Why is logging in required to fly?
18067 33 2017-12-29
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United States

DJI decided to force you to login if you are a new customer or if the app updates itself. If DJI's servers are down or you are in a remote location, you will not be able to fly at all. This may not have happened to you, but it happens a lot. (See links below.) The question that comes to mind is why is signing in so important to DJI? If they wanted to prevent so many customers from being upset, they would just make logging in optional. Simple. After all, it has nothing to do with the real requirements needed to fly, like a charged battery and a functioning aircraft. They won't though, and that is curious... Who does logging in really benefit? Why is it that you won't get a direct answer to this question from DJI?

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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

Without the app the NFZ database built into the drone will not be able to tell if you are near a NFZ - such as delivering drugs into a nearby prison, taking off next to an airport or flying over a nearby school... The app links to geo fencing, your GPS location and your personal information so without these details linked to the app/drone you will not be able to take off or even if you are your flight distances will be severely limited.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

You just won't let this go will you? Do you work for GoPro?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Well Google does it and DJI does it and every other company pretty much does it for whatever reason plus with Android you give them 6 permissions from Camera to Storage..
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Flight distance : 1447884 ft
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United States

Hi.  It's because DJI wants to transmit your aircraft stats, and your email address, to local law enforcement thru the DJI's AeroScope.
Do a google search on AeroScope.
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United States

I cannot get to the "ready to fly".  I get GPS mode showing but it never goes to Ready to Fly.  No cell phone, so I am only using the controller by itself.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 106886 ft
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United States

UPTGrad Posted at 2017-12-29 15:52
Hi.  It's because DJI wants to transmit your aircraft stats, and your email address, to local law enforcement thru the DJI's AeroScope.
Do a google search on AeroScope.

Not quite as simple as that...there needs to be a receiver within range of the UAT in order for the system to receive data.  Not sure if many small municipalities have it within their budgets to 1) install the receivers 2)pay for the software service.
Drone identification settings will be included in DJI’s initial drone software to allow customers to choose the content of their own drone’s identification broadcast to match local expectations both before and after identification regulations are implemented in different jurisdictions. To protect customers’ privacy, the AeroScope system will not automatically transmit any personally identifiable information until regulations or policies in the pilot's jurisdiction require it.
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United States

A CW Posted at 2017-12-29 12:26
Without the app the NFZ database built into the drone will not be able to tell if you are near a NFZ - such as delivering drugs into a nearby prison, taking off next to an airport or flying over a nearby school... The app links to geo fencing, your GPS location and your personal information so without these details linked to the app/drone you will not be able to take off or even if you are your flight distances will be severely limited.

Your answer may be correct, but it is also speculation. I don't see why DJI needs to care one bit about what the FAA wants. Why would the FAA have any authority to tell DJI what to do when so many other drone companies don't have a care in the world about the FAA's concerns? Why do you accept these restrictions as ok? Someone (DJI) just made up some rules and you blindly accept them as normal? Technically, you should be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want with your property since you paid for it. If you do anything wrong, that is between you and the offended law enforcement body. That's all there is to it. It is alarming that you would be ok having all of these extra restrictions placed on you as if you were just a moron and personal responsibility somehow doesn't exist.

So far it looks like forcing the customer to log in, to the point that their drone is bricked unless they do so, is completely for DJI's benefit, at the customer's expense. DJI's AeroScope product that they push to law enforcement, shares your personal data with law enforcement if you are within 5 miles of the device. They need you to be logged in to be able to give that data over to whatever agency happens to be using the AeroScope system. That is just one reason though. I'm sure there are several others...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1308780 ft

What personal data... just my e-mail address nothing else I had to enter for registration... What do they want to do with that? Send me an e-mail? LOL...
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

David_ Posted at 2017-12-29 21:43
Your answer may be correct, but it is also speculation. I don't see why DJI needs to care one bit about what the FAA wants. Why would the FAA have any authority to tell DJI what to do when so many other drone companies don't have a care in the world about the FAA's concerns? Why do you accept these restrictions as ok? Someone (DJI) just made up some rules and you blindly accept them as normal? Technically, you should be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want with your property since you paid for it. If you do anything wrong, that is between you and the offended law enforcement body. That's all there is to it. It is alarming that you would be ok having all of these extra restrictions placed on you as if you were just a moron and personal responsibility somehow doesn't exist.

So far it looks like forcing the customer to log in, to the point that their drone is bricked unless they do so, is completely for DJI's benefit, at the customer's expense. DJI's AeroScope product that they push to law enforcement, shares your personal data with law enforcement if you are within 5 miles of the device. They need you to be logged in to be able to give that data over to whatever agency happens to be using the AeroScope system. That is just one reason though. I'm sure there are several others...

