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[POLL] DJI Goggles worth buying or not?
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18047 85 2017-11-9
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Flight distance : 518012 ft
United States

Hey everyone, the 11/11 is right around the corner and I was wondering whether or not you guys think is really worth getting the Googles. I would like to hear your thoughts and current uses you are giving them besides flying.

Happy flying everyone!
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Flight distance : 503458 ft
United States

Nah I don't think they are worth it.  Too expensive and how would you see any obstacles that your drone might hit?  I suppose someone else could wear them, but normally my wife does not go drone with me, and my kid just watches my phone screen with me or looks at pics afterwards.  If they were $200 I'd buy them, but not for their current price point.
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

for me i am still very happy with mone - i i had more money i would consider getting the more expensive pair of another company where you can still see the drone with yr eyes through the lenses. Dji goggles are expensive but for me flying with them adds a whole new exciting dimension to my flying experiance. Very often i let other people put them on while i am flying, they love this - i sometime watch you tube clips with my goggles on but eventually it makes my head swim so this is not great. There seems to be other cheaper goggles models available so maybe you can try one of these cheaper options to see weather you feel it is an experiance you will appreciate. i really enjoy my goggles - wish they were not so expensive but do not regret my purchase - even if a cheaper goggles came out next year i would still be happy that i paid premium for mine and enjoyed the use of them
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Flight distance : 518012 ft

Javey Posted at 2017-11-9 21:00
Nah I don't think they are worth it.  Too expensive and how would you see any obstacles that your drone might hit?  I suppose someone else could wear them, but normally my wife does not go drone with me, and my kid just watches my phone screen with me or looks at pics afterwards.  If they were $200 I'd buy them, but not for their current price point.

Thank you very much for your insight. I do agree with you on the part that it might be not worth only for drone flying. Even if you have  several other DJI products to use with it, as you mentioned price wise is not worth it for y just one application. I am wondering if there are other applications on which they fit and had been already proven.
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United Kingdom

DJI partnered with Google?
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Flight distance : 518012 ft

Bekaru Tree Posted at 2017-11-9 22:33
for me i am still very happy with mone - i i had more money i would consider getting the more expensive pair of another company where you can still see the drone with yr eyes through the lenses. Dji goggles are expensive but for me flying with them adds a whole new exciting dimension to my flying experiance. Very often i let other people put them on while i am flying, they love this - i sometime watch you tube clips with my goggles on but eventually it makes my head swim so this is not great. There seems to be other cheaper goggles models available so maybe you can try one of these cheaper options to see weather you feel it is an experiance you will appreciate. i really enjoy my goggles - wish they were not so expensive but do not regret my purchase - even if a cheaper goggles came out next year i would still be happy that i paid premium for mine and enjoyed the use of them

Wowww this is interesting. How are you doing to watch YouTube on your goggles? Is there a way to also upload videos and play them back without being connected with the HDMI cable?
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Flight distance : 518012 ft

Drone-Mike Posted at 2017-11-10 00:57
DJI partnered with Google?

Hahahaha! Not that I am aware of. Sorry my bad, autocorrect decided Google is more relevant than the word goggles. Hahahaha!
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Not in NL, we must fly LOS.
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United Kingdom

AACY Posted at 2017-11-10 01:05
Hahahaha! Not that I am aware of. Sorry my bad, autocorrect decided Google is more relevant than the word goggles. Hahahaha!

Haha I've done it before!

I do like the Goggles but it's also VLOS in the UK so you have to fly with someone else.

Good to use them for watching films though! Takes a while for your eyes to adjust though.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

They add an alternative flight experience for sure and I’d imagine they are very immersive which will appeal to many pilots. That said, £499 for what is ultimately an accessory item is too much. They prevent VLOS so technically illegal in the UK if flying solo. They look too big and frankly a bit odd and I’ve seen many DJI fans on YT regret their decision in buying the Goggle’s. They are the sort of thing I’d like to hire for a day then give back - I def wouldn’t buy them but that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t.
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Flight distance : 518012 ft

Drone-Mike Posted at 2017-11-10 02:11
Haha I've done it before!

I do like the Goggles but it's also VLOS in the UK so you have to fly with someone else.


Thanks for letting me know. How are you doing to watch movies on them? HDMI or there is a way to upload content on to them?

Also, when you fly do you need to use your phone to connect, or you can use them as a sort of wearable CrystalSky?

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Flight distance : 518012 ft

A CW Posted at 2017-11-10 02:40
They add an alternative flight experience for sure and I’d imagine they are very immersive which will appeal to many pilots. That said, £499 for what is ultimately an accessory item is too much. They prevent VLOS so technically illegal in the UK if flying solo. They look too big and frankly a bit odd and I’ve seen many DJI fans on YT regret their decision in buying the Google’s. They are the sort of thing I’d like to hire for a day then give back - I def wouldn’t buy them buy that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t.

Thank you very much for your insight! very compelling.

