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What's your flow for storing only your best video parts?
742 6 2017-10-25
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Flight distance : 816470 ft

Hey happy flyers!

I've got my Spark a month ago, and after ~15h of flying, I have... ~10h of videos with pieces I want to keep.
But that's almost unusuable in the long term because:

  • If I want to use this footages in one year, I won't have time to watch this tens of hours of hots...
  • That's a lot of memory needed to keep footages in won't use

What is your flow for keeping only your best parts? I'm looking for something watching the whole shots, adding markpoints on the go, then split it in multiples files, or at least remove the "bad" parts.

I've tried doing it with Adobe Premiere but I'm not very happy with that and it's quite long...

Thanks a lot!
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Flight distance : 328957 ft
United States

for simple cut and merge you can use light versions like windows movie maker..
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

Ideally, you should edit your footage and save/store only the best moments after each flight session as in time the storage space will become consumed and you’ll end up deleting recordings you’d like to keep of fave the time consuming task of editing hours worth of footage which will take along time and can be boring after a while. Edit frequently.  
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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I have external  2 TB HDD only for Drone Videos/pictures, right now
And store at first all of the SD recorded files in  Location folders.
And the one or the other day, I find time to merge the best and usable material.
2 Terrabyte is aproximately  100+ hours of flightime, I guess
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Well, it is a struggle we all have I guess if we create video content.
Lucky I did not convert to a 4K workflow yet.
(even when I'm not having a drone yet)

What works for me:
I usually shoot with a specific target in mind (like a project I am working on) and save the footage in a separate project folder. (all of the shoots).
Since i shot it myself, I usually know what I have shot and can start the edit after I feel I have everything I need.
Sometimes (when it involves more shoots on more days) I go through that folder and select footage I want to use.
During the edit I watch all footage and when I feel something might be useful in another idea (that is the tricky part) I copy that file in a separate folder.
I always render 2 versions : one without effects, music, transitions etc. and the final edit.
That way I still have some of the 'raw' footage (usually the best parts) if I need it, but don't have the Gb's of leftovers.

I rarely feel I threw away something I need in another project, but I must admit sometimes I find myself thinking: I have made that shot before, but it is gone now.
But that is the tradeoff I make.

Also, when you save a lot of footage, you must categorize it in some way to be able to re use it (find it again) and that is a lot of work also.
Use props
Flight distance : 816470 ft

ACW Posted at 2017-10-25 02:02
Ideally, you should edit your footage and save/store only the best moments after each flight session as in time the storage space will become consumed and you’ll end up deleting recordings you’d like to keep of fave the time consuming task of editing hours worth of footage which will take along time and can be boring after a while. Edit frequently.

Do you have any tools to do this without re-encoding? I'm cutting it with Adobe Premiere by creating clips with only the part I want to keep but I know Premiere will re-encode them which results in quality lost (and bigger file sizes than the original files)
Use props
Flight distance : 35594 ft

You could also upload the 1080p videos to unlisted YouTube videos, and add a ton of descriptive text to explain what's in each clip. Then they take the storage hit, and you have a searchable, quickly playable, & downloadable history of every video you've ever taken.  ...that you can search & play on any device in the world.  In fact, you could even use their online tools to edit out the parts you don't care for.
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