Do you know how much DJI would suffer commercially if the FAA ban drones within US airspace? You think about that... Technically, you abide by the rules, laws and regulations. Otherwise, are you saying that I have the right to fly my drone chasing a police helicopter? Hovering in front of your bedroom? flying around prisons? Landing on the roof of the White House? Do you believe DJI wish to have their products affiliated with such behaviour? It is about responsibility and ensuring the product is minimised to prevent the owner from breaking laws with the products they produce as that will cause massive detriment to their credibility and global reputation. To be seen to minimise these risks helps to support the developement of the drone industry and ultimately their business in the eyes of national aviation authorities - many of whom would like to ban drones if it were not so commerically advantageous to the countries economy. Its about keeping the use of the products as safe as possible to prevent morons from endangering others and the drone industry being wiped out. If you are not willing to embrace restrictions to uphold these laws and the tech DJI and others build into their products to endeavour to uphold and work with them then perhaps you need to change your hobby... It's quite a simple concept really. And no, I do not consider myself moronic (as you rudely put it) for adhering to the law in my country and I respect DJI (as the market leader with a 70% share in the industry) for working with the authorties to enhance the safety of the millions of products they produce - and there is nothing speculative about that - simply FACT!
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United States

A CW Posted at 2017-12-30 01:24
Do you know how much DJI would suffer commercially if the FAA ban drones within US airspace? You think about that... Technically, you abide by the rules, laws and regulations. Otherwise, are you saying that I have the right to fly my drone chasing a police helicopter? Hovering in front of your bedroom? flying around prisons? Landing on the roof of the White House? Do you believe DJI wish to have their products affiliated with such behaviour? It is about responsibility and ensuring the product is minimised to prevent the owner from breaking laws with the products they produce as that will cause massive detriment to their credibility and global reputation. To be seen to minimise these risks helps to support the developement of the drone industry and ultimately their business in the eyes of national aviation authorities - many of whom would like to ban drones if it were not so commerically advantageous to the countries economy. Its about keeping the use of the products as safe as possible to prevent morons from endangering others and the drone industry being wiped out. If you are not willing to embrace restrictions to uphold these laws and the tech DJI and others build into their products to endeavour to uphold and work with them then perhaps you need to change your hobby... It's quite a simple concept really. And no, I do not consider myself moronic (as you rudely put it) for adhering to the law in my country and I respect DJI (as the market leader with a 70% share in the industry) for working with the authorties to enhance the safety of the millions of products they produce - and there is nothing speculative about that - simply FACT!

This is really simple. DJI is taking its problems (i.e. the FAA and inept drone pilots) and pushing those problems onto you, the customer by adding unnecessary restrictions (i.e. no-fly zones, forced autoland, forced login, altitude limits, etc.). Technically, you are better off having as many options as possible. DJI's log-in-or-you-can't-fly policy is just one of the many ways DJI is limiting your options, for their sole benefit. Do you really own your aircraft or does DJI own it?
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

David_ Posted at 2018-1-1 18:05
This is really simple. DJI is taking its problems (i.e. FAA and inept drone pilots) and pushing those problems onto the customer by adding unnecessary restrictions (i.e. no-fly zones, forced autoland, forced login, etc.). Technically, you are better off having as many options as possible. Forcing you to log in is just one of the many ways DJI is limiting your options. I'm just saying, "Get your hands off of my aircraft. I didn't rent it, I bought it, so F off."

I suggest you sell it then pal as they won't "F off" anytime soon...
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Peter Galbavy
Flight distance : 545377 ft
United Kingdom

Their controllers, the Chinese government, told them to collect the data.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

I didn’t like the idea at first but I did. The only thing you can do is buy a different brand....
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

What data and for what purpose? That a UK email address bought a drone and they can see pictures of a golf course or farm field in the middle of nowhere that I took LOL - I think the Chinese government has more important issues to deal with than the image quality of your drone footage.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

David_ Posted at 2018-1-1 18:05
This is really simple. DJI is taking its problems (i.e. FAA and inept drone pilots) and pushing those problems onto the customer by adding unnecessary restrictions (i.e. no-fly zones, forced autoland, forced login, etc.). Technically, you are better off having as many options as possible. Forcing you to log in is just one of the many ways DJI is limiting your options. I'm just saying, "Get your hands off of my aircraft. I didn't rent it, I bought it, so F off."

DJI is just protecting their capitalistic interests by being proactive with those who have the power to kill their market ( and you investment).
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United States

Griffith Posted at 2018-1-2 11:09
DJI is just protecting their capitalistic interests by being proactive with those who have the power to kill their market ( and you investment).

Yes, they are protecting their interests, but at the customer's expense.
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Koia Koia
Flight distance : 772867 ft
United States

This thread.
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United States

A CW Posted at 2018-1-2 00:49
I suggest you sell it then pal as they won't "F off" anytime soon...