That's my fear that after using them and not having more flexibility in using them for other applications they might end up in the bench seated and gathering dust until the next right conditions to fly with them.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 599416 ft
United States

I purchased a pair and love them.  Two main reasons:

1) They are fun. Flying the Mavic with the goggles (especially in head tracking mode) is very immersive.  I feel like I am really flying.
2) They allow me a better FPV view than my iPhone or iPad mini4 so I can safely fly closer to obstacles.  (Obviously flying in reverse while where goggles must be done carefully)
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United Kingdom

AACY Posted at 2017-11-10 07:16

Thanks for letting me know. How are you doing to watch movies on them? HDMI or there is a way to upload content on to them?

HDMI to watch things. You can use them on games consoles as well but I haven't got round to this yet.

Connect to a Mavic wirelessly which is handy. It's a cable for some others I think.
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Bill in Ohio
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United States

If you will be with someone else to play observer (LOS) to make sure you don't inadvertently run into something, or to advise you that an aircraft has entered the area, or that you are not going to back into/or sideways into something; the answer is YES.  Flying with the goggles on is lots of fun and far more intuitive than from a distance alternating between looking at a dot and then the display.  With the display on, I could follow some Geese.  Without the goggles I couldn't even locate them.  If you have someone else with you then you can share the display.  My 10 year old nephew loved looking thru them when I was flying.  If no one to share or fly with - No, because you can't comply with FAA Rules.
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Flight distance : 518012 ft
United States

WolfgangStiller Posted at 2017-11-10 08:09
I purchased a pair and love them.  Two main reasons:

1) They are fun. Flying the Mavic with the goggles (especially in head tracking mode) is very immersive.  I feel like I am really flying.


Thanks for your insight, much appreciated.

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Flight distance : 518012 ft
United States

Drone-Mike Posted at 2017-11-10 08:32
HDMI to watch things. You can use them on games consoles as well but I haven't got round to this yet.

Connect to a Mavic wirelessly which is handy. It's a cable for some others I think.

Excellent, thanks for the information.
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Flight distance : 518012 ft
United States

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-11-10 12:43
If you will be with someone else to play observer (LOS) to make sure you don't inadvertently run into something, or to advise you that an aircraft has entered the area, or that you are not going to back into/or sideways into something; the answer is YES.  Flying with the goggles on is lots of fun and far more intuitive than from a distance alternating between looking at a dot and then the display.  With the display on, I could follow some Geese.  Without the goggles I couldn't even locate them.  If you have someone else with you then you can share the display.  My 10 year old nephew loved looking thru them when I was flying.  If no one to share or fly with - No, because you can't comply with FAA Rules.

Exactly. When flying with them I must have a spotter.

Interesting story about chasing those geese.
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Flight distance : 518012 ft
United States

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-11-10 12:43
If you will be with someone else to play observer (LOS) to make sure you don't inadvertently run into something, or to advise you that an aircraft has entered the area, or that you are not going to back into/or sideways into something; the answer is YES.  Flying with the goggles on is lots of fun and far more intuitive than from a distance alternating between looking at a dot and then the display.  With the display on, I could follow some Geese.  Without the goggles I couldn't even locate them.  If you have someone else with you then you can share the display.  My 10 year old nephew loved looking thru them when I was flying.  If no one to share or fly with - No, because you can't comply with FAA Rules.

Exactly. When flying with them I must have a spotter.

Interesting story about chasing those geese!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

My fondness for the goggles has only increased since i wrote this; in fact, I now hate to fly without them. The only somewhat common complaint I've seen from others who own them is the need to use reading glasses or something like this to avoid problems focusing, though that hasn't been a problem for me (yet). As Bill mentioned, you can see far more detail with the goggles than you can any phone or tablet.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
  • >>>

I actually think the Epson Moverio BT-300's are more versatile, can use them in VLOS or then put a dark shade on and use then as googles.
They are also lighter and more compact and can run other augmented reality software, they use a modified  android system

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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

lannes Posted at 2017-11-11 06:19
I actually think the Epson Moverio BT-300's are more versatile, can use them in VLOS or then put a dark shade on and use then as googles.
They are also lighter and more compact and can run other augmented reality software, they use a modified  android system

They do look great but at nearly the same price as the actual Mavic I'll stick with my iPhone 7+
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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A CW Posted at 2017-11-11 11:18
They do look great but at nearly the same price as the actual Mavic I'll stick with my iPhone 7+

I guess you need to compare cost of the Epsons to the DJI Googles, which is similiar, which are both a lot of money
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DJI Mindy

Personally, I prefer Goggles, it's very excited and awesome with it during flight. Head tracking is my favorite features, all you need to do is turn left or right to yaw left or right, and straighten your head to stop turning. Love it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

lannes Posted at 2017-11-11 13:02
I guess you need to compare cost of the Epsons to the DJI Googles, which is similiar, which are both a lot of money

I guess you need to compare cost of the Epsons to the DJI Googles, which is similiar

I guess it depends on your definition of "similiar": in the U.S. the Epson Moverio BT-300 (FPV / Drone Edition) costs US$699 from Amazon, while DJI's goggles only $449. And you're right that the Moverios are more of a jack-of-all-trades, but all of the (admittedly few) people I've heard from who've used both much prefer the DJI goggles for flying DJI drones.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-11-12 03:51
I guess you need to compare cost of the Epsons to the DJI Googles, which is similiar

I guess it depends on your definition of "similiar": in the U.S. the Epson Moverio BT-300 (FPV / Drone Edition) costs US$699 from Amazon, while DJI's goggles only $449. And you're right that the Moverios are more of a jack-of-all-trades, but all of the (admittedly few) people I've heard from who've used both much prefer the DJI goggles for flying DJI drones.

