things will be sorted out soon.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-1 05:03
No downloading worked. But after the download it switches to installing wich never started. In other words: I'm Stuck at "Downloading 100%"

I've uploaded the same folder again and appended some new logs:

We are reviewing the latest logs you provided at recent, to locate where the issue exists, please help me confirm the exact time (date and time)  you upgraded it, thanks so much!
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-11-2 19:35
We are reviewing the latest logs you provided at recent, to locate where the issue exists, please help me confirm the exact time (date and time)  you upgraded it, thanks so much!

As far as I know it correlates with the date and time of the log files I've send you (in their names). My last upload on the DJI Assistant App was on Wednesday about 2 hours later than now (time stamp of this post).
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-2 23:23
As far as I know it correlates with the date and time of the log files I've send you (in their names). My last upload on the DJI Assistant App was on Wednesday about 2 hours later than now (time stamp of this post).

Got it, thank you for confirmation.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Here is an update for your case, after reviewing your logs, the remote did upgraded successfully, while the drone failed to upgrade.
Would you please delete the Assistant 2, then install it again from Mavic download page, and update the drone for one more time? Then export the log for aircratf upgrading?
I am so sorry for the trouble caused, since it should have been updated successfully. We hope to fix it remotely instead of sending it in for service, thanks for your understanding!
It's highly appreciated if you could upload a screenshot for the page showing V00000000.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-11-3 01:55
Here is an update for your case, after reviewing your logs, the remote did upgraded successfully, while the drone failed to upgrade.
Would you please delete the Assistant 2, then install it again from Mavic download page, and update the drone for one more time? Then export the log for aircratf upgrading?
I am so sorry for the trouble caused, since it should have been updated successfully. We hope to fix it remotely instead of sending it in for service, thanks for your understanding!

Thanks for that quick update. I've already reinstalled the assistant once. And I've used a second iMac with a freshly installed Assistant. I'll install it again later and send the logs and the screenshot.

No problem, I'm glad for your help.
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-11-3 01:55
Here is an update for your case, after reviewing your logs, the remote did upgraded successfully, while the drone failed to upgrade.
Would you please delete the Assistant 2, then install it again from Mavic download page, and update the drone for one more time? Then export the log for aircratf upgrading?
I am so sorry for the trouble caused, since it should have been updated successfully. We hope to fix it remotely instead of sending it in for service, thanks for your understanding!

So downloaded the assitant again. Same problem. I've added some screenshots. V00.000.000 can be seen. I once clicked again on upload error log... with a green checkmark at the end.

However I found this point in the menubar to the right "uploading data". Once I clicked it a folder opened. A log connection directly to the drone. I have no clue what it is, since I havent taken a flight. But maybe it contains some valuable information about the failed update. I've uploaded the most recent once in the same dropbox folder as before. They are quite big for log files.
Because of privacy concerns please copy the folder so I can remove it from dropbox.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-3 06:32
So downloaded the assitant again. Same problem. I've added some screenshots. V00.000.000 can be seen. I once clicked again on upload error log... with a green checkmark at the end.

However I found this point in the menubar to the right "uploading data". Once I clicked it a folder opened. A log connection directly to the drone. I have no clue what it is, since I havent taken a flight. But maybe it contains some valuable information about the failed update. I've uploaded the most recent once in the same dropbox folder as before. They are quite big for log files.

Thank you, I got the file and downloading it now.
The data you mentioned above is flight log, when you power on the drone, there will be a flight log in the list, it does not matter if you have not taken a flight.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 80991 ft
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Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-3 06:32
So downloaded the assitant again. Same problem. I've added some screenshots. V00.000.000 can be seen. I once clicked again on upload error log... with a green checkmark at the end.

However I found this point in the menubar to the right "uploading data". Once I clicked it a folder opened. A log connection directly to the drone. I have no clue what it is, since I havent taken a flight. But maybe it contains some valuable information about the failed update. I've uploaded the most recent once in the same dropbox folder as before. They are quite big for log files.

Did you read my pm?
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Nees Posted at 2017-11-6 02:40
Did you read my pm?

hahah yeah and I already answered it. Seems like it got somehow deleted ...

So thanks again, that was something I was looking for! Really appreciate this tipp.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Mr.Monk3y Posted at 2017-11-6 03:49
hahah yeah and I already answered it. Seems like it got somehow deleted  ...

So thanks again, that was something I was looking for! Really appreciate this tipp.

Sorry to keep you waiting, it seems the drone needs to be sent in for evaluation by our engineers. Please submit a case online here:
Please leave us your case number as well, we'll help you follow it up.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-11-15 19:28
Sorry to keep you waiting, it seems the drone needs to be sent in for evaluation by our engineers. Please submit a case online here:
Please leave us your case number as well, we'll help you follow it up.

I thought that. I already handed the drone in over the store I bought it.
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