For sure. Autel may be where a lot of us are headed.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

Filipok Posted at 6-6 09:48
For sure. Autel may be where a lot of us are headed.

So I guess we won't be seeing you on here anymore.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4058619 ft
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United States

I'm not sure there's much privacy these days anywhere.
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Fred F
Flight distance : 4676457 ft

What logging in?  I have been flying mainly in remote places where there isn't any network connections.  In fact, I turn off my phone's SIM card when I fly....never had a problem other than those area which NFZ data is already programmed in, e.g. once near an airport ( not a busy one ), that I don't even know I was close, the NFZ message stopped me from flying, which was fine to me.
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United States

A CW Posted at 2017-12-30 01:24
Do you know how much DJI would suffer commercially if the FAA ban drones within US airspace? You think about that... Technically, you abide by the rules, laws and regulations. Otherwise, are you saying that I have the right to fly my drone chasing a police helicopter? Hovering in front of your bedroom? flying around prisons? Landing on the roof of the White House? Do you believe DJI wish to have their products affiliated with such behaviour? It is about responsibility and ensuring the product is minimised to prevent the owner from breaking laws with the products they produce as that will cause massive detriment to their credibility and global reputation. To be seen to minimise these risks helps to support the developement of the drone industry and ultimately their business in the eyes of national aviation authorities - many of whom would like to ban drones if it were not so commerically advantageous to the countries economy. Its about keeping the use of the products as safe as possible to prevent morons from endangering others and the drone industry being wiped out. If you are not willing to embrace restrictions to uphold these laws and the tech DJI and others build into their products to endeavour to uphold and work with them then perhaps you need to change your hobby... It's quite a simple concept really. And no, I do not consider myself moronic (as you rudely put it) for adhering to the law in my country and I respect DJI (as the market leader with a 70% share in the industry) for working with the authorties to enhance the safety of the millions of products they produce - and there is nothing speculative about that - simply FACT!

You are missing the point, your view implies that drone owners lack capacity to take responsibility in flying their drone safely, what if the same view was taken by everyone, we don’t purchase a smith and Wesson firearm and then have the requirement of logging into a website for capabilities with shooting our gun or purchase a Honda automobile then have to log into their website to have the capability to drive our car to work, both of these products that we purchase and own have the potential to be much more dangerous than a small drone that we fly as a hobby or for business, these companies do not impose such requirements to use them such as Dji does, they take the logical approach of placing the responsibility into the hands of individuals, These requirements we accept infringe on our rights little by little and before you know it they will all be handed over not to metion, logically thinking, Dji is not being smart with taking ownership and responsibility to a degree in their action
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United States

A CW Posted at 2017-12-30 01:24
Do you know how much DJI would suffer commercially if the FAA ban drones within US airspace? You think about that... Technically, you abide by the rules, laws and regulations. Otherwise, are you saying that I have the right to fly my drone chasing a police helicopter? Hovering in front of your bedroom? flying around prisons? Landing on the roof of the White House? Do you believe DJI wish to have their products affiliated with such behaviour? It is about responsibility and ensuring the product is minimised to prevent the owner from breaking laws with the products they produce as that will cause massive detriment to their credibility and global reputation. To be seen to minimise these risks helps to support the developement of the drone industry and ultimately their business in the eyes of national aviation authorities - many of whom would like to ban drones if it were not so commerically advantageous to the countries economy. Its about keeping the use of the products as safe as possible to prevent morons from endangering others and the drone industry being wiped out. If you are not willing to embrace restrictions to uphold these laws and the tech DJI and others build into their products to endeavour to uphold and work with them then perhaps you need to change your hobby... It's quite a simple concept really. And no, I do not consider myself moronic (as you rudely put it) for adhering to the law in my country and I respect DJI (as the market leader with a 70% share in the industry) for working with the authorties to enhance the safety of the millions of products they produce - and there is nothing speculative about that - simply FACT!

You are missing the point, your view implies that drone owners lack capacity to take responsibility in flying their drone safely, what if the same view was taken by everyone, we don’t purchase a smith and Wesson firearm and then have the requirement of logging into a website for capabilities with shooting our gun or purchase a Honda automobile then have to log into their website to have the capability to drive our car to work, both of these products that we purchase and own have the potential to be much more dangerous than a small drone that we fly as a hobby or for business, these companies do not impose such requirements to use them such as Dji does, they take the logical approach of placing the responsibility into the hands of individuals, These requirements we accept infringe on our rights little by little and before you know it they will all be handed over not to metion, logically thinking, Dji is not being smart with taking ownership and responsibility to a degree in their action
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John Waddell

United States

Most of the time Im not flying in an area where Wi-Fi doesn’t exist. So when the log in appears I can’t fly.  FURIOUS !!!!!!
This must be changed!!!!
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John Waddell

United States

Most of the time Im not flying in an area where Wi-Fi doesn’t exist. So when the log in appears I can’t fly.  FURIOUS !!!!!!
This must be changed!!!!
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

John Waddell Posted at 7-17 14:54
Most of the time Im not flying in an area where Wi-Fi doesn’t exist. So when the log in appears I can’t fly.  FURIOUS !!!!!!
This must be changed!!!!

I would try to log in before you reach your flying destination while you are still in wifi coverage or I would invest in a hotspot.
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Flight distance : 4797949 ft

The Saint Posted at 7-17 16:12
I would try to log in before you reach your flying destination while you are still in wifi coverage or I would invest in a hotspot.

Yep you buy a product and they take away functionality after sale. I wish DJI would refund me so I could buy an autel. They are slowly bricking the aircraft you bought with every update. I tell everyone looking to buy a drone to stay clear of DJI. Which update is responsible for this mess? is it a DJI fly update or an aircraft update? Has drone hacks found a workaround yet?
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


djiuser_QTHDohB9eM3O Posted at 8-1 10:09
Yep you buy a product and they take away functionality after sale. I wish DJI would refund me so I could buy an autel. They are slowly bricking the aircraft you bought with every update. I tell everyone looking to buy a drone to stay clear of DJI. Which update is responsible for this mess? is it a DJI fly update or an aircraft update? Has drone hacks found a workaround yet?

Hello there! We apologize for all the trouble this may have caused. We take our customers opinions and feedback into consideration. We will forward this to the relevant team for review. Thank you for your patience and kind understanding!
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United States

I agree DJI has lost me a business customer. I sold over 480,000 dollars worth of DJI equipment at a loss to (Non-US Customers).  I no longer respect nor represent their products in all 62 of my storefronts. I even offer a discount or a buy back to all my DJI customers who want to trade their products towards Autel or other brands. Its my way of apologizing to my customers for soliciting a product that no longer has their business in mind. Guilty until proven innocent has china written all over it. My customers had used DJI in agriculture and government, I have 3 customers left owning DJI and we are still negotiating a buy back agreement for 118,000 dollars. Ill be honest, I too needed a loss for this fiscal year and this is all worth it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8043855 ft
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United States

Fred F Posted at 2019-6-10 17:23
What logging in?  I have been flying mainly in remote places where there isn't any network connections.  In fact, I turn off my phone's SIM card when I fly....never had a problem other than those area which NFZ data is already programmed in, e.g. once near an airport ( not a busy one ), that I don't even know I was close, the NFZ message stopped me from flying, which was fine to me.

Eventually at some point you may find you will be required to log in and at that point you will have to have some form of cell connection to be able to do so otherwise it is bricked.  Before I travel out of cell phone range I fire up my drone just to check. I have only been asked to log in a few times and typically it happens after your drone has sat for 30 days or  more but it can happen other times, I think.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8043855 ft
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United States

djiuser_f6lHlADdYwDX Posted at 10-6 01:41
I agree DJI has lost me a business customer. I sold over 480,000 dollars worth of DJI equipment at a loss to (Non-US Customers).  I no longer respect nor represent their products in all 62 of my storefronts. I even offer a discount or a buy back to all my DJI customers who want to trade their products towards Autel or other brands. Its my way of apologizing to my customers for soliciting a product that no longer has their business in mind. Guilty until proven innocent has china written all over it. My customers had used DJI in agriculture and government, I have 3 customers left owning DJI and we are still negotiating a buy back agreement for 118,000 dollars. Ill be honest, I too needed a loss for this fiscal year and this is all worth it.

And yet DJI is multiple times more popular than Autel, at least in the consumer area. I have no idea about the commercial space. How does Autel do in sales commercially compared to DJI?
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Flight distance : 100938 ft
United States

David_ Posted at 2018-1-1 18:05
This is really simple. DJI is taking its problems (i.e. the FAA and inept drone pilots) and pushing those problems onto you, the customer by adding unnecessary restrictions (i.e. no-fly zones, forced autoland, forced login, altitude limits, etc.). Technically, you are better off having as many options as possible. DJI's log-in-or-you-can't-fly policy is just one of the many ways DJI is limiting your options, for their sole benefit. Do you really own your aircraft or does DJI own it?

Why doesn’t Corvette limit their cars to 70 mph? It is dangerous and against the law to go above 70 on most interstates.
7-23 09:47
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Harrymetz Posted at 7-23 09:47
Why doesn’t Corvette limit their cars to 70 mph? It is dangerous and against the law to go above 70 on most interstates.

Why do they tell you that speed kills, and then let you fly in an aeroplane at 850Km per hour?

Not really related to the issue here of this old thread, but neither was your comparison...
7-23 15:39
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