Here is a good review of the Epson

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M.C. Pilot
Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

Nope, not for me yet. Rather fly without them.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 599416 ft
United States

A CW Posted at 2017-11-11 11:18
They do look great but at nearly the same price as the actual Mavic I'll stick with my iPhone 7+

About the same price....and they don't provide head tracking.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 599416 ft
United States

lannes Posted at 2017-11-12 04:12
Here is a good review of the Epson

I love that these are so light. Not so crazy that it's android based, though....
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Flight distance : 1877910 ft
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This is great piece of Technology  with occusync transmision. Worth to buy it you have mavic.
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drone flyer 955
United States

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-11-10 12:43
If you will be with someone else to play observer (LOS) to make sure you don't inadvertently run into something, or to advise you that an aircraft has entered the area, or that you are not going to back into/or sideways into something; the answer is YES.  Flying with the goggles on is lots of fun and far more intuitive than from a distance alternating between looking at a dot and then the display.  With the display on, I could follow some Geese.  Without the goggles I couldn't even locate them.  If you have someone else with you then you can share the display.  My 10 year old nephew loved looking thru them when I was flying.  If no one to share or fly with - No, because you can't comply with FAA Rules.

Good information here!  Someone to spot for you is definitely a must for safety reasons.
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Bigga J
Flight distance : 1493 ft
United Kingdom

lannes Posted at 2017-11-11 06:19
I actually think the Epson Moverio BT-300's are more versatile, can use them in VLOS or then put a dark shade on and use then as googles.
They are also lighter and more compact and can run other augmented reality software, they use a modified  android system

Been looking at these and agree after many hours research that these represent a bigger leap forward than the DJI goggles plus DJI and Epson have some communication going which is more than can be said for the other goggle/glasses producers at present.

Still being able to get VLOS and fly FPV is the key to overcoming laws in the UK and perhaps other nations, only sticking point is the price, they are very expensive. Having said this while £700 is a lot, one could have another drone but you can only fly one drone at once so for me the Moverios win.
I voted 'NO' ... on the basis that the Moverios in my opinion are better, its the VLOS loss with the DJI goggles that renders them no good for me and that they are huge. I have flown FPV with the Fatshark goggles and the screen versions similar to the DJI ones but less expensive and they do weigh on your head a little.

I think Epson have got the run on the others and they know it hence the price.
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Flight distance : 4463455 ft
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United States

I’ve been considering getting the goggles but can’t justify the price. Afraid of not liking them.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3733015 ft
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United Kingdom

Goggle RE edition looks better. So, i voted 'Yes'
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Flight distance : 403488 ft
United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-11-11 05:01
My fondness for the goggles has only increased since i wrote this; in fact, I now hate to fly without them. The only somewhat common complaint I've seen from others who own them is the need to use reading glasses or something like this to avoid problems focusing, though that hasn't been a problem for me (yet). As Bill mentioned, you can see far more detail with the goggles than you can any phone or tablet.

Thanks for the link to the focus fixers. Really funny as you get older and finally realizing you need reading glasses. I currently need to wear a 2.5 reading glass  at my age. Great to know about this option if I ever get a pair of the DJI goggles.
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United States

I've been flying FPV for several years now.  I have a race quad and a RC plane that I use my FatShark googles with.  When I purchased the Mavic I had to go with the DJI goggles as well.  Compared to the FatShark I feel the video is crisper and sharper, however, I like the size of the Fatsharks better.  I feel like the googles give me a real cockpit view instead of watching on my phone screen.  So far I'm really enjoying the googles.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2488944 ft
United Kingdom

They are just to bulky form.  I am sure over time DJI will deliver a much more compact unit.
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Bill in Ohio
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United States

drone flyer 955 Posted at 2017-11-12 17:58
Good information here!  Someone to spot for you is definitely a must for safety reasons.

Not just safety reason, although that is the thinking behind the FAA REQUIREMENT to maintain Visual Line of Sight with your drone (you or spotter in contact with you).  I lie about 8 miles from an AFB and I get occasional traffic from hevy aircraft in the pattern when winds change from the norm.  Also there has lately been some aircraft flying around.  
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Flight distance : 4463455 ft
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United States

I just ordered a pair. Hope to have a definite answer in a few weeks.
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United States

I enjoy them for just cruising around the open field in front of my house.  I usually just put them on for a couple of minutes and then enjoy the rest of the flight LOS.
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