Flight distance : 5922034 ft
The batteries decharge after about 10 days automaticly.
Seems to be between 7 and 10 days, when that starts.
4 sats will not get you a GPS flight. That needs ~10 minimum, I think.
Because it tells you how many sats it has, but not how many of these are GPS and Glosnass!
Did it "fly" to the ground, hit the ground twice, flew up a bit, hit the ground again once or twice and did not react on any impuls from the RC?
i had the same, my Spark is at DJI include the battery this happens 3 times in about 6 weeks.
I think also, that it is a battery problem. I hope DJI can find it.
And it may have to do with the auto recharge.
Which may cause trouble for the Spark, if used! |