Hello everyone.
New update for iOS (version 4.1.16) and return of the problem of the trace of the mavic in map mode ! (flight records )
The trace is almost invisible, like in version 4.1.14 !
Hi, I just did upgrade but It started to crash right after i tried to set the AF/MF. So I opened it again, now it is freezed in the video and cannot see any data
Well I have just updated to 4.1.17 and the trace is invisible again however, it can be seen in satellite and hybrid view, just not in the standard view. I think the techos working on this must be slurping wine instead of coffee.
version 4.1.15, it's perfect!
in 4.1.16 and 4.1.17 we do not see the trace in map mode ...
We see better on Android than on iOS ...
To be continued...
Jyunte Posted at 2017-11-8 22:22
When you scrub through the log (play the flight back) doesn't it highlight the flight trace in bright yellow? It does for me.
Yes it does after you play it but we don't want to have to play it just to see the trace line when it used to be there before. If you have bionic eyes, you can just very faintly see a white trace line but it is difficult.I think it is the colour that is the problem. It used to be a bright yellow and now it is the faintest white they could find.