Perhaps this has been discussed, but when flying in GPS Mode in calm conditions, I can only get 31-32 mph horizontal speed. Looking at various videos, I have seen the Pro easily travel 34-35 mph. Is this common for the Platinum, or is mine in need of something?
Firmware slowed it down in GPS mode some time back, about half of Sport mode if I remember correctly. I've never tried any speed runs, so I don't know what mine does.
For P mode, the drone can reach 22 mph when forward system enabled, 36 mph when disabled. But sometimes the flight environment might be a factor to reduce the speed, and please note that the wind speed in the air might not be the same the speed on the ground.
If your case, if you had disabled the forward sensor during flight, you can try to calibrate the IMU and RC and test again (pay attention to the flight environment when flying without obstacle avoidance). Sometimes it might help.