Flight distance : 2882041 ft
Well, it is a struggle we all have I guess if we create video content.
Lucky I did not convert to a 4K workflow yet.
(even when I'm not having a drone yet)
What works for me:
I usually shoot with a specific target in mind (like a project I am working on) and save the footage in a separate project folder. (all of the shoots).
Since i shot it myself, I usually know what I have shot and can start the edit after I feel I have everything I need.
Sometimes (when it involves more shoots on more days) I go through that folder and select footage I want to use.
During the edit I watch all footage and when I feel something might be useful in another idea (that is the tricky part) I copy that file in a separate folder.
I always render 2 versions : one without effects, music, transitions etc. and the final edit.
That way I still have some of the 'raw' footage (usually the best parts) if I need it, but don't have the Gb's of leftovers.
I rarely feel I threw away something I need in another project, but I must admit sometimes I find myself thinking: I have made that shot before, but it is gone now.
But that is the tradeoff I make.
Also, when you save a lot of footage, you must categorize it in some way to be able to re use it (find it again) and that is a lot of